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Nu scripts

This is a collection of scripts I use to make my life easier in nu.

Utils module

<input text> | utils markdown display -> nothing

Parse the text as Markdown and prints the result in console style.

utils power-rename [--regex|-r] <old> <new> -> nothing

Rename a list of files using parse.

Parameters :

  • old (string): Old file name with parsing input
  • new (closure): Closure to rename the file


$ ls 
file1 file2 file3
$ utils power-rename "file{id}" {|out| $"file_("}
$ ls
file_1.txt file_2.txt file_3.txt

OpenAI module

This module uses the OpenAI API to generate text.

There are two kinds of commands:

Screenshot of openai command

API Commands

openai api models [--model <model>]

Lists the OpenAI models. If model is specified, it will return the details of that model.

Parameters :

  • model (string): ID of the model to to get detail.

openai api completion <model> [--prompt <prompt>] [--suffix <suffix>] [--max_tokens <max_tokens>] [--temperature <temperature>] [--top_p <top_p>] [--n <n>] [--logprobs <logprobs>] [--echo <echo>] [--stop <stop>] [--frequency_penalty <frequency_penalty>] [--presence_penalty <presence_penalty>] [--best-of <best_of>] [--logit_bias <logit_bias>] [--user <user>]

Completion API call. See OpenAI docs for more info.

Parameters :

  • model (string): ID of the model to use.
  • --prompt (string): The prompt(s) to generate completions for
  • --suffix (string): The suffix that comes after a completion of inserted text.
  • --max-tokens (int): The maximum number of tokens to generate in the completion.
  • --temperature (number): The temperature used to control the randomness of the completion.
  • --top-p (number): The top-p used to control the randomness of the completion.
  • --n (int): How many completions to generate for each prompt. Use carefully, as it's a token eater.
  • --logprobs (int): Include the log probabilities on the logprobs most likely tokens, as well the chosen tokens.
  • --echo (bool): Include the prompt in the returned text.
  • --stop (any): A list of tokens that, if encountered, will stop the completion.
  • --frequency-penalty (number): A penalty to apply to each token that appears more than once in the completion.
  • --presence-penalty (number): A penalty to apply if the specified tokens don't appear in the completion.
  • --best-of (int): Generates best_of completions server-side and returns the "best" (the one with the highest log probability per token). Use carefully, as it's a token eater.
  • --logit-bias (record): A record to modify the likelihood of specified tokens appearing in the completion
  • --user (string): A unique identifier representing your end-user.

openai api chat-completion <model> <messages> [--max_tokens <max_tokens>] [--temperature <temperature>] [--top_p <top_p>] [--n <n>] [--stop <stop>] [--frequency_penalty <frequency_penalty>] [--presence_penalty <presence_penalty>] [--logit_bias <logit_bias>] [--user <user>]

Chat completion API call. See OpenAI docs for more info.

Parameters :

  • model (string): ID of the model to use.
  • messages (list): List of messages to complete from.
  • --max-tokens (int): The maximum number of tokens to generate in the completion.
  • --temperature (number): The temperature used to control the randomness of the completion.
  • --top-p (number): The top-p used to control the randomness of the completion.
  • --n (int): How many completions to generate for each prompt. Use carefully, as it's a token eater.
  • --stop (any): A list of tokens that, if encountered, will stop the completion.
  • --frequency-penalty (number): A penalty to apply to each token that appears more than once in the completion.
  • --presence-penalty (number): A penalty to apply if the specified tokens don't appear in the completion.
  • --logit-bias (record): A record to modify the likelihood of specified tokens appearing in the completion
  • --user (string): A unique identifier representing your end-user.

Prompt Commands

openai command [input] [--max_tokens <max_tokens>] [--no-interactive]

Ask for a one line command(s) to run.

In interactive mode, openai command will ask you if you want to run the line. Otherwise, in non interactiuve mode, it will return the line in the pipeline.

openai command uses chat-completion with "gpt-3.5-turbo" model.

Parameters :

  • input (string): Your prompt. If input is not specified, openai command will take the prompt from the pipeline input
  • --max-tokens (int): The maximum number of tokens to generate in the completion, defaults to 200
  • --no-interactive (flag): If true, will not ask to execute and will pipe the result.

openai ask [input] [--model <model>] [--max_tokens <max_tokens>] [--no-interactive]

Ask any question to the OpenAI model.

It works like you ask a question or anything to ChatGPT. See openai chat to continue a conversation.

Parameters :

  • input (string): Your prompt. If input is not specified, openai chat will take the prompt from the pipeline input
  • --model(-m)(string): ID of the model to use. Put a model compatible with chat-completion. Default to "gpt-3.5-turbo"
  • --max-tokens (int): The maximum number of tokens to generate in the completion, defaults to 300
  • --no-interactive (flag): Disable interactive mode

openai chat [input] [--model <model>] [--max_tokens <max_tokens>] [--reset]

Continue a conversation based on the previous Prompt commands.

It's similar to ChatGPT. You write a prompt

If reset is specified, it will remove the history of messages to start on a new basis.

Parameters :

  • input (string): Your prompt. If input is not specified, openai command will take the prompt from the pipeline input
  • --model(-m)(string): ID of the model to use. Put a model compatible with chat-completion. Default to "gpt-3.5-turbo"
  • --max-tokens (int): The maximum number of tokens to generate in the completion, defaults to 300
  • --reset(-r) (int): Resets the history

openai chat list [--system] [--raw]

Lists all messages in the chat history

System messages are included only if system is specified.

If raw is specified, the command returns the message list data.

Parameters :

  • --system(-s) (flag): Include system messages
  • --raw(-r) (flag): Return raw message data

openai git diff  [--model <model>] [--max_tokens <max_tokens>] [--no-interactive]

Generate a commit message based on the staged change of the current directory

The command suggests to send the commit for you if no-interactive is not specified.

Parameters :

  • --model(-m)(string): ID of the model to use. Put a model compatible with chat-completion. Default to "gpt-3.5-turbo"
  • --max-tokens (int): The maximum number of tokens to generate in the completion, defaults to 20
  • --no-interactive (flag): Disable interactive mode


a bunch of scripts runnable in nu shell







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