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238 lines (182 loc) · 9.98 KB

File metadata and controls

238 lines (182 loc) · 9.98 KB

messydates 0.4.1


  • The package now depends on R versions bigger or equal to 4.0 since functions for subsetting and comparing 'mdate' objects rely on functions introduced in that version


  • Closed #83 by fixing how logical comparisons works for negative and year only dates

messydates 0.4.0


  • Closed #46 by adding the mdates_duration class that introduces methods to annotate a duration or period with representations of its uncertainty
  • Closed #72 by fixing issues with double unspecified components not being contracted correctly
  • Closed #73 by fixing bugs with the conversion of dates where month is spelled
  • Closed #74 and #82 by adding other logical comparison operators for 'mdate' objects (e.g. <, >, <=, >=) (thanks @WerthPADOH)
  • Closed #76 by adding proportional operators that calculate the proportion of messy dates meeting logical tests (e.g. %l% %le%, %g%, %ge%, %><%, %>=<%)
  • Closed #77 by adding basic vector methods for subsetting and data frames (thanks @WerthPADOH)
  • Added alias function mdate() for as_messydate()
  • Renamed set family of functions to work as operators (i.e. %intersect% and %union%)
  • Replaced is_element() by is_subset() for clarity and consistency
  • Closed #80 by updating make_messydates() function to also construct ranges of dates

messydates 0.3.5


  • Updated how contract() function checks if 'mdate' object has been expanded

messydates 0.3.4


  • Updated 'battles' internal data
    • Corrected issues with zero padding for certain date ranges
    • Added 'US_party' and 'N_actors' additional variables for replication purposes


  • Closed #68 by updating as_messydate() function
    • Fixed bugs with zero padding for ranges of dates
    • Fixed bugs with the re-ordering of months and day components for incorrectly specified dates
  • Closed #69 by updating contract() function to 'expand' dates before 'contracting' them
  • Updated expand() function to handle, and properly convert, date objects that are not 'mdate'

messydates 0.3.3


  • Moved cheatsheet.pdf to 'inst' folder instead of the 'man' folder

messydates 0.3.2


  • Closed #64 by updating failing tests to test for other aspects instead of the printing of negative dates across OS
  • Closed #65 by updating cheatsheet for new package changes


  • Closed #62 by adding "resequence" as an argument to as_messydates() for explicit date format conversion, if necessary
  • Closed #63 by fixing issues with unnecessary white spaces added in date conversion

messydates 0.3.1


  • Updated README by removing unattractive package startup messages
  • Updated battles data by adding 'parties' variable


  • Closed #54 by adding new mreport() function to properly report on data containing 'mdate' variables
  • Updated expand() function
    • Fixed bug with the expansion of approximate dates
    • Removed unnecessary function message

messydates 0.3.0


  • Closed #51 by changing object class name to mdate
    • Note that this is a breaking change
  • Closed #41 by creating {skimr} template for mdate class


  • Updated coercion to messy dates
    • Closed #26 by adding "resequence" argument to as_messydate() allowing users to choose component order of ambiguous dates
    • Closed #45 by improving how as_messydate() re-orders 6 digit date components if necessary
    • Closed #48 by adding zero padding incomplete date ranges and sets of dates
    • Updated as_messydate() to also extract dates from text strings
  • Added is_precise() function that provides a logical test for precise dates
  • Updated messy dates expansion
    • Updated expand() to allow for the expansion of incomplete date ranges and sets of dates
    • Closed #49 by updating resolve functions to only expand dates if they are not precise

messydates 0.2.1


  • Added a vignette for working with the {messydates} package


  • Closed #9 by adding arithmetic operations for working with messydt objects
    • Added S3 methods for "+" and "-" operators
    • Added add() and subtract() helper functions for arithmetic operations
  • Updated expand() function
    • Closed #31 by updating how approximate dates are expanded to account for leap years
    • Closed #34 by updating expand() to manage negative dates
    • Added expand_negative_dates() helper function for expanding ranges of negative dates
  • Updated functions that coerce from messydt objects to Date to manage negative dates
    • Added negative_dates() helper function to coerce negative messydt dates
  • Closed #39 by updating how resolve mean methods work for negative dates
  • Closed #40 by updating contract function to manage the contraction of negative dates
    • Added compact_negative_dates() helper function to compact negative date ranges
    • Added is.sequence() as a helper function to check if dates are a range
  • Updated resequence script to export interleave() function

messydates 0.2.0


  • Added PANARCHIC project details to README file
  • Added cheatsheet
  • Added a new CSS style to website and updated functions displayed
  • Addressed workflow actions issues
    • Updated pushrelease.yml workflow actions file to stop installing {messydates} from Github
    • Updated README file to stop installing {messydates} from Github
  • Fixed Codecov test coverage URL on README file for CRAN submission


  • Expanded on messydates checks for class validity
  • Fixed bugs for make_messydate()
  • Added annotation functions and standardized annotation so that it is consistent with ISO2019E standards.
    • on_or_before()
    • on_or_after()
    • as_approximate()
    • as_uncertain() (includes discrimination between month uncertainty and day and month uncertainty)
  • Updated as_messydate() by adding zero padding for month, day or year
  • Updated resequence() to work consistently with messydate objects
  • Updated expand() function to expand imprecise, unspecified, approximate, uncertain, and negative dates according to approximate ranges and added tests
  • Updated precision() to return the lengths of expanded dates
  • Updated median() in resolve family of functions to work with changes to expand()
  • Added tests for functions
    • Added tests for expand()
    • Added tests for contract()
    • Added tests for precision()
    • Added tests for coerce_from_messydate()

messydates 0.1.1


  • Updated README with some more explanation about what the package does/offers
  • Fixed URL to the package website

messydates 0.1.0


  • Updated call to messydt class in DESCRIPTION file


  • Updated documentation for as_messydate() functions
  • Updated documentation for expand() function
  • Updated documentation for resolve family of functions
  • Updated documentation for coerce from family of functions
  • Updated documentation for coerce to family of functions

messydates 0.0.1


  • Setup {messydates} package
    • Added DESCRIPTION file
    • Added R folder
    • Added LICENSE file
    • Added NAMESPACE file
    • Added NEWS file
    • Added README files
    • Added .github folder and files
    • Added tests folder and files
  • Setup pkgdown website
  • Added package logo


  • Added a new messydt class which follows the latest ISO 8601 (2019) standards
    • Added validation checks for messydt class
    • Added print methods for messydt class
  • Added as_messydate() function to coerce from date objects to messydate
    • as_messydate() standardises date order, separators and ambiguity
    • Added date class coercion
    • Added POSIXct class coercion
    • Added POSIXlt class coercion
    • Added character class coercion
  • Added functions to coerce from messydate objects to other date classes
    • Added as.Date.messydt() for coercing to date class
    • Added as.POSIXct.messydt() for coercing to POSIXct class
    • Added as.POSIXlt.messydt() for coercing to POSIXlt class
  • Added expand() function for expanding ranged and uncertain dates
  • Added functions to resolve expanded dates
    • Added min.messydt() to get minimum value from expanded range
    • Added max.messydt() to get maximum value from expanded range
    • Added median.messydt() to get median value from expanded range
    • Added mean.messydt() to get mean value from expanded range
    • Added modal.messydt() to get mode value from expanded range
  • Added contract() function for contracting expanded dates
  • Added extract functions to get particular date components
    • Added year() to extract year from date
    • Added month() to extract month from date
    • Added day() to extract day from date
  • Added make_messydate() function to get messy dates from multiple columns
  • Added set functions for operations in sets of messy dates
    • Added md_intersect() to find intersection of sets of messy dates
    • Added md_union() to find union of sets of messy dates
    • Added md_multiset() to join two sets of messy dates
  • Added logical function for various logical tests for messy date objects
    • Added is_messydate() to test for messydt class
    • Added is_intersecting() to test if dates intersect
    • Added is_element() to test for multiple elements in dates
    • Added is_similar() to test for similarities in dates
  • Added tests for new functions
    • Added tests for messydt class and às_messydate() function
    • Added tests for coerce from messy dates functions
    • Added tests for coerce to messy dates functions
    • Added tests for contract() function
    • Added tests for expand() function
    • Added tests for extract functions
    • Added tests for make_messydate() function
    • Added tests for resolve functions
    • Added tests for set functions