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GASP-Mexico - Translations of Global ASP stories into Indigenous Mexican languages

This repository contains translated versions stories from the Global African Storybook Project collection in a variety of Indigenous Mexican languages. These translations are featured on the Cuentos para México website.


Whenever possible, languages are identified by their ISO 639-1 or ISO 639-3 code.

The following languages are within the scope of this repository:

ISO Code Language name English name
amu amuzgo Amuzgo
zoq ayapaneco Ayapa Zoque
pei chichimeca jonaz Chichimeca Jonaz
cco chinanteco Chinantec
coz chocholteco Chocholtec
ctu chol Ch'ol (Chol)
chf chontal Chontal
coc cucapá Cocopah
huv huave Huave
ixc ixcateco Ixcatec
jac jakalteko Jakaltek
kic kikapú Kickapoo
klb kiliwa Kiliwa
lac lacandón Lacandon
mam mam Mam
mat matlatzinca Bot´una (Matlatzinca)
ocu pjiekak'joo Pjiekakjoo (Tlahuica)
yua maya yucateco Yucatec Maya
mfy mayo Mayo
maz mazahua Mazahua
mazateco Mazatec
mixe Mixe
miu mixteco Mixtec (Mixteco de Cacaloxtepec)
ngiwa (popoloca) Ngiwa
nah náhuatl Nahuatl
nch náhuatl (náhuatl de la Huasteca central) Huasteca Nahuatl (Central)
nhe náhuatl (náhuatl de la Huasteca veracruzana) Huasteca Nahuatl (Eastern)
nhw náhuatl (náhuatl de la Huasteca potosina) Huasteca Nahuatl (Western)
oto otomí Otomí
ppi paipai Paipai
pia pima bajo Pima Bajo
popoluca Popoluca
pua purépecha Purépecha
hus tének (huasteco) Huastec
tepehua Tepehua
tpc tlapaneco Tlapanec
totonaco Totonac
trq triqui Triqui
tzo tsotsil Tsotsil
tzh tzeltal Tzeltal
hch wixárika (huichol) Huichol
pmq xi´iuy (pame norte) Northern Pame
yaq yaqui Yaqui
zap zapoteco Zapotec
zoque Zoque


Creative Commons (see bottom of each file for details of specific license used).


Translations of Global ASP stories into Indigenous Mexican languages






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