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Julia: the good, the bad and the ugly

This repository contains Julia code and notebooks and is intended to get familiar with the language.

What is it?

  1. julia,_good_back_ugly.pptx: Powerpoint presentation highlighting features of the Julia programming language.
  2. source-code: Julia source code and notebooks.
  3. environment.yml: conda environment to use Jupyter lab.
  4. LICENSE: license information for the material in this repository.
  5. how to contirubte to this repository.

How to?

To start a Julia notebook

$ julia
julia> using IJulia
julia> notebook()

If the IJulia package is not yet installed, you can do that using

$ julia
julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("IJulia")

Note: recent versions of Julia will offer to install the package when you first try to use it.


  • Geert Jan Bex (, Hasselt University/University of Leuven
  • Joris Van Houtven
    • suggestions to improve the Powerpoint presentation

You are very welcome to contribute, please read some guidelines before you do.