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Send MIDI to Cvs from wifi

What is Europi

Europi is an reprogrammable Eurorack module from Allen-Synthesis link.

This module is based on raspberry pico pi and can be reprogrammed as you prefer using micropython.

Here some link

What is europiW

Is a little spice in europi, i have upgrade raspberry Pico to raspberry Pico W that mount wifi/bluetooth module. You can use Midi2euroPiW for drive 6 cv out by wifi. The Js script create a bridge between MIDI stream and send formatted message to EuroPiW by Udp protocol

The europi original function still work.

CLI configurator

You can create and save configuration about cv routing in CLI. The configuration are store in ./cfg/srvMIDIUdpConf.json.


Prepare your raspberry PI pico W

  1. Be carefull and replaced the pi Pico of EuroPi with fresh Pico W
  2. Flash Pico W with newest official firmware download from here (
  3. Follow the basic installation of Europi instruction from step 10 (
  4. Upload /EuroPi-micropython/lib/ in ./lib on Pico W
  5. Upload /EuroPi-micropython/ on Pico W and configure the name of network and password

Configure and launch script

  1. Clone repository (
  2. cd Midi2euroPiW
  3. install the dependecy npm i
  4. You can sniff the Midi message with midiMonitor $ node midiMonitor.js
  5. open an other termina and execute $ node midiServerMIDICLI.js

Configurtion by cli

  1. This is the first strike and you need to configure the controller for route MIDI message to Cvout you can configure by hand in ./cfg/srvMIDIUdpConf.json and select the configuration by list or you can create new one by CLI
  2. Connect your midi device
  3. Start new configuration, there is 2 option NoteOnOff and FreeCvs
  • NoteOnOff is for keyboard pitch is set on cv1 and trigger on cv2, you can add more 4 control like wheel, pot or fader mapping the physical value to the cvout range (0-10)
  • FreeCvs is for the control that not have noteOn/noteOff message ex, pot, fader, arduino input and il organized from cv1 and cv6. You can map physical value to cvout range (0-10)
  1. Follow the instruction, the midiMonitor.js on other terminal can sniff the midi message and value.
  2. Save configuration

Let's play

  1. connect your pc to euroPiW network
  2. start server
  3. patch your EuroPi
  4. PLAY!!!

Configuration mode

There is two kind of configuratione mode noteOnOff and FreeCvs


Is use with keyboard and can accept the noteOn and noteOff message and until 4 other controller ex. pitch Wheel, mod Weel, and other pot

Default cv mapping:

control cvout
cvPitch cv1
cvTrig cv2
com1 cv3
com2 cv4
com3 cv5
com4 cv6


This mode is use for mapping pot, fader, sensor that not use noteOn noteOff and assign every staff to different cv ot from cv1 to cv6

Default cv mapping:

control cvout
com1 cv1
com2 cv2
com3 cv3
com4 cv4
com5 cv5
com6 cv6

Config file

The configuration ./cfg/srvMIDIUdpConf.json Prefix comX refer to different controller

      "midiPort": 0,
      "device": "UMX 250",
      "mode": "noteOnOff",
      "noteOnMidiMessage": 144,
      "noteOffMidiMessage": 128,
      "comxMidi": 1,
      "comxControllerRangeMax": 127,
      "comxControllerRangeMin": 0,
      "comxCvRangeMax": 8,
      "comxCvRangeMin": 0,
      "comxMidiMsPs": 1,
Value Type Description
midiPort int self assigned by script during configuratione
device string device name retrive by script configuration
mode string noteOnOff or FreeCvs is the kind of configuration
noteOnMidiMessage int MIDI message noteOn trig cvTrig (cv2) and send pitch value to cvPitch (cv1)
noteOffMidiMessage int MIDI message noteOff trig cvTrig (cv2)
comxMidi int MIDI message othe control pot/fader/sensor
comxControllerRangeMax int max value of physical MIDI controller ex. 127
comxControllerRangeMin int max value of physical MIDI controller ex. 0
comxCvRangeMax int max value of cvout in volt, range max 10v
comxCvRangeMin int min value of cvout in volt, range min 0v
comxMidiMsPs int The position of midi message in MIDI array, MIDI array is [x,y,z] and the messagecould be in pos 0 or 1


Send data from Touchdesigner to Europi W on Wifi You can download and use touchDesignerUDPSender.toe for send everything from TD. Be carefull that cvOut range is 0-10 and can't have negative value Follow the installation step for update EuroPi with UDP script and launch ./touchDesignerUDPSender/touchDesignerUDPSender.toe

Screenshot 2024-02-15 alle 21 35 57


Send MIDI to Cvs from wifi







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