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CloudMon is a monitoring orchestrator for clouds. Cloudmon integrates directly an IaaS plataform (currently works with Apache CloudStack and AWS EC2) with a monitoring plataform (Zabbix).

On the fly, CloudMon will:

  • create, delete or change status of zabbix hosts (each host corresponds to an IaaS VM) and even update its configurations (templates, hostgroups, macros...) replicating the changes (created/removed/stopped) ocurred within the VMs.

  • Read VMs resource tags and take different actions based on its values.

  • Associate zabbix hosts to predefined templates or hostgroups.

  • Simultaneously monitor multiple Cloud regions (different or same IaaS).

CloudMon works as a Python Daemon that retrieves IaaS data through CloudStack API, AWS EC2 API and/or its event queues, processing that data and taking the proper action in Zabbix through the Zabbix API.

CloudMon requires a Zabbix Agent installed to ensure proper functionality.

CloudMon has been tested and used in CentOS environments and Python 2.7.

Getting Started

  • Read the documentation
  • Recommended to create a python virtualenv for CloudMon.
  • Install via pip install cloudmon.
  • Edit your cloudmon.conf file for your needs. See Configuration.
  • Create and edit one or more managers.
  • Edit /etc/init.d/cloudmon if needed.
  • Run CloudMon with: cloudmon or /etc/init.d/cloudmon start | stop | restart. See Usage.

Success Stories

CloudMon has been successfully used by to monitor its Cloud Infrastructure.


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