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Update contributions guide for no new services
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kdaigle committed Apr 16, 2015
1 parent ea5da06 commit c9653ed
Showing 1 changed file with 18 additions and 103 deletions.
121 changes: 18 additions & 103 deletions
@@ -1,113 +1,28 @@
# Contributing

GitHub will accept service hooks for the following types of services:
**NOTE**: GitHub no longer accepts new services that are based on HTTP. If you'd like to integrate
your application or service with GitHub, you should use [webhooks][webhooks] which will `POST` a
payload to your server for each event.

* Production web applications
* Popular internet protocols (Email, IRC, etc).
## Creating a new service

In order to provide quality service and support for our users, we require the
GitHub will only accept new services that add functionality for a non-HTTP based endpoint (e.g.,
XMPP MUC, IRC, or email services).

* Implement endpoints that take [the new payload](, completely unmodified.
* Good example: [Simperium](
has minimal logic (just config parameters, an HTTP header, and a custom url).
* Bad Example: [Campfire](
modifies the payload to make multiple calls to the Campfire service.
* Thorough documentation about what the hook does, and what the options do.
* Tested code that works. If we have to make changes to the Services infrastructure,
it helps a lot to have passing tests so we know we're not breaking things.
If you'd like to create a new service, please open an issue describing your proposed service. We
will review your proposal and let you know if it meets requirements described above.

Any new hooks that don't meet the above criteria will be rejected.
## Updating an existing service

We'd also like the following information to help provide quality service and
support to our users:
GitHub will only accept pull requests to existing services that implement bug fixes or security
improvements. We no longer accept substantial feature changes to existing services.

* A URL for the service (if applicable).
* A URL to a logo for the service (png or gif preferred).
* A maintainer. Someone that GitHub can contact in the event of bugs. We prefer
GitHub users, so that we can file issues directly to the github/github-services
* A support contact for our users that have problems. This can be a GitHub user,
an email address, or link to a contact form.
We strongly encourage existing services to move to an [OAuth based webhook integration][webhooks]
if possible. You will better be able to control the complete integration including installation
and updates.

If we need support from any hooks without this data, we will look for the most
active contributor to the hook file itself.
All pull requests will be reviewed by multiple GitHub staff members before being merged.
To allow ample time for review, there may be a substantial delay between the pull request being created and the pull requested
being merged by GitHub's staff.

You can annotate this directly in the hook like so:

class Service::MyService < Service::HttpPost
string :project
password :api_token

# only include 'project' in the debug logs, skip the api token.
white_list :project

default_events :push, :issues, :pull_request

url ""
logo_url ""

# Technoweenie on GitHub is pinged for any bugs with the Hook code.
maintained_by :github => 'technoweenie'

# Support channels for user-level Hook problems (service failure,
# misconfigured
supported_by :web => '',
:email => ''

You can annotate Supporters and Maintainers by the following methods:

* `:github` - a GitHub login.
* `:web` - A URL to a contact form.
* `:email` - An email address.
* `:twitter` - A Twitter handle.

How to test your service

You can test your service in a ruby irb console:

0. Cache gems and install them to `vendor/gems` by doing:
1. Start a console: `script/console`
2. Instantiate your Service:

svc =,
# Hash of configuration information.
{'token' => 'abc'},
# Hash of payload.
{'blah' => 'payload!'})


3. The third argument is optional if you just want to use the sample

svc =,
# Hash of configuration information.
{'token' => 'abc'})


Other hook types

The default hook for a service is `push`. You may wish to have services respond
to other event types, like `pull_request` or `issues`. The full list may be
found in [service.rb](
Unless your service specifies `default_events <list_of_types>`, only the `push`
hook will be called, see

To make use of these additional types, your service will either need to define
`receive_<type>` (like `receive_pull_request_review_comment`) or a generic

You can read more about Hooks in the [API Documentation](

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