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Fast Rank-1 NMF for Missing Data with KL Divergence

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A1GM is an efficient rank-1 decomposition algorithm for non-negative matrix with missing values.

  • Ghalamkari, K., Sugiyama, M. : Fast Rank-1 NMF for Missing Data with KL Divergence, AISTATS 2022.[Paper] [arXiv] [Poster]


A1GM is implemented in Julia 1.6.1.
We need only src/A1GM.jl to run A1GM. All other files are for experiments in our paper.


The proposed algorithm A1GM is given in src/A1GM.jl. The input is non-negative matrix X and binary weight W. W[i,j] = 0 if X[i,j] is missing value, otherwise 1. Note that A1GM does not requrie any hyper-paramters. On the command line, we can use the algorithm as follows.

cd src
$ julia
julia> include("A1GM.jl")
julia> X = rand(4,4);
julia> W = [1 1 1 0; 1 1 1 1; 1 1 1 0; 0 1 1 1];
julia> R = A1GM(X, W)

The output R is a rank-1 non-negative matrix approximating X. We can confirm its matrix rank by using rank in LinearAlgebra:

julia> using LinearAlgebra
julia> rank(R)

If we need factors instaed of reconstructed matrix, we can use basis option.

julia> A, B = A1GM(X,W,basis=true)

The reconstracted matrix R is the same as the Kronecker product of A and B,kron(A,B). Note that if W is grid-like, A1GM(X, W) returns the best rank-1 approximation of X, minimizing the weighted KL divergence from X. You can find the algorithm of A1GM in our paper.

Closed formula of the best rank-1 NMMF

We also provide here the function rank1_NMMF() which finds the best rank-1 Non-Negative Multiple Matrix Factorization(NMMF). The solution formula is the theoretical contribution of our paper, and A1GM is an application of it.

function rank1_NMMF(X,Y,Z)
    sumZ2 = sum(Z,dims=2)
    sumY1 = sum(Y,dims=1)

    sumX = sum(X)
    sqrtsumX = sqrt(sumX)
    w = sqrt(sumX) / (sumX+sum(sumZ2)) .* ( sum(X,dims=2) + sumZ2 )
    a = sum(Y,dims=2) / sqrtsumX
    h = sqrt(sumX) / (sumX+sum(sumY1)) .* ( sum(X,dims=1) + sumY1 )
    b = sum(Z,dims=1) / sqrtsumX
    return w,h,a,b

This is an example of factor sharing decomposition of random matrices X, Y and Z.

$ julia
julia> X = rand(5,4); Y = rand(6,4); Z = rand(5,3);
julia> w,h,a,b = rank1_NMMF(X,Y,Z)

These factors, w,h,a and b globally minimize the weighted KL cost funtion which kron(w,h) approximates X, kron(a,h) approximates Y and kron(w,b) approximates Z. See more details in Theorem 1 in our paper.

Experiments in the paper

Our experiments on synthetic datasets can be performed from the command line as follows.

$ julia run.jl

Results for synthetic datasets obtained by the above commands correspond to Fig. 5(a)(b) in our paper. Results will be saved in ../result as jld2 files. ​ The following commands

cd plot
$ julia plot.jl

make png images from jld2 files. The generated pdf files will be saved in /pngs. We can modify experimental conditions and plot conditions by editing the file config.jl. ​

For experiments with real datasets, real-world datasets have to be stored in ../../../datasets/matrix/ as jld2 files in advance. To access the files, data_loader.jl can be used. ​Please refer to the appendix for the information on how to obtain real datasets.

Typos in paper

page 5 left column, two-body η-parameters do not change in the m-projection → one-body η-parameters do not change in the m-projection


If you use A1GM or the closed formula of the best rank-1 NMMF in a scientific publication, we would appreciate citations to the following paper:

  • Ghalamkari, K., Sugiyama, M. : Fast Rank-1 NMF for Missing Data with KL Divergence, AISTATS 2022 (to appear).

Bibtex entry:

    Author = {Ghalamkari, K. and Sugiyama, M.},
    Title = {Fast Rank-1 NMF for Missing Data with KL Divergence},
    Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics},
    Pages = {XX--XX},
    Address = {Virtual Event},
    Month = {March},
    Year = {2022}}


Author: Kazu Ghalamkari
Affiliation: National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan


Fast Rank-1 NMF for Missing Data with KL Divergence






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