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66 lines (51 loc) · 3.24 KB

File metadata and controls

66 lines (51 loc) · 3.24 KB

Secure Preferences Release Notes:


  • 73 Wrong parameters order in one constructor


  • 54 Allow to pass Salt so you don't have to use Android_ID - Thanks to @linakis
  • 38 Ensure we always return a String in getString thanks to @aeoris
  • Updated Gradle plugin v3 and Gradle wrapper to v4
  • Bumped nin SDK to 14
  • update to com.scottyab:aes-crypto:0.0.5 (sync'd with v1.1.0 on 11th Dec 2017 )


  • 30 prevented IllegalArgumentException: bad base-64 by not using generateKeyFromPassword(password, salt) where salt is String, using converted to byte[] before calling.
  • 31 Updates crypto dependency to version com.scottyab:aes-crypto:0.0.4 to fix issues when obfuscated
  • Support for ProGuard without the need to -keep any of the library or dependency classes(or inner classes)
  • Sample's minifyEnabled set to true


  • 25 fix to issue handling password change
  • Updates crypto dependency to version com.scottyab:aes-crypto:0.0.3 to help with issue #18


  • 22 Internal changed to local reference to shared pref file and keys from static, as this made it impossible to have multiple secure preference files.
  • 15 fixed typos, specifically destroyKeys()
  • New constructor where you can supply your own keys to aid with issue #18.
  • Additional unit tests


  • Fixed build issue referencing 'com.scottyab:aes-crypto' dependency (previous pointed to snapshot repo)
  • Minor tweek to build file so doesn't error if you don't have the sample app signing config


This release is a major refactor of the guts of secure prefs, which is Not backwards compatible with 0.4.0 and older versions yet!. So if you have an existing app using this don't upgrade. I'll be looking to add migration into a later release.

  • uses a new and stronger Crypto library under the hood
  • includes PRNG fixes that effects JellyBean devices as per google dev blog article
  • supports password based key generation so the key is not persisted
  • change password supported
  • updated sample app
  • removed test project and added tests as part of main project
  • refactored library project to standard gradle structure
  • published to maven central/added github release

Note: 0.1.0 was dependent on snapshot of aes-crypto, this is only as I was waiting for the aes-crypto repo owner to publish to maven. I've sorted this for v0.1.1+ which is no longer dependant on Snapshot repo.


  • Gradle support thanks @yelinaung
  • Fix for OnPreferenceChanged listener @richardleggett


  • Added test Project
  • Updated sample ready for playstore upload


  • Added methods to get/set strings un-encrypted
  • Added backup PBKDF function in case PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1 not supported
  • Refactored code to make it easier to change the AES mode and PBKDF function.
  • Increased iterations of PBKDF from 1000 to 2000.


  • Initial import to github I've modified the project structure.
  • Included the Android base64 class so library can be used by Android 2.1+.
  • Enhanced the sample project dumps current prefs to illustrate the fact they are stored encrypted and Base64 encoded.