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Eric edited this page Jan 4, 2024 · 160 revisions

In OGX.JS, Popups are floating boxes with a view in them, they can be drag-able, resize-able, have an icon and buttons. They also can hold one or multiple views and can have tabs. A popup is what would be commonly called in an operating system environment, a window.



  Uxi, Touch, Resize



Complete stack

  Uxi, Overlay, Loading, Touch, Resize, Container


 let config = {
      id:_STRING_, //Required, must be unique
      width:_NUMBER_|_STRING_, //Required, either a number (for pixels) or a percentage 
      height:_NUMBER_|_STRING_, //Required, either a number (for pixels) or a percentage 
      min_width:_NUMBER_ //Optional, if resizable, the min width in pixels
      min_height:_NUMBER_ //Optional, if resizable, the min height in pixels
      max_width:_NUMBER_ //Optional, if resizable, the max width in pixels
      max_height:_NUMBER_ //Optional, if resizable, the max height in pixels
      x:_NUMBER_, //Optional, the x position at start
      y:_NUMBER_, //Optional, the x position at start
      title:_STRING_, //Optional, the title of the popup,
      buttons:_ARRAY_, //Optional, an array of strings or objects    
      tabs:_ARRAY_, //Optional, an array of objects as required for OGX.Tabs
      icon:_STRING_, //Optional, the path to an image to use for the top left icon
      icons:_ARRAY_, //Optional, the array of icons to display in the top right corner
      scroll:_BOOL_, //Optional, if the popup body is scroll-able,
      drag:_BOOL_, //Optional, if the popup is drag-able, 
      resize:_BOOL_, //Optional, if the popup is resize-able, 
      keep_ratio:_BOOL_, //Optional, if the popup will keep its aspect ratio when resizing,
      center:_BOOL_, //Optional, if the popup is always centered,
      maximize:_BOOL_, //Optional, if the popup can be maximized
      maximize_dbc : _BOOL_, //Optional, if the popup can be maximized on double click of the head
      group:_STRING_, //Optional, if group name for merging popups 
      group_icon: _STRING_, //Optional, if a group has a default icon
      html:_STRING_, //Optional, some HTML content to add to the body of the popup
      template:_STRING_, //Optional, HTML content coming from a template stored in Templater
      anim:_STRING_, //Optional, defaults to OGX.Popup.FADE,
      anim_param:_OBJECT_, //Optional, defaults to {scale:0.7}       
      zindex:_INT_ //Optional, the z-index of the popup,
      css:_STRING_ //Optional, an css class to be added to the body of the popup,
      view:_OBJECT_, //Optional, a view configuration object,
      delay_oml:_BOOL_, //Optional, if set, the OML content will be rendered in the next thread

Simple Popup

You can build simple popups without using OML, by using the html or template properties, such as

      "width":INT|STRING(px, %), 
      "height":INT|STRING(px, %), 

Example - Create a simple popup of 400px x 300px with custom HTML in it, on the current stage.

      html:'<p>Some HTML content</p>'

Example - Create a simple popup of 400px x 300px with a HTML template, from an Uxi

 this.create('Popup', {

Same as above but using app.addPopup passing the Uxi to create from, as parameter

  }, this); 

Note that the addPopup method is only available on the app object


Popup supports size expressions. Size can be passed as number or string (with or without unit). For more info about this, check out the Data component.


You can also change the size on the fly by doing


You can also specify an anim flag and a callback

my_popup.height(600, true, () => { ... });

You can retrieve a dimension by using the width or height method with parameters. Note that if you used a size expression, it will return the size expression. To get the computed size, use my_popup.el.width() or my_popup.el.height().


To create more complex Popups, you can use the node:OML property and pass it an OML tree. Popups only generate a single placeholder. Configuration for 1 View in the body

      "width":INT|STRING(px, %), 
      "height":INT|STRING(px, %), 

You can also use OML to generate multiple placeholders for this popup via a Container. Here we create at runtime a popup on current stage

 app.create('Popup', {

If you are storing the OML content of your popup

      'node:OML':'{{oml myFile}}'


Set Buttons

You can add buttons to your popup by passing an array of objects.

     buttons:[{label:'OK'}, 'label':'Cancel'}]

  $(document).on(OGX.Popup.CLICK_BUTTON, function(__event, __data){
      console.log(__data); //logs {index:_INT_, value:_STRING} where index is the button index and value its label

If you'd rather not listen to events and have a callback called when the button is hit instead, do

     buttons:[{label:'OK', callback:myFunction}, {label:'Cancel', callback:otherFunction}]

  function myFunction(){ ... }
  function otherFunction(){ ... }

You can also add custom parameters to your callbacks per button, which are going to be passed to the callback functions such as

     buttons:[{label:'OK', callback:myFunction, params:true}, {label:'Cancel', callback:otherFunction, params:false}]

A click on the OK button of the popup will call myFunction and pass it true

Update Buttons

You can at any time update the buttons of your popup by doing

 app.cfind('Popup', _ID_).buttons(_ARRAY_);

Also retrieve the current buttons

 app.cfind('Popup', _ID_).buttons();


You can enable/disable the buttons of the popup by doing

 app.cfind('Popup', _ID_).enableButtons();
 app.cfind('Popup', _ID_).disableButtons();

or by targeting a single button passing its zero-based index

 app.cfind('Popup', _ID_).enableButton(0);
 app.cfind('Popup', _ID_).disableButton(0);


Popups can also be scroll-able, just like views. It is recommended to use the scroll component of the popup if the content of your popup will be a simple HTML or a template (without a view to interact with the display). If you need to have a view instanced in the popup, it is then recommended to enable the scroll at view level instead.


Popups can be resized with 2 anchors at the bottom of the popup, one of the bottom-left side and one on the bottom right side. They can also be resized with code (the resize:true flag is not needed to resize by code):

app.resizePopup(_ID_, _WIDTH_, _HEIGHT_);


To have a popup take the entire width and height of its parent

app.cfind('Popup', __ID__).maximize();


To restore a popup to its former size (size before maximize)

app.cfind('Popup', __ID__).normalize();


Popups can also be tabbed and hold multiple views. It uses Tabs and Carousel to create tabs and containers, and binds them together. If you wish to use tabs, you must pass a tabs array as well as a views array, such as

 this.create('Popup', {
      tabs:[{label:'Profile'}, {label:'Security'}],
           {name:'Profile', template:'Profile', observe:false},
           {name:'Security', template:'Security', observe:false}

To retrieve an object (such as a View) from a Popup, do

 app.cfind('Popup', 'my_popup').find('View', 'MyView');

Or you can also look that view up from a parent Uxi

 this.find('View', 'MyView');

Note that cfind uses the app's cache, while find lookups down the tree of an object's nodes


You can get/set the title at anytime using the title method

 myPopup.title('new title');


Popups can have a multiple icons. The top left corner icon of the popup is set with the property icon of the config (path to icon file). It is optional. You can also add interactive icons in the top right corner of the popup, by passing an array of icons such as:

 let config = {..., icon:'path_to_image', icons:[
     {icon:'path_to_imageA', callback:_FUNCTION_},
     {icon:'path_to_imageB', callback:_FUNCTION_},

The function linked to the callback parameter will be called when the end user hits it.

You can also get/set icons on the fly using the icons method

 myPopup.icons([{icon:'path_to_imageA', callback:_FUNCTION_},{icon:'path_to_imageA', callback:_FUNCTION_}]);


Check if a popup already exists on the stage in use



Like any other components, you can look them up using the find method. To look up at the app level

 app.find('Popup', 'my_popup');

To retrieve directly from the app's cache

 app.cfind('Popup', 'my_popup');

To lookup from within where the Popup was instanced

 this.find('Popup', 'my_popup');

You can also use the value of the static

 this.find('Popup', 'my_popup');
 app.find('Popup', 'my_popup');
 app.cfind('Popup', 'my_popup');


You can hide or show a popup by finding it and then calling the method. If you created the popup within a Uxi then you can directly look it up, otherwise you can use the app object to lookup the popup over the entire application.

 this.find('Popup', 'my_popup_id').show();
 app.cfind('Popup', 'my_popup_id').show();

If you are reusing the popup

 let popup = this.find('Popup', 'my_popup_id');

You can also hide and show popups without removing them, in the case you have a workflow with multiple popups and you wish to switch from one to the other.

app.hidePopup(_ID_, _CALLBACK_, _PARAMS_);
app.showPopup(_ID_, _CALLBACK_, _PARAMS_);

To retrieves a list of names of visible popups on the current stage, do



You can show/hide using an animation (or not). Only 2 animations are supported for now: OGX.Popup.FADE and OGX.Popup.SCALE, that you should set in the config of the Popup, such as

      anim: OGX.Popup.FADE | OGX.Popup.SCALE | false

OGX.Popup.SCALE can be adjusted via an additional parameter anim_param, which determines the scaling factor of the animation, and defaults to 0.7

      anim: OGX.Popup.SCALE,

Note that you can also use the value of the constant, such as 'fade' or 'scale', using the constant is recommended in case of future changes.


app.movePopup(_ID_, _X_, _Y_);

Note that is your popup has center set to true, the popup will always recenter on its own. Also note that if the popup size was initially defined as a relative value (%), then the popup will also resize when the interface resizes.


You can lookup and remove a popup from the app object

 app.removePopup(_ID_, _ANIMATION_, _CALLBACK_, _CB_PARAMS_);

Deleting a popup will also call the destroy method of any view embedded inside the popup. Note that if you want to remove a popup with no animation, you can pass false or OGX.Popup.NOANIM. If no animation value is passed, the popup will be removed reusing the animation used to show that popup.

