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ROMFS for Glitch Works R65X1Q SBC

This repository contains source files and utilities for using ROMFS on the Glitch Works R65X1Q SBC. ROMFS is a simple file system intended for use with EPROMs, EEPROMs, and other nonvolatile memory.

Updating ROMFS

There are two different updaters available. updater/updater_conf2.hex contains RSC-FORTH configuration 2 and will work on an R65X1Q SBC without a Glitchbus 32K memory expansion board. updater/updater_conf3.hex contains RSC-FORTH configuration 3 and requires a Glitchbus 32K memory expansion board.

Load the desired updater hex file using the eWoz ROM monitor -- this will take two to three minutes at 4800 bps. Once the hex load has finished with a success message, execute the loader by typing:


at the eWoz prompt. The updater will prompt you to enable EEPROM writes via DIP switch and wait. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO INTERRUPT THE UPDATE ONCE IT BEGINS! This program rewrites the system EEPROM and will prompt for a reset when it is ready. Interrupting the update will probably corrupt your system EEPROM.

Default ROMFS Configuration

The ROMFS directory in the default 32K system image is as follows:

Record #    Contents
0           eWoz 1.2 for Glitch Works R65X1Q SBC, running from RAM
1           Tiny BASIC for Glitch Works R65X1Q SBC
2           Rockwell RSC-FORTH v1.7 for R65X1Q SBC bootloader
3           Memory Tester for R65X1Q SBC
4           R65X1Q SBC ROMFS Bootloader
5           RSC-FORTH 1.7 Conf 2 Kernel
6           RSC-FORTH 1.7 Conf 2 Dev. Env.

Setting the PA0 - PA3 switches to the record number specified in the above table will load and boot the specified ROMFS record. Note that records number 5 and 6 are not directly bootable and must be loaded by record number 2, the RSC-FORTH bootloader.