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⚠️ **If you mine Monero, Aeon, Sumokoin, Turtlecoin, Stellite, GRAFT, Haven Protocol, IPBC,

XMRig is a high performance Monero (XMR) CPU miner, with official support for Windows. XMRig 是一款高性能的CPU门罗币挖矿软件,支持windows操作系统 在算法和程序调度上做了大量的优化工作

Table of contents



  • High performance.
  • Official Windows support.
  • Small Windows executable, without dependencies.
  • x86/x64 support.
  • Support for backup (failover) mining server.
  • keepalived support.
  • Command line options compatible with cpuminer.
  • CryptoNight-Lite support for AEON.
  • Smart automatic
  • Nicehash support
  • It's open source software.


  • 高性能门罗挖矿软件,对挖矿算法做了极致优化
  • 支持windows系统
  • 不需要安装依赖,可执行文件占用很少的磁盘空间
  • 支持 x86/x64 系统.
  • 支持失效备源服务器,一台服务器失效,自动切换到另一台服务器
  • 不会掉线,断线自动重连.
  • 支持命令行选项.
  • 支持 AEON CryptoNight-Lite算法.
  • 只能调节线程数量.
  • 支持Nicehash
  • 完全开源.




Edit config.json.


  -a, --algo=ALGO          cryptonight (default) or cryptonight-lite
  -o, --url=URL            URL of mining server
  -O, --userpass=U:P       username:password pair for mining server
  -u, --user=USERNAME      username for mining server
  -p, --pass=PASSWORD      password for mining server
  -t, --threads=N          number of miner threads
  -v, --av=N               algorithm variation, 0 auto select
  -k, --keepalive          send keepalived for prevent timeout (need pool support)
  -r, --retries=N          number of times to retry before switch to backup server (default: 5)
  -R, --retry-pause=N      time to pause between retries (default: 5)
      --cpu-affinity       set process affinity to CPU core(s), mask 0x3 for cores 0 and 1
      --cpu-priority       set process priority (0 idle, 2 normal to 5 highest)
      --no-huge-pages      disable huge pages support
      --no-color           disable colored output
      --variant            algorithm PoW variant
      --donate-level=N     donate level, default 5% (5 minutes in 100 minutes)
      --user-agent         set custom user-agent string for pool
  -B, --background         run the miner in the background
  -c, --config=FILE        load a JSON-format configuration file
  -l, --log-file=FILE      log all output to a file
  -S, --syslog             use system log for output messages
      --max-cpu-usage=N    maximum CPU usage for automatic threads mode (default 75)
      --safe               safe adjust threads and av settings for current CPU
      --nicehash           enable nicehash/xmrig-proxy support
      --print-time=N       print hashrate report every N seconds
      --api-port=N         port for the miner API
      --api-access-token=T access token for API
      --api-worker-id=ID   custom worker-id for API
  -h, --help               display this help and exit
  -V, --version            output version information and exit

Also you can use configuration via config file, default config.json. You can load multiple config files and combine it with command line options. 可以通过配置文件来修改配置,默认的配置文件名是 config.json。你可以通过加载命令行加载多个配置文件。

Algorithm variations

Since version 0.8.0.

  • --av=1 For CPUs with hardware AES.
  • --av=2 Lower power mode (double hash) of 1.
  • --av=3 Software AES implementation.
  • --av=4 Lower power mode (double hash) of 3.

Common Issues

HUGE PAGES unavailable

  • Run XMRig as Administrator.
  • Since version 0.8.0 XMRig automatically enables SeLockMemoryPrivilege for current user, but reboot or sign out still required. Manual instruction.

Other information

  • No HTTP support, only stratum protocol support.
  • No TLS support.
  • Default donation 5% (5 minutes in 100 minutes) can be reduced to 1% via command line option --donate-level.


  • 不支持 HTTP 协, 只支持 stratum 协议.
  • 不支持TLS.
  • 默认捐赠 donation 5% (100分钟捐出5分钟) 可以通过选项--donate-level 减少至1%

CPU mining performance

  • Intel i7-7700 - 307 H/s (4 threads)
  • AMD Ryzen 7 1700X - 560 H/s (8 threads)


  • Intel i7-7700 - 307 H/s (4 threads)
  • AMD Ryzen 7 1700X - 560 H/s (8 threads)

Please note performance is highly dependent on system load. The numbers above are obtained on an idle system. Tasks heavily using a processor cache, such as video playback, can greatly degrade hashrate. Optimal number of threads depends on the size of the L3 cache of a processor, 1 thread requires 2 MB of cache. 注意:性能和系统负载密切相关。以上性能数据是在空闲的系统上获得的。系统如果运行高度依赖cpu 缓存的任务,比如视频回放,会大大降低挖矿效率。最佳的挖矿线程数量根据cpu L3缓存而定。一个线程需要2MB的缓存

Maximum performance checklist

  • Idle operating system.
  • Do not exceed optimal thread count.
  • Use modern CPUs with AES-NI instruction set.
  • Try setup optimal cpu affinity.
  • Enable fast memory (Large/Huge pages).


  • 系统不要运行其它任务,
  • 不要超出系统最佳线程数量
  • Use modern CPUs with AES-NI instruction set.
  • Try setup optimal cpu affinity.
  • Enable fast memory (Large/Huge pages).


  • XMR: 48PbYAxS8rj6B3u94zZwfwPZ7Y777zztQHrDGSvDaheu4LG6Y1e5L7QbUt28z4ZGETi5bSLeUCerx4cEnyFSidSQ9o1mJDG
  • ETH: 0x749Eaf7029988a6060Fdb2B1741852A92a45F378

Release checksums

