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tclem committed Jul 1, 2020
1 parent cce16ed commit 886db60
Showing 1 changed file with 63 additions and 72 deletions.
135 changes: 63 additions & 72 deletions semantic/test/Tags/Spec.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Tags.Spec (spec) where

module Tags.Spec
( spec,

import qualified Analysis.File as File
import Proto.Semantic as P
Expand All @@ -13,94 +17,81 @@ spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "go" $ do
it "produces tags for functions with docs (TODO)" $
parseTestFile [P.FUNCTION] (Path.relFile "semantic/test/fixtures/go/tags/simple_functions.go") `shouldReturn`
[ Tag "TestFromBits" P.FUNCTION P.DEFINITION (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 6 6) (Pos 6 18))) "func TestFromBits(t *testing.T) {" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 5 5) (Pos 5 17)))
, Tag "Hi" P.FUNCTION P.DEFINITION (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 10 6) (Pos 10 8))) "func Hi() {" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 9 5) (Pos 9 7)))

parseTestFile [P.FUNCTION] (Path.relFile "semantic/test/fixtures/go/tags/simple_functions.go")
`shouldReturn` [ Tag "TestFromBits" P.FUNCTION P.DEFINITION (Range 56 68) (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 6 6) (Pos 6 18))) "func TestFromBits(t *testing.T) {" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 5 5) (Pos 5 17))),
Tag "Hi" P.FUNCTION P.DEFINITION (Range 99 101) (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 10 6) (Pos 10 8))) "func Hi() {" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 9 5) (Pos 9 7)))
it "produces tags for methods" $
parseTestFile [] (Path.relFile "semantic/test/fixtures/go/tags/method.go") `shouldReturn`
[ Tag "CheckAuth" P.METHOD P.DEFINITION (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 3 21) (Pos 3 30))) "func (c *apiClient) CheckAuth(req *http.Request, user, repo string) (*authenticatedActor, error) {}" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 2 20) (Pos 2 29)))

parseTestFile [] (Path.relFile "semantic/test/fixtures/go/tags/method.go")
`shouldReturn` [ Tag "CheckAuth" P.METHOD P.DEFINITION (Range 39 48) (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 3 21) (Pos 3 30))) "func (c *apiClient) CheckAuth(req *http.Request, user, repo string) (*authenticatedActor, error) {}" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 2 20) (Pos 2 29)))
it "produces tags for calls" $
parseTestFile [P.CALL] (Path.relFile "semantic/test/fixtures/go/tags/simple_functions.go") `shouldReturn`
[ Tag "Hi" P.CALL P.REFERENCE (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 7 2) (Pos 7 4))) "Hi()" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 6 1) (Pos 6 3)))

parseTestFile [P.CALL] (Path.relFile "semantic/test/fixtures/go/tags/simple_functions.go")
`shouldReturn` [ Tag "Hi" P.CALL P.REFERENCE (Range 86 88) (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 7 2) (Pos 7 4))) "Hi()" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 6 1) (Pos 6 3)))
describe "javascript and typescript" $ do
it "produces tags for functions with docs (TODO)" $
parseTestFile [] (Path.relFile "semantic/test/fixtures/javascript/tags/simple_function_with_docs.js") `shouldReturn`
[ Tag "myFunction" P.FUNCTION P.DEFINITION (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 2 10) (Pos 2 20))) "function myFunction() {" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 1 9) (Pos 1 19)))

parseTestFile [] (Path.relFile "semantic/test/fixtures/javascript/tags/simple_function_with_docs.js")
`shouldReturn` [ Tag "myFunction" P.FUNCTION P.DEFINITION (Range 31 41) (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 2 10) (Pos 2 20))) "function myFunction() {" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 1 9) (Pos 1 19)))
it "produces tags for classes" $
parseTestFile [] (Path.relFile "semantic/test/fixtures/typescript/tags/class.ts") `shouldReturn`
[ Tag "FooBar" P.CLASS P.DEFINITION (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 1 7) (Pos 1 13))) "class FooBar {}" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 0 6) (Pos 0 12)))

parseTestFile [] (Path.relFile "semantic/test/fixtures/typescript/tags/class.ts")
`shouldReturn` [ Tag "FooBar" P.CLASS P.DEFINITION (Range 6 12) (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 1 7) (Pos 1 13))) "class FooBar {}" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 0 6) (Pos 0 12)))
it "produces tags for modules" $
parseTestFile [] (Path.relFile "semantic/test/fixtures/typescript/tags/module.ts") `shouldReturn`
[ Tag "APromise" P.MODULE P.DEFINITION (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 1 8) (Pos 1 16))) "module APromise { }" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 0 7) (Pos 0 15)))

parseTestFile [] (Path.relFile "semantic/test/fixtures/typescript/tags/module.ts")
`shouldReturn` [ Tag "APromise" P.MODULE P.DEFINITION (Range 7 15) (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 1 8) (Pos 1 16))) "module APromise { }" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 0 7) (Pos 0 15)))
describe "python" $ do
it "produces tags for functions" $
parseTestFile [] (Path.relFile "semantic/test/fixtures/python/tags/") `shouldReturn`
[ Tag "Foo" P.FUNCTION P.DEFINITION (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 1 5) (Pos 1 8))) "def Foo(x):" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 0 4) (Pos 0 7)))
, Tag "Bar" P.FUNCTION P.DEFINITION (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 7 5) (Pos 7 8))) "def Bar():" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 6 4) (Pos 6 7)))
, Tag "local" P.FUNCTION P.DEFINITION (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 8 9) (Pos 8 14))) "def local():" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 7 8) (Pos 7 13)))

parseTestFile [] (Path.relFile "semantic/test/fixtures/python/tags/")
`shouldReturn` [ Tag "Foo" P.FUNCTION P.DEFINITION (Range 4 7) (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 1 5) (Pos 1 8))) "def Foo(x):" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 0 4) (Pos 0 7))),
Tag "Bar" P.FUNCTION P.DEFINITION (Range 74 77) (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 7 5) (Pos 7 8))) "def Bar():" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 6 4) (Pos 6 7))),
Tag "local" P.FUNCTION P.DEFINITION (Range 89 94) (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 8 9) (Pos 8 14))) "def local():" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 7 8) (Pos 7 13)))
it "produces tags for functions with docs" $
parseTestFile [] (Path.relFile "semantic/test/fixtures/python/tags/") `shouldReturn`
[ Tag "Foo" P.FUNCTION P.DEFINITION (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 1 5) (Pos 1 8))) "def Foo(x):" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 0 4) (Pos 0 7)))

parseTestFile [] (Path.relFile "semantic/test/fixtures/python/tags/")
`shouldReturn` [ Tag "Foo" P.FUNCTION P.DEFINITION (Range 4 7) (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 1 5) (Pos 1 8))) "def Foo(x):" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 0 4) (Pos 0 7)))
it "produces tags for classes" $
parseTestFile [] (Path.relFile "semantic/test/fixtures/python/tags/") `shouldReturn`
[ Tag "Foo" P.CLASS P.DEFINITION (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 1 7) (Pos 1 10))) "class Foo:" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 0 6) (Pos 0 9)))
, Tag "f" P.FUNCTION P.DEFINITION (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 3 9) (Pos 3 10))) "def f(self):" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 2 8) (Pos 2 9)))

parseTestFile [] (Path.relFile "semantic/test/fixtures/python/tags/")
`shouldReturn` [ Tag "Foo" P.CLASS P.DEFINITION (Range 6 9) (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 1 7) (Pos 1 10))) "class Foo:" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 0 6) (Pos 0 9))),
Tag "f" P.FUNCTION P.DEFINITION (Range 43 44 ) (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 3 9) (Pos 3 10))) "def f(self):" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 2 8) (Pos 2 9)))
it "produces tags for multi-line functions" $
parseTestFile [P.FUNCTION] (Path.relFile "semantic/test/fixtures/python/tags/") `shouldReturn`
[ Tag "Foo" P.FUNCTION P.DEFINITION (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 1 5) (Pos 1 8))) "def Foo(x," (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 0 4) (Pos 0 7)))

parseTestFile [P.FUNCTION] (Path.relFile "semantic/test/fixtures/python/tags/")
`shouldReturn` [ Tag "Foo" P.FUNCTION P.DEFINITION (Range 4 7) (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 1 5) (Pos 1 8))) "def Foo(x," (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 0 4) (Pos 0 7)))
describe "ruby" $ do
it "produces tags for methods" $
parseTestFile [P.METHOD] (Path.relFile "semantic/test/fixtures/ruby/tags/simple_method.rb") `shouldReturn`
[ Tag "foo" P.METHOD P.DEFINITION (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 1 5) (Pos 1 8))) "def foo" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 0 4) (Pos 0 7)))

parseTestFile [P.METHOD] (Path.relFile "semantic/test/fixtures/ruby/tags/simple_method.rb")
`shouldReturn` [ Tag "foo" P.METHOD P.DEFINITION (Range 4 7) (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 1 5) (Pos 1 8))) "def foo" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 0 4) (Pos 0 7)))
it "produces tags for sends" $
parseTestFile [P.CALL] (Path.relFile "semantic/test/fixtures/ruby/tags/simple_method.rb") `shouldReturn`
[ Tag "puts" P.CALL P.REFERENCE (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 2 3) (Pos 2 7))) "puts \"hi\"" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 1 2) (Pos 1 6)))
, Tag "bar" P.CALL P.REFERENCE (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 3 5) (Pos 3 8))) "" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 2 4) (Pos 2 7)))
, Tag "a" P.CALL P.REFERENCE (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 3 3) (Pos 3 4))) "" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 2 2) (Pos 2 3)))

parseTestFile [P.CALL] (Path.relFile "semantic/test/fixtures/ruby/tags/simple_method.rb")
`shouldReturn` [ Tag "puts" P.CALL P.REFERENCE (Range 10 14) (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 2 3) (Pos 2 7))) "puts \"hi\"" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 1 2) (Pos 1 6))),
Tag "bar" P.CALL P.REFERENCE (Range 24 27) (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 3 5) (Pos 3 8))) "" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 2 4) (Pos 2 7))),
Tag "a" P.CALL P.REFERENCE (Range 22 23) (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 3 3) (Pos 3 4))) "" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 2 2) (Pos 2 3)))
it "produces tags for methods with docs (TODO)" $
parseTestFile [] (Path.relFile "semantic/test/fixtures/ruby/tags/simple_method_with_docs.rb") `shouldReturn`
[ Tag "foo" P.METHOD P.DEFINITION (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 2 5) (Pos 2 8))) "def foo" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 1 4) (Pos 1 7)))

parseTestFile [] (Path.relFile "semantic/test/fixtures/ruby/tags/simple_method_with_docs.rb")
`shouldReturn` [ Tag "foo" P.METHOD P.DEFINITION (Range 18 21) (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 2 5) (Pos 2 8))) "def foo" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 1 4) (Pos 1 7)))
it "correctly tags files containing multibyte UTF-8 characters (TODO)" $
parseTestFile [] (Path.relFile "semantic/test/fixtures/ruby/tags/unicode_identifiers.rb") `shouldReturn`
[ Tag "日本語" P.METHOD P.DEFINITION (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 2 5) (Pos 2 14))) "def 日本語" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 1 4) (Pos 1 7)))

parseTestFile [] (Path.relFile "semantic/test/fixtures/ruby/tags/unicode_identifiers.rb")
`shouldReturn` [ Tag "日本語" P.METHOD P.DEFINITION (Range 20 29) (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 2 5) (Pos 2 14))) "def 日本語" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 1 4) (Pos 1 7)))
it "produces tags for methods and classes with docs (TODO)" $
parseTestFile [P.MODULE, P.CLASS, P.METHOD] (Path.relFile "semantic/test/fixtures/ruby/tags/class_module.rb") `shouldReturn`
[ Tag "Foo" P.MODULE P.DEFINITION (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 2 8) (Pos 2 11))) "module Foo" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 1 7) (Pos 1 10)))
, Tag "Bar" P.CLASS P.DEFINITION (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 5 9) (Pos 5 12))) "class Bar" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 4 8) (Pos 4 11)))
, Tag "baz" P.METHOD P.DEFINITION (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 8 9) (Pos 8 12))) "def baz(a)" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 7 8) (Pos 7 11)))
, Tag "C" P.CLASS P.DEFINITION (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 14 13) (Pos 14 14))) "class A::B::C" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 13 12) (Pos 13 13)))
, Tag "foo" P.METHOD P.DEFINITION (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 15 7) (Pos 15 10))) "def foo" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 14 6) (Pos 14 9)))
, Tag "foo" P.METHOD P.DEFINITION (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 18 12) (Pos 18 15))) "def" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 17 11) (Pos 17 14)))
parseTestFile [P.MODULE, P.CLASS, P.METHOD] (Path.relFile "semantic/test/fixtures/ruby/tags/class_module.rb")
`shouldReturn` [ Tag "Foo" P.MODULE P.DEFINITION (Range 21 24) (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 2 8) (Pos 2 11))) "module Foo" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 1 7) (Pos 1 10))),
Tag "Bar" P.CLASS P.DEFINITION (Range 50 53) (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 5 9) (Pos 5 12))) "class Bar" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 4 8) (Pos 4 11))),
Tag "baz" P.METHOD P.DEFINITION (Range 81 84) (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 8 9) (Pos 8 12))) "def baz(a)" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 7 8) (Pos 7 11))),
Tag "C" P.CLASS P.DEFINITION (Range 132 133) (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 14 13) (Pos 14 14))) "class A::B::C" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 13 12) (Pos 13 13))),
Tag "foo" P.METHOD P.DEFINITION (Range 140 143) (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 15 7) (Pos 15 10))) "def foo" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 14 6) (Pos 14 9))),
Tag "foo" P.METHOD P.DEFINITION (Range 175 178) (OneIndexedSpan (Span (Pos 18 12) (Pos 18 15))) "def" (UTF16CodeUnitSpan (Span (Pos 17 11) (Pos 17 14)))

parseTestFile :: Foldable t => t P.SyntaxType -> Path.RelFile -> IO [Tag]
parseTestFile include path = runTaskOrDie $ readBlob (File.fromPath path) >>= fmap (filter only) . tagsForBlob
where only t = null include || (`elem` include) (tagSyntaxType t)
only t = null include || (`elem` include) (tagSyntaxType t)

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