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    Dist::Zilla::Plugin::BumpVersionAfterRelease - Bump module versions
    after distribution release

    version 0.008

    In your code, declare $VERSION like this:

        package Foo;
        our $VERSION = '1.23';

    In your dist.ini:



    After a release, this module modifies your original source code to
    replace an existing "our $VERSION = '1.23'" declaration with the next
    number after the released version as determined by Version::Next. Only
    the first occurrence is affected (unless you set the "global" attribute)
    and it must exactly match this regular expression:

        qr{^our \s+ \$VERSION \s* = \s* '$version::LAX'}mx

    It must be at the start of a line and any trailing comments are deleted.
    The original may have double-quotes, but the re-written line will have
    single quotes.

    The very restrictive regular expression format is intentional to avoid
    the various ways finding a version assignment could go wrong and to
    avoid using PPI, which has similar complexity issues.

    For most modules, this should work just fine.

    This Dist::Zilla plugin, along with RewriteVersion let you leave a
    $VERSION declaration in the code files in your repository but still let
    Dist::Zilla provide automated version management.

    First, you include a very specific $VERSION declaration in your code:

        our $VERSION = '0.001';

    It must be on a line by itself and should be the same in all your files.
    (If it is not, it will be overwritten anyway.)

    RewriteVersion is a version provider plugin, so the version line from
    your main module will be used as the version for your release.

    If you override the version with the "V" environment variable, then
    RewriteVersion will overwrite the $VERSION declaration in the gathered

        V=1.000 dzil release

    Finally, after a successful release, this module BumpVersionAfterRelease
    will overwrite the $VERSION declaration in your source files to be the
    next version after the one you just released. That version will then be
    the default one that will be used for the next release.

    You can configure which files have their $VERSION declarations modified,
    with the "finder" option. The default finders are ":InstallModules" and
    ":ExecFiles"; other predefined finders are listed in "default_finders"
    in Dist::Zilla::Role::FileFinderUser.

    If you tag/commit after a release, you may want to tag and commit before
    the source files are modified. Here is a sample "dist.ini" that shows
    how you might do that.

        name    = Foo-Bar
        author  = David Golden <>
        license = Apache_2_0
        copyright_holder = David Golden
        copyright_year   = 2014



        ; commit source files as of "dzil release" with any
        ; allowable modifications (e.g Changes)
        [Git::Commit / Commit_Dirty_Files] ; commit files/Changes (as released)

        ; tag as of "dzil release"

        ; update Changes with timestamp of release


        ; commit source files after modification
        [Git::Commit / Commit_Changes] ; commit Changes (for new dev)
        allow_dirty_match = ^lib/
        commit_msg = Commit Changes and bump $VERSION

    If true, all occurrences of the version pattern will be replaced.
    Otherwise, only the first occurrence is replaced. Defaults to false.

    If there is a Makefile.PL in the root of the repository, its version
    will be set as well. Defaults to true.

    Here are some other plugins for managing $VERSION in your distribution:

    *   Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PkgVersion

    *   Dist::Zilla::Plugin::OurPkgVersion

    *   Dist::Zilla::Plugin::OverridePkgVersion

    *   Dist::Zilla::Plugin::SurgicalPkgVersion

    *   Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PkgVersionIfModuleWithPod

  Bugs / Feature Requests
    Please report any bugs or feature requests through the issue tracker at
    ssues>. You will be notified automatically of any progress on your

  Source Code
    This is open source software. The code repository is available for
    public review and contribution under the terms of the license.


      git clone

    David Golden <>

    *   Karen Etheridge <>

    *   Kent Fredric <>

    This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by David Golden.

    This is free software, licensed under:

      The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004


Read-only release history for Dist-Zilla-Plugin-BumpVersionAfterRelease







No packages published
