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Interop library for writing NodeJS apps and modules in Dart.


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NodeJS interop library

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What is this?

node_interop provides bindings for NodeJS APIs and enables writing Dart applications and libraries which can be compiled and ran in NodeJS.

In addition to bindings some modules went through "dartification" which mostly involved:

  • callbacks and/or Promises replaced with Dart Futures and Streams
  • when available, Dart-specific interfaces implemented
  • strongly typed everything (which sometimes means sacrificing flexibility of Node APIs to consistency/simplicity)

For instance, in addition to Node's http module bindings this package exposes "http.dart" library with HTTP client which implements Client interface of Dart's http package.

Here is an example Dart app using this client:

import 'package:node_interop/http.dart';

void main() async {
  var http = new NodeClient();
  var response = await http.get('');
  print("Response code: ${response.statusCode}.");
  http.close(); // close any open IO connections.

There is not much Node or JS specific about this app, it looks like a regular Dart app. This is pretty much why node_interop exists.


Feel free to checkout example/ folder of this repository for some example apps using different APIs.


This package is under active development which means that you should expect for things to change quickly. Of course breaking changes are likely to happen.

The bindings themselves should be a lot less prone to breaking changes though since it's just an interface to Node's APIs which are fairly stable at this point. Also libraries like http.dart are also unlikely to get breaking changes as they just implement interfaces from other Dart packages which are fairly stable as well.

There are always bugs, of course, which haven't been found yet. If you do find one, please create an issue in the issue tracker.


How to create a simple Node app written in Dart:

  1. Create a new Dart project. Stagehand is a great way to scaffold all the boilerplate:
$ pub global activate stagehand
$ mkdir my_node_app
$ cd my_node_app
$ stagehand package-simple # if you have .pub-cache in your PATH, or
$ pub global run stagehand package-simple # if you don't have it in your PATH
  1. Add dependency and transformers to the generated pubspec.yaml
  node_interop: ^0.1.0

  - $dart2js
  - node_interop # <- must go after dart2js!
  1. Create node/main.dart and write some code:
import 'package:node_interop/fs.dart';

void main() async {
  var fs = new NodeFileSystem(); // access Node `fs` module
  print(fs.currentDirectory); // prints the path from `process.cwd()`
  var files = await fs.currentDirectory.list().toList();
  print(files); // lists current directory contents
  1. Compile. Pub by default assumes you are building for web so it builds web/ subfolder by default. So we need to explicitly tell it to look in node/ instead:
$ pub build node/
  1. Run the app. Compiled app is located in build/node/main.dart.js:
$ # assuming you have NodeJS installed:
$ node build/bin/main.dart.js
$ # If everything worked well you should see your current
$ # directory contents printed out.


This package consists of a set of libraries.

Node Interop

import 'package:node_interop/node_interop.dart'.

Main library which exposes NodeJS API bindings as-is. Not all of the APIs are implemented at this point, in fact, it's a small percentage. If you didn't find a class or method you were looking for, please create an issue or submit a pull request (even better!).

You have to explicitly require a Node module which declares an API you want to use. Refer to dartdoc for more details. Here is an example if using bindings directly:

import 'package:node_interop/node_interop.dart';

void main() {
  // Require specific modules:
  FS nodeFS = require('fs');
  OS nodeOS = require('os');
  // Use globals:


import 'package:node_interop/fs.dart'.

Exposes Node's file system API as a set of Dart classes compatible with interfaces from "dart:io" (in particular it implements interfaces provided by the file package).

Note that not all methods are currently implemented for File and Directory classes.


import 'package:node_interop/http.dart'.

Implements Dart-style HTTP client using http package interface.

Pub transformer

This library provides Pub transformer which by default processes all .dart files. The only thing it does is it prepends Node preamble to JS generated by dart2js transformer.

NodeJS modules and exports

It is possible to create a module which exposes some functionality via NodeJS exports.

Here is simple module example exporting a bang function:

// file:bin/bang.dart
import 'package:node_interop/node_interop.dart';

/// A module which exports a bang function.
void main() {
  exports.setProperty('bang', bang);

String bang(String value) {
  return value.toUpperCase() + '!';

After compiled with pub build it can be required from any JS file:

const bang = require('path/to/build/bin/bang.dart.js');
// prints out "HI!"

For such a small function the resulting bang.dart.js would be quite large (~1k lines of code). However creating Node modules like this can be considered an edge use case when you would want to mix in some functionality from Dart into an existing Node app.

Features and bugs

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker


Interop library for writing NodeJS apps and modules in Dart.







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  • Dart 98.6%
  • JavaScript 1.4%