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Add basic menu story
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jassmith committed Apr 7, 2022
1 parent acc3b4e commit 7cd3a25
Showing 1 changed file with 344 additions and 0 deletions.
344 changes: 344 additions & 0 deletions packages/core/src/docs/09-menus.stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
import * as React from "react";

import { GridCell, GridCellKind, GridColumn, Item, Rectangle } from "../data-grid/data-grid-types";
import { DataEditor } from "../data-editor/data-editor";

import { SimpleThemeWrapper } from "../stories/story-utils";
import { DocWrapper, Highlight, Marked, Wrapper } from "./doc-wrapper";
import { useLayer } from "react-laag";

export default {
title: "Glide-Data-Grid/Docs",
decorators: [
(Story: React.ComponentType) => (
<Story />

interface DummyItem {
name: string;
company: string;
phone: string;
email: string;

const data: DummyItem[] = [
name: "Deidre Morris",
company: "GONKLE",
email: "",
phone: "+1 (867) 507-3332",
name: "Sheryl Craig",
company: "EVENTAGE",
email: "",
phone: "+1 (869) 520-2227",
name: "Lidia Bowers",
company: "ANOCHA",
email: "",
phone: "+1 (808) 414-3826",
name: "Jones Norton",
company: "REPETWIRE",
email: "",
phone: "+1 (875) 582-3320",
name: "Lula Bruce",
company: "COMDOM",
email: "",
phone: "+1 (873) 452-2472",
name: "Larsen Montgomery",
company: "SQUISH",
email: "",
phone: "+1 (893) 482-3651",
name: "Becky Bright",
company: "COMCUR",
email: "",
phone: "+1 (879) 494-2331",
name: "Charlotte Rowland",
company: "FROLIX",
email: "",
phone: "+1 (861) 439-2134",
name: "Sonya Hensley",
company: "GEEKETRON",
email: "",
phone: "+1 (802) 553-2194",
name: "Stephenson Guthrie",
company: "EXOSWITCH",
email: "",
phone: "+1 (903) 449-3271",
name: "Mcmillan Cline",
company: "TURNLING",
email: "",
phone: "+1 (982) 496-2454",
name: "Kemp Davis",
company: "TETRATREX",
email: "",
phone: "+1 (859) 594-2982",
name: "Matilda Levy",
company: "SLOFAST",
email: "",
phone: "+1 (841) 521-2444",
name: "Hattie Simpson",
company: "COMTRAK",
email: "",
phone: "+1 (962) 587-3805",
name: "Kinney Munoz",
company: "IDETICA",
email: "",
phone: "+1 (921) 513-2012",
name: "Lambert Raymond",
company: "TURNABOUT",
email: "",
phone: "+1 (919) 519-2442",
name: "Bryant Dunlap",
company: "BYTREX",
email: "",
phone: "+1 (872) 583-2883",

export const Menus: React.VFC = () => {
const getContent = React.useCallback((cell: Item): GridCell => {
const [col, row] = cell;
const dataRow = data[row];
const indexes: (keyof DummyItem)[] = ["name", "company", "email", "phone"];
const d = dataRow[indexes[col]];
return {
kind: GridCellKind.Text,
allowOverlay: true,
displayData: d,
data: d,
}, []);

const columns = React.useMemo<GridColumn[]>(() => {
return [
title: "Name",
id: "name",
hasMenu: true,
title: "Company",
id: "company",
hasMenu: true,
title: "Email",
id: "email",
hasMenu: true,
title: "Phone",
id: "phone",
hasMenu: true,
}, []);

const onHeaderMenuClickedStage1 = React.useCallback((col: number, position: Rectangle) => {
window.alert("Header menu clicked " + col + JSON.stringify(position));
}, []);

const [showMenu, setShowMenu] = React.useState<{ bounds: Rectangle; col: number }>();

const onHeaderMenuClickedStage2 = React.useCallback((col: number, bounds: Rectangle) => {
setShowMenu({ col, bounds });
}, []);

const { renderLayer, layerProps } = useLayer({
isOpen: showMenu !== undefined,
triggerOffset: 4,
onOutsideClick: () => setShowMenu(undefined),
trigger: {
getBounds: () => ({
bottom: (showMenu?.bounds.y ?? 0) + (showMenu?.bounds.height ?? 0),
height: showMenu?.bounds.height ?? 0,
left: showMenu?.bounds.x ?? 0,
right: (showMenu?.bounds.x ?? 0) + (showMenu?.bounds.width ?? 0),
top: showMenu?.bounds.y ?? 0,
width: showMenu?.bounds.width ?? 0,
placement: "bottom-start",
auto: true,
possiblePlacements: ["bottom-start", "bottom-end"],

return (
# Menus
Glide Data Grid doesn't come with built in menus. Instead it is evented and ready to work with whatever menus you want
to use. Let's learn how to add basic menus using [react-laag]( Adding menu drop down indicators to headers is as simple
as passing a bool and listening to click events using \`onHeaderMenuClick\`.`}
const columns = React.useMemo<GridColumn[]>(() => {
return [
title: "Name",
id: "name",
hasMenu: true,
title: "Company",
id: "company",
hasMenu: true,
title: "Email",
id: "email",
hasMenu: true,
title: "Phone",
id: "phone",
hasMenu: true,
}, []);
const onHeaderMenuClick = React.useCallback((col: number, position: Rectangle) => {
window.alert("Header menu clicked " + col + JSON.stringify(position));
}, []);
return <DataEditor {} onHeaderMenuClick={onHeaderMenuClick} />;
<Wrapper height={200}>
The provided coordinates are in page space. This makes it trivial to use [react-laag]( to create a basic menu. Some
styling would go a long way here.`}
const [showMenu, setShowMenu] = React.useState<{ bounds: Rectangle; col: number }>();
const onHeaderMenuClick = React.useCallback((col: number, bounds: Rectangle) => {
setShowMenu({ col, bounds });
}, []);
const { renderLayer, layerProps } = useLayer({
isOpen: showMenu !== undefined,
triggerOffset: 4,
onOutsideClick: () => setShowMenu(undefined),
trigger: {
getBounds: () => ({
bottom: (showMenu?.bounds.y ?? 0) + (showMenu?.bounds.height ?? 0),
height: showMenu?.bounds.height ?? 0,
left: showMenu?.bounds.x ?? 0,
right: (showMenu?.bounds.x ?? 0) + (showMenu?.bounds.width ?? 0),
top: showMenu?.bounds.y ?? 0,
width: showMenu?.bounds.width ?? 0,
placement: "bottom-start",
auto: true,
possiblePlacements: ["bottom-start", "bottom-end"],
return <>
<DataEditor {} onHeaderMenuClick={onHeaderMenuClick} />
{showMenu !== undefined &&
width: 300,
padding: 4,
borderRadius: 8,
backgroundColor: "white",
border: "1px solid black",
<li>Item 1</li>
<li>Item 2</li>
<li>Item 3</li>
<Wrapper height={200}>
{showMenu !== undefined &&
width: 300,
padding: 4,
borderRadius: 8,
backgroundColor: "white",
border: "1px solid black",
<li>Item 1</li>
<li>Item 2</li>
<li>Item 3</li>
(Menus as any).storyName = "09. Menus";
(Menus as any).parameters = {
options: {
showPanel: false,

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