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A dictionary magician in the form of a module!

Table of Contents

What is it

For a given word, using Vocabulary, you can get it's

  • Meaning
    • Synonyms
    • Antonyms
  • Part of speech : whether the word is a noun, interjection or an adverb et el
  • Usage example : a quick example on how to use the word in a sentence
  • Pronuciation
  • Hyphenation : shows the particular stress points(if any)


Why should I use Vocabulary

Wordnet is a great resource. No doubt about it! So why should you use Vocabulary when we already have Wordnet out there?

My 2 cents

Wordnet Comparison

Let's say you want to find out the synonyms for the word car.

  • Using Wordnet
>>> from nltk.corpus import wordnet
>>> syns = wordnet.synsets('car')
>>> syns[0].lemmas[0].name
>>> [s.lemmas[0].name for s in syns]
['car', 'car', 'car', 'car', 'cable_car']

>>> [ for s in syns for l in s.lemmas]
['car', 'auto', 'automobile', 'machine', 'motorcar', 'car', 'railcar', 'railway_car', 'railroad_car', 'car', 'gondola', 'car', 'elevator_car', 'cable_car', 'car']
  • Doind the same using Vocabulary
>>> from vocabulary import Vocabulary as vb
>>> vb.synonym("car")
'[{"seq": 0, "text": "automotive"}, {"seq": 1, "text": "motor"}, {"seq": 2, "text": "wagon"}, {"seq": 3, "text": "cart"}, {"seq": 4, "text": "automobile"}]'
>>> ## load the json data
>>> car_synonyms = json.loads(vb.synonym("car"))
>>> type(car_synonyms)
<class 'list'>

So there you go. You get the data in an easy JSON format.

You can go on comparing for the other methods too.


Option 1: installing through pip (Suggested way)

pypi package link

$ pip install vocabulary

If you are behind a proxy

$ pip --proxy [username:password@]domain_name:port install vocabulary

Note: If you get command not found then $ sudo apt-get install python-pip should fix that

Option 2: Installing from source

$ git clone
$ cd vocabulary/
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python install


$ pip uninstall vocabulary


Demo link

Demo link


A Simple demonstration of the module

## Importing the module
>>> from vocabulary import Vocabulary as vb

## Extracting "Meaning"
>>> vb.meaning("hillbilly")
'[{"text": "Someone who is from the hills; especially from a rural area, with a connotation of a lack of refinement or sophistication.", "seq": 0}, {"text": "someone who is from the hills", "seq": 1}, {"text": "A white person from the rural southern part of the United States.", "seq": 2}]'

## "Synonym"
>>> vb.synonym("hurricane")
'[{"text": "storm", "seq": 0}, {"text": "tropical cyclone", "seq": 1}, {"text": "typhoon", "seq": 2}, {"text": "gale", "seq": 3}]'

## "Antonym"
>>> vb.antonym("respect")
'{"text": ["disesteem", "disrespect"]}'
>>> vb.antonym("insane")
'{"text": ["sane"]}'

## "Part of Speech"
>>> vb.part_of_speech("hello")
'[{"text": "interjection", "example:": "Used to greet someone, answer the telephone, or express surprise.", "seq": 0}]'

## "Usage Examples"
>>> vb.usage_example("chicanery")
'[{"text": "The Bush Administration is now the commander-in-theif (lower-case intentional) thanks to their chicanery.", "seq": 0}]'

## "Pronunciation"
>>> vb.pronunciation("hippopotamus")
[{'raw': '(hĭpˌə-pŏtˈə-məs)', 'rawType': 'ahd-legacy', 'seq': 0}, {'raw': 'HH IH2 P AH0 P AA1 T AH0 M AH0 S', 'rawType': 'arpabet', 'seq': 0}]

## "Hyphenation"
>>> vb.hyphenation("hippopotamus")
'[{"text": "hip", "type": "secondary stress", "seq": 0}, {"text": "po", "seq": 1}, {"text": "pot", "type": "stress", "seq": 2}, {"text": "a", "seq": 3}, {"text": "mus", "seq": 4}]'
>>> vb.hyphenation("amazing")
'[{"text": "a", "seq": 0}, {"text": "maz", "type": "stress", "seq": 1}, {"text": "ing", "seq": 2}]'


If you need to see the usage for any of the methods, do a

>>> from vocabulary import Vocabulary as vb
>>> help(vb.meaning)
Help on function meaning in module vocabulary.vocabulary:

meaning(phrase, source_lang='en', dest_lang='en')
    make calls to the
    - glosbe API(default choice)
    - Wordnik API

    Wordnik's API gives less results so not Using it here for getting the meanings

    source_lang, dest_lang (both default to "en" if nothing is specified)

    >>> from vocabulary import Vocabulary as vb
    >>> vb.meaning("levitate")
    '[{"text": "(intransitive) Be suspended in the air, as if in defiance of gravity.", "seq": 0}, {"text": "(transitive) To cause to rise in the air and float, as if in defiance of gravity.", "seq": 1}]'

and so on for other functions

How does it work

Under the hood, it makes use of 4 awesome API's to give you consistent results. The API's being

  • Wordnik
  • Glosbe
  • BighugeLabs
  • Urbandict


Feel free to contribute

  1. Fork it.
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-awesome-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added <xyz> feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-awesome-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

To do

  • Add translate module


Vocabulary uses unittesting for testing purposes.

Running the test cases

$ ./ -v
test_antonym_1 (__main__.TestModule) ... ok
test_antonym_2 (__main__.TestModule) ... ok
test_hyphenation (__main__.TestModule) ... ok
test_meaning (__main__.TestModule) ... ok
test_partOfSpeech_1 (__main__.TestModule) ... ok
test_partOfSpeech_2 (__main__.TestModule) ... ok
test_pronunciation (__main__.TestModule) ... ok
test_synonym (__main__.TestModule) ... ok
test_usageExamples (__main__.TestModule) ... ok

Ran 9 tests in 7.742s


Known Issues

  • When using the method
>>> vb.pronunciation("hippopotamus")
[{'raw': '(hĭpˌə-pŏtˈə-məs)', 'rawType': 'ahd-legacy', 'seq': 0}, {'raw': 'HH IH2 P AH0 P AA1 T AH0 M AH0 S', 'rawType': 'arpabet', 'seq': 0}]
>>> type(vb.pronunciation("hippopotamus"))
<class 'list'>
>>> json.dumps(vb.pronunciation("hippopotamus"))
'[{"raw": "(h\\u012dp\\u02cc\\u0259-p\\u014ft\\u02c8\\u0259-m\\u0259s)", "rawType": "ahd-legacy", "seq": 0}, {"raw": "HH IH2 P AH0 P AA1 T AH0 M AH0 S", "rawType": "arpabet", "seq": 0}]'

You are being returned a list object instead of a JSON object. When returning the latter, there are some unicode issues. A fix for this will be released soon.



  • JSON inconsistency fixed for the methods
    • vb.hyphenation()
    • vb.part_of_speech()
    • vb.meaning()


Please report the bugs at the issue tracker

License :

MIT License © Tasdik Rahman

You can find a copy of the License at


Python Module to get Meanings, Synonyms and what not for a given word







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