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133 lines (98 loc) · 5.37 KB

File metadata and controls

133 lines (98 loc) · 5.37 KB


  • I'm using Vim key binding. Please see "Tips" section for restoring the Emacs key binding.
  • People in Mainland China may need goagent to download packages from ELPA. Run command "http_proxy= emacs -nw" after starting goagent server.
  • C++/C developers, you need tell Emacs where to search headers to make auto-complete work. See section clang for details.


I base my emacs.d on Steve Purcell's emacs.d and synchronize from his once a month.

To install, clone this repo to ~/.emacs.d, i.e. ensure that the 'init.el' contained in this repo ends up at ~/.emacs.d/init.el and old ~/.emacs does NOT exist.

Thanks to Purcell, this emacs.d has fancy features for most script languages like Clojure, Python, Lisp, PHP, Javascript, Ruby etc. Purcell is basically a web geek who use all the modern web technologies.

I will support all the languages a desktop developer may use, like C++, Java, Lua, Objective-C etc.


  • git or subversion is NOT needed. I removed all the 'git submodule update' stuff.
  • enhance major/minor modes for C/C++ developers
  • optimized for cross-platform C++ development with CMake and wxWidgets
  • emacs-w3m (console browser)
  • eim (Chinese pinyin input method)
  • org2blog (write wordpress blog with org-mode)
  • make the configuration work under Linux and Cygwin
  • The configuration will work with Emacs version >=24
  • evil-mode and its plugins (Vim key binding)
  • yasnippet and my customized snippets

Third party command line tools Emacs uses

You need to install some command line tools to use some features in Emacs. All those command line tools are optional. Your Emacs will not crash if some tools are not installed.

w3m (web browser in console)

  • needed by w3m (w3m is emacs package name written in elisp)
  • install by OS way


  • required by flymake-lua
  • install by OS way

aspell, and corresponding dictionary (aspell-en, for example)

  • needed by flyspell
  • install by OS way
  • I force the dictionary to "en_US" in init-spelling.el


  • alternative of aspell
  • install by OS way
  • I force the dictionary to "en_US" in init-spelling.el

sbcl (lisp environment)

  • needed by lisp slime
  • install by OS way

tidy (html tidy program)

  • needed by nxml-mode
  • install by OS way


  • install node.js by OS way, then sudo npm install -g csslint

zip and unzip

  • needed by org-mode to export org to odt
  • install by OS way


  • needed by my clipboard command copy-to-x-clipboard and paste-from-x-clipboard under Linux
  • install by OS way
  • needed by cpputils-cmake, flymake, auto-complete-clang, company-clang
  • install by OS way
  • If you use company-clang (default), add (setq company-clang-arguments '("-I/example1/dir" "-I/example2/dir")) into ~/.emacs.d/init.el
  • If you prefer auto-complete-clang instead, add (setq ac-clang-flags ("-I/example1/dir" "-I/example2/dir")) into ~/.emacs.d/init.el
  • If you use cpputils-cmake and cmake, cpputils-cmake will do all the set up for you.
  • needed by many tags related plugin
  • install by OS way
  • needed by gtags
  • You use this tool to navigate the C/C++/Java/Objective-C code.
  • install by OS way


  • You need pyflakes for real time python syntax checker like flymake-python
  • Install pip by OS way, then pip install pyflakes
  • On cygwin you need install setuptool in order to install pip.


  • Its binary soffice is actually needed
  • needed when converting odt file into doc (Microsoft Word 97)
  • conversion will happen automatically when exporting org-mode to odt
  • The conversion command is stored in variable org-export-odt-convert-processes
  • Install by OS way

ditaa, grapviz and planetuml to convert ascii art to diagram and uml.

I don't use them now.

How to install by OS way

  • apt-cyg at Cygwin
  • homebrew at OS X
  • any package manager at Linux

Report bug

If you find any bug, please file an issue on the github project:


  • By default EVIL (Vim emulation in Emacs) is used. You can comment out line containing "(require 'init-evil)" in init.el to unload it.

  • Some package cannot be downloaded automatically because of network problem. You need manually M-x list-packages and install it.

  • If you use yasnippet and auto-complete, I suggest not using yasnippet as input source of auto-complete.

  • You can speed up the start up by NOT loading some heavy weight components like evil or yasnippet. All you need to do is add below code into ~/.bashrc:

    alias e=emacs -q --no-splash --eval="(setq light-weight-emacs t)" -l "$HOME/.emacs.d/init.el"
  • If you use gnus for email thing (Gmail, for example). Most set up is already except privacy stuff. Please check init-gnus.el for my set up. There is also a tutorial at my blog.

  • To toggle Chinese input method (eim, for example), press C-\ or run command M-x toggle-input-method.

My personal custom.el

It's publicized at .