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Releases: globalsmartasset/GSAcoin

31 Dec 08:23
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We are pleased to announce the latest update to the GSA Coin Wallet, version This update focuses on enhancing the security and functionality of our wallet, ensuring a safer and more efficient experience for our users.

How to Upgrade
If you are running an older version of GSA wallet, shut it down first then wait until it has completely shut down however sometimes it takes several minutes to complete this process.

GSA Wallet is now available form :

Please follow our installation script :

Please follow our version update script :

Key Updates:
Enhanced Address-Blocking Feature: We have significantly updated our address-blocking feature. This enhancement is aimed at providing an additional layer of security, preventing unauthorized access and transactions.
Improved Security Protocols: The address-blocking feature now incorporates advanced algorithms to detect and block suspicious wallet addresses effectively.

For any assistance or questions regarding the update, please contact our support team through our website or at

We thank our community for their continued support and feedback, which play a crucial role in the ongoing development and improvement of GSA Coin.

21 Sep 16:32
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GSA Wallet Release Announcement

We are delighted to officially release the GSA Wallet version This release includes different types of bug fixes, including some cool features, also focused on security and performance improvements.

How to Upgrade

If you are running an older version of GSA wallet, shut it down first then wait until it has completely shut down however sometimes it takes several minutes to complete this process.

GSA Wallet is now available form :

Please follow our installation script :

Notable Changes

  • gsa-cli commands
    The gsa-cli application provides a command-line option for accessing GSA coin Core RPCs. Before it was globalsmartasset-cli. Now Gsa-cli help with this command you can know all the command line for accessing and managing GSA core Wallet.
  • BIP65 Upgrade
    GSA coin follows BIPS , A BIP65 absolute lock-time encoding library. Which is implemented at 935101 Blocks.
  • POS to POS_v2
    GSA coin introduces a new Proof-of-Stake Version 2 algorithm (PoSv2) implemented at 935101 Blocks. There were issues at POS v1 which is based on “coin age” “and weight” for stacking rewards. 51% of POS v1 was attacked by hackers on POS v1 blockchain. Now POS v2 is based on a user being connected to the network so they could be randomly selected based on matured coin transactions.
  • Stake Modifier version 2
    GSA coin added a new 256-bit modifier for the proof of stake protocol that occurred at 935101 Block. It is computed at every block, by taking the hash of the modifier of the previous block along with the coin stake input. To meet the protocol, the PoS kernel must comprise the modifier of the previous block.
  • Time protocol version 2
    GSA coin introduces a new time protocol that has occurred at 935101 Block for the proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, to ensure better efficiency, fairness and security.
  • P2PKH block signature added
    GSA coin added P2PKH at 935101 Block. P2PKH concept stands for “Pay to Public Key Hash" which will be solved if someone takes an advantage from eventually orphaned blocks and grabs the money from all transactions in them, by making a fake transaction for each one.

GUI changes

GSA Wallet V5.0.0.1 introduces a completely new GUI for the wallet. This new UI is user friendly and has some lucrative designs as follows.

  • Minimalist design
    GSA core wallet designed with simplicity mind. We believe in simple & trendy design which makes our wallet more catchy.
    User Friendly - GSA team tend to focus on user friendly design with navigation so that end users can use our wallet smoothly.
  • Encrypted wallet
    GSA core wallet integrated encrypted wallet option so that users' funds are more secure and safe , this option is available on the top bar of wallet.
  • One Click address
    Now you can generate one click receiving address alongside QR code , any one can you with GSA QR code .
  • Payment request
    In the coming days as GSA is planning to expand more use cases such as payment methods on supermarkets, booking hotels, buying plane tickets , we integrated a new system where you can send payment requests from GSA wallet which can be done by fewer clicks.
  • Multi -language support
    GSA believes in globalization now GSA core wallet is supported by major languages on this planet. More languages will be added soon , our core team is working on these updates .
  • Save contact address
    In crypto space we send our asset with an alphanumeric number so it's hard to memorize our friends and family address . Now you can save with a label your friends and families address in the GSA core wallet.
  • Reward chart
    GSA core wallet introduced intuitive reward chart where users can see masternode rewards and staking rewards.
    From now you can manage your master node with our wallet easily where you can monitor your masternode activity alongside full fledged control.
  • Transaction status
    GSA core integrated new type of transaction panel where you can monitor your transaction with filtering several categories such as sent, received, by yourself more on.


GSA coin is supported and extensively tested on operating systems using Ubuntu, Cent OS, macOS 10.14+, and Windows 7 and newer.

GSA coin core should also work on most other Unix-like systems but is not frequently tested on them.


All credits goes to GSA community member , GSA Core contributors, everyone who shares thoughts, helping GSA to fix bugs , improvement on GUI and also to Bitcoin Core Developers.