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This is a just-for-fun personal finance app, built with Next.js and Tauri. Right now the app has two pages, an overview page that shows income/expenses/accounts and a page to view and add expenses. The app is very much work-in-progress, I use it as a way to learn more about JavaScript frontend development and backend development with Rust.

Right now the app requires a transactions.toml file that lists fixed monthly wages/expenses etc. See example.transactions.toml for an example. In the future the app will move to using a SQLite database.

If there are one-time expenses or expenses that vary from month to month, like groceries, you can create a folder variable and add .toml files with any name. See example.variable.toml for an example. The app will calculate the average monthly amount and apply it in the expenses overview.


To run the project for development you have to install Rust and then Tauri CLI. Clone the project from GitHub to your local machine and use cargo tauri dev to start the app.


If the program is run with the --month={month} argument only the one-time expenses for that month will be used, for example --month=jan.


A simple personal funds app built with Tauri and Next.js.



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