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Ceph Barclamp for OpenCrowbar

The Ceph workload for OpenCrowbar is a fully distributed block store, object store, and POSIX filesystem. Ceph is designed to have no single points of failure, and uses a unique algorithim called CRUSH to manage data placement in the storage cluster. Right now, this barclamp knows how to deploy hammer on centos 7.1.1503

Design of the Barclamp

This barclamp is in development, and should not be considered production-ready. That said, this is inteded to become a production-ready workload.

Adding the barclamp before deploying the admin node

To add this barclamp to OpenCrowbar admin node prior to deploy, follow these instructions:

  1. In /opt/opencrowbar, run the following commands:

     git clone
     cd ceph
     git checkout develop

Using the barclamp to deploy Ceph

The ceph barclamp, like all other OpenCrowbar barclamp, provides most of its functionality on a role by role basis. Right now, we deploy just the rados layer of ceph -- we do not handle deploying an object gateway or a POSIX filesystem layer. The job of deploying Ceph os split across three roles, each described in their own section.


The ceph-config role holds cluster-wide configuration information for the Crowbar framework, and also acts as a sychronization point during the deployment to ensure that all of the prerequisite roles have been deployed on all nodes in the Ceph cluster before allowing the rest of the Ceph cluster roles to do their work.

ceph-config holds the following pieces of cluster-wide information, and which can be set on a per-deployment basis prior to committing the cluster deployment:

  • the ceph-debug attribute, which controls whether the Ceph debug packages will be installed and whether the various Ceph components will operate in debug mode. This attribute defaults to false.

  • the ceph-fs_uuid attribute, which contains the UUID of the cluster. This attribute is automatically generated the first time the ceph-config role is bound to a deployment, so you do not need to create it manually.

  • the ceph-cluster_name attribute, which contains the name of the cluster. This attribute defaults to ceph.

  • the ceph-frontend-net attribute, which contains the name of the Crowbar managed network that the Ceph cluster should use to communicate with the outside world. This network must be created before trying to bind the ceph-config role to a node, otherwise the binding will fail. Creating the network will allow the binding to succeed. Defaults to ceph.

  • the ceph-backend-net attribute, which contains the name of the Crowbar managed network that the Ceph cluster will use for internal communication. It follows the same rules as the ceph-frontend-net attribute. If it is set to the same value as the ceph-frontend-net, then just the frontend net will be used. Defaults to ceph.

ceph-config also defines a couple of node-specific attributes:

  • ceph-frontend-address, which holds the Crowbar-assigned IP address for the frontend network. This attribute is configured internally by ceph-config role, and cannot be manually edited.

  • ceph-backend-address, which holds the Crowbar-assigned IP address for the backend network. It is also configured internally by the ceph-config role, and cannot be manually edited.

The ceph-configrole implements the on_node_bind hook, which is used to ensure that the crowbar-frontend-net and crowbar-backend-net networks are bound to the node before the ceph-config role can successfully bind to the node.


The ceph-mon role implements a Ceph monitor service on a node. All of the Ceph monitors together form a paxos cluster that the rest of the Ceph services use to track the overall state of the cluster -- as long as a majority of the ceph-mon nodes are up, then the ceph cluster is alive. As such, you should deploy ceph-mon on at least 3 nodes, and you should always have an odd number of them.

Since the ceph-mon role requires the ceph-config role, the annealer will wait until all the ceph-config noderoles in the deployment are active before starting to activate the ceph-mon roles. We need this behaviour to pass a list of all the ceph-mon nodes and their addresses in the ceph network to the other ceph-mon nodes to let the cluster form its initial quorum when we are bringing the cluster up for the first time. The ceph-mon role also needs to generate a random secret key that all the ceph-mon noderoles will share. To implement both behaviours, the Ceph barclamp provides a BarclampCeph::Mon class that inherits from the Role class. The BarclampCeph::Mon class implements two methods -- an on_deployment_create method that creates the initial mon secret key, and a sysdata method that provides a hash containing all of the monitors that are a member of the cluster.

The ceph-mon role provides the following attributes, all of which are automatically generated:

  • ceph-mon_secret, which contains the shared secret that the monitors use to validate and talk to each other. This secret is automatically generated then the role is bound to a deployment.

  • ceph-mon-nodes, which contains the complete list of all nodes and their addresses that will act as monitors. This list is dynamically generated, and will change as new nodes are bound to the ceph-mon role.

  • ceph-admin-key, which contains the secret key that grands admin access to the cluster. The key this attribute contains is generated the first time the ceph-mon nodes reach consensus.

  • ceph-osd-key, which contains the secret key that OSDs will use to talk to the mons. It is also automatically generated the first time the ceph-mon nodes reach consensus.

  • ceph-mds-key, which contains the secret key that the MDS servers will use to talk to the mons. It is also automatically generated the first time the ceph-mon nodes reach consensus.

The ceph-mon role also has two flags -- the cluster flag, which we use to ensure that the annealer will not start working on the rest of the Ceph noderoles until all the ceph-mon nodes are active (and therefore in quorum), and the server flag, which tells the annealer that any attributes that the recipe sets should be made available to its children. We will need that to get the secret keys for the cluster administrator, and the keys needed to bootstrap storage and MDS roles.

The ceph-mon role is implemented using the chef jig.


The ceph-osd role implements causes Ceph to claim all available storage on a node, and make available to the Ceph cluster. OSDs communicate with each other and the mons to form the core of the Ceph cluster -- no other roles are needed for applications that talk to the cluster directly using RADOS. Right now, the ceph-osd role will use all of the disks that do not have partitions, filesystems, or LVM metadata on them -- in the future, the ceph-osd role will use the Crowbar resource reservation framework to determine what disks to use, and will act intelligently to place journals on SSD drives where desirable. The ceph-osd role requires the ceph-config role and the ceph-mon role.


The ceph-mds role implements a metadata service for the Ceph cluster, which implements a distributed POSIX filesystem on top of the ceph cluster.


The ceph-radosgw role allows external users to access the Ceph cluster as an object store using S3 and Swift APIs.


The ceph-client role should be bound to any node that wants to access the Ceph cluster, although it has not been fleshed out to add any functionality. It may be removed if it does not prove to be useful, or if it turns out that we need multiple different types of clients.

Deploying a Ceph cluster using the default settings

  1. Spin up at least 3 nodes for Ceph. These nodes sholuld have at least 3 free disks each for OSDs.

  2. Create a new deployment named ceph, and move all the nodes you want to participate in the Ceph cluster into it.

  3. Create a network named ceph. This network should have its own nonoverlapping conduit.

  4. From the CLI, run the following command to bind the ceph-mon role to at least 3 nodes:

    • crowbar roles bind ceph-mon to <node name>
  5. From the CLI, run the following command to bind the ceph-osd roles to all the nodes you want to store info on:

    • crowbar roles bind ceph-osd to <node name>
  6. Commit the deployment with crowbar deployments commit ceph. This will let Crowbar deploy everything you requested.


Crowbar Barclamp for installing Ceph clusters







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