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Auror Core

Simple Flow creation for Azkaban


Photo by Rhii Photography on Unsplash


pip install auror_core

Supported Job Types


  • Command
  • Flow


  • Command


Creating a simple Azkaban flow with one command

You just need to import job type and project

from auror_core.v1.job import Job, Command
from auror_core import Project

com1 = Job()\
.with_name("commands job")\
.with_command("bash echo 1")\
.with_another_command("bash echo 2")

Project("folder_to_generate_files", com1).write()

Creating a simple V2 Azkaban flow with one command

V2 flow is implemented under v2 subfolder with same job types

from auror_core.v2.job import Job, Command
from auror_core import Project

com1 = Job()\
.with_name("commands job")\
.with_command("bash echo 1")\
.with_another_command("bash echo 2")

Project("folder_to_generate_files", com1).is_v2().write()

Creating Flows with dependencies

from auror_core.v2.job import Job, Command
from auror_core import Project

com1 = Job()\
.with_name("commands job")\
.with_command("bash echo 1")\
.with_another_command("bash echo 2")

com2 = Command()\
.with_name("sub command job")\
.with_command("bash echo 1")\

Project("folder_to_generate_files", com1, com2).is_v2().write()

Sharing job attributes

Organize jobs with same configuration

from auror_core.v2.job import Command
from auror_core import Project

com = Command()\
.with_command("bash echo 1")

com1 = com.with_name("commands job")\
.with_another_command("bash echo 2")

com2 = com.with_name("sub command job")\

Project("folder_to_generate_files", com1, com2).is_v2().write()

Job with extra customization and configuration

Simulating a Command with base Job (NOT RECOMMENDED)

from auror_core.v1.job import Job
from auror_core import Project

com1 = Job()\
.with_name("commands job")\
.with_(command="bash echo 1")

com1._type = "command"

Project("folder_to_generate_files", com1).write()

Integrating with Flow (just for V1)

V2 already have flow included

from auror_core.v1.job import Command, Flow, Job
from auror_core import Project

com1 = Command()\
.with_name("commands job")\
.with_command("bash echo 1")

flow = Job()\

Project("folder_to_generate_files", com1, flow).write()

Using Flow Params

from auror_core.v2.job import Command
from auror_core.v2.params import Params
from auror_core import Project

params = Params(
    teste1="my test",
    variable="my variable"

com = Command()\
.with_command("bash echo ${variable}")

Project("folder_to_generate_files", com)\

Using Flow Environment Variables

from auror_core.v2.job import Command
from auror_core.v2.params import Env
from auror_core import Project

env = Env(
    TESTE="my test",
    VARIABLE="my variable"

com = Command()\
.with_command("bash echo $VARIABLE")

Project("folder_to_generate_files", com)\

Using Flow Environment Variables and Params

from auror_core.v2.job import Command
from auror_core.v2.params import Env, Params
from auror_core import Project

env = Env(
    TESTE="my test",
    VARIABLE="my variable"

params = Params(
    teste1="my test",
    variable="my variable"

com = Command()\
.with_command("bash echo $VARIABLE ${variable}")

Project("folder_to_generate_files", com)\
.with_params(params, env)\

Join multiple variables in one

from auror_core.v2.job import Command
from auror_core.v2.params import Env
from auror_core import Project

env = Env(
    TESTE="env test",
    VARIABLE="env variable"

params = Params(
    teste1="my test",
    variable="my variable"

one_param = ParamsJoin("params_strange_name", ",") ## param name and separator

com = Command()\
.with_command("bash echo ${params_strange_name}") 
## it will print: my test,my variable,env test,env variable

Project("folder_to_generate_files", com)\
.with_params(one_param(params, env))\

Load jobs from YAML File (just for V2)

You can find some YAML File examples on Azkaban Flow Documentation

from auror_core.v2.loader import Loader

loader = Loader('/path/to/file/flow.yaml')
jobs = loader.as_job_objects()

Or you can export these jobs as a Python File

from auror_core.v2.loader import Loader

loader = Loader('/path/to/file/flow.yaml')
jobs = loader.as_python_file('/path/to/desired/directory') # will be dumped with '' name

Dump memory flows to a Python File (just for V2)

from auror_core.v2.dumper import Dumper

com1 = Job() \
.with_name("commands job 1") \
.with_(command="bash echo 1")

com2 = Job()\
.with_name("commands job 2")\
.with_(command="bash echo 2")

dumper = Dumper('/path/to/desired/directory') # will be dumped with '' name
dumper.dump_jobs(com1, com2)


Plugins are just extensions from auror_core

There is a cookiecutter for new azkaban jobtypes with Auror template too:

We already have email plugin:


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