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This project is the web-client application for the phenology observation offer PhaenoNet by GLOBE Switzerland.


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This project is the web-client application for the phenology observation offer PhaenoNet by GLOBE Switzerland.


PhaenoNet is set up with two Firebase projects instances. These projects have a separate Firestore and storage instance as well as access rules.


The application will be using the database and access rules of the phaenonet-test project for all use-cases described in this section.

GitHub Codespaces

Launch the Codespace in GitHub using the codespace branch. It will checkout the master branch, initialize the submodules, and rebuild the container. This process may take some minutes to finish.


The CSS is developed according to BEM.


individual-detail.component.html (with the Block individual-detail and the element header):

<div class="individual-detail">
  <div class="individual-detail__header">...</div>


.individual-detail {
  @include detail-view &__header {
    // the `&` will be replaced with the parent selector, so this will become `individual-detail__header`
    @include left-right-padding;


@mixin detail-view {
@mixin left-right-padding{

Serve locally

Initially copy init.json credential file for local development in the src/local/ folder.

Run a dev server.

pnpm exec ng serve --c=local

Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Run end-to-end tests

To run e2e-test first run a local server as described in the previous chapter.

Install the required dependencies and run the tests:

pnpm --filter e2e install
pnpm --filter e2e exec codeceptjs run --steps

Test output will be located in /e2e/output.

Run stylelint checks

To run all stylelint checks

pnpm exec stylelint "**/*.scss"

Create map pins

To recreate the map_pins with the '+' install imagemagick and run the script src/

Deploy to Firebase

Whenever possible use the GitHub action deploy and channel to deploy applications to Firebase.

Code merged to the master branch will be deployed to for final acceptance. This deployment will also include all rules and indexes.

Manually deploy applications in development

Intermediate development states of the application can be deployed to hosting channels.

pnpm exec ng build && pnpm exec firebase hosting:channel:deploy my_channel_name --project phaenonet-test

Manually deploy rules & indexes in development

Rules and indexes for Firestore and Storage will need to be deployed manually if needed. Be aware that the rules are shared between the hosting channel and the test application.

pnpm exec firebase deploy --only storage,firestore --project phaenonet-test

Manually deploy application for acceptance test

To manually deploy a test version:

pnpm exec firebase login
pnpm exec ng build && pnpm exec firebase deploy --project phaenonet-test

Manually deploy application version to production

git checkout v<version>
pnpm exec firebase login
rm -r node_modules && CI=true pnpm install && pnpm exec ng build --c=production && pnpm exec firebase deploy --project phaenonet

Related resources


This project is the web-client application for the phenology observation offer PhaenoNet by GLOBE Switzerland.







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Contributors 4
