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EasyPrefs uses annotations to generate Android SharedPreferences boilerplate code. Simply annotate classes, methods or fields, and EasyPrefs will generate a class containing static methods for storing and retrieving to and from SharedPreferences. Check out sample code below to see it in action.


EasyPrefs is hosted on JitPack - just add the JitPack maven repository to your list of repositories, and then add the EasyPrefs dependency:

allprojects {
  repositories {
      maven { url "" }
dependencies {
   compile 'com.github.globulus:easyprefs:-SNAPSHOT'

Annotations and properties

  • PrefClass - marks that fields from the said class should be added to EasyPrefs.
    • staticClass - if true, prefs will be enclosed within a static class in EasyPrefs, allowing for contextual grouping of prefs. Otherwise, all prefs will be added to the root level of the EasyPrefs class.
    • autoInclude - if true, all fields from the class will be automatically added to prefs. Otherwise, only those marked with @Pref will be added.
    • origin - determines if the given PrefClass is in the top-level module, and should be used as the origin point for prefs merging between modules. See multi-module support for more details.
    • destination - determines if the given PrefClass is in the bottom-level module, and should be used as the last point for merged module pref files. One class in the module that seeks to directly use EasyPrefs should have this set to true in order for the EasyPrefs file to be generated. See multi-module support for more details.
  • PrefMaster - marks a public static method returning an instance of SharedPreferences that will be used in generated code to retrieve the SharedPreferences instance we want to work with. See sample code for more details.
  • Pref - used to mark fields that should be added to EasyPrefs and allows options to be associated with them. If all you wish is default behaviour and the enclosing PrefClass has autoInclude set to true, you needn't use the Pref annotation.
    • key - the to use when storing this field in SharedPreferences. If omitted, the name of the field will be used.
    • clear - if set to false, this field won't be added to the autogenerated clear() and clearAll() methods in EasyPrefs.
    • addClearMethod - if true, a custom method named clearFieldName will be autogenerated to remove the annotated Pref on demand.
    • nullable - if true, the default value for the given pref will be null (used for Strings and Set). If false, default values will be an empty string or set, respectively.
    • autoset - if a value is provided (in the form of String), the autogenerated put method will not allow for a value to be passed; instead it will always set the field to the given value.
    • function - classes that don't go into SharedPreferences by default can be added to it via mapper classes, which transform the custom class into one of the SharedPreferences-friendly types. The value should be a class type of a function implementing PrefFunction interface.
    • rawDefaultValue - used in tandem with function, is used to set the default value for custom classes. See sample code for more details.
    • comment - if provided, a comment will be added to the beginning and end of the block of functions associated with the given Pref.
    • oldKey - useful in migrations, where you can rename a pref (or its key), and still provide the old key so that value stored under the old key can still be accessed before a value is set under the new key. If oldKey is provided, it will also be removed in clear() and custom clear methods.
  • PrefMethod - used for exposing methods in EasyPrefs so that you can have a centralized prefs manager. See sample code for more details.

Using multiple modules

EasyPrefs allows for using multiple nested modules, e.g having an EasyPrefs for a library, and the app dependent on it. The top-level library PrefClass should have origin set to true. Starting with it, EasyPrefs will merge pref classes from all the modules down the hierarchy, until it reaches the destination level module.

Hierarchical processing is powered by MMAP.

Kotlin notes

EasyPrefs works normally with Kotlin, as long as companion object methods (either @PrefMaster or @PrefMethod) aren't annotated with @JvmStatic.

Sample code

// Add fields from this class to EasyPrefs, but only those annotated with @Pref.
// Add fields directly to EasyPrefs, and not inside an enclosing static class.
@PrefClass(autoInclude = false, staticClass = false)
public class SharedPrefs {

    private static SharedPreferences sSecureInstance;

    // PrefMaster annotation is placed on a public static method returning an instance of
    // SharedPreferences, and this method will be used in generated code to retrieve the
    // SharedPreferences instance we want to work with.
    public static SharedPreferences getSecureInstance(@NonNull Context context) {
        if (sSecureInstance == null) {
           sSecureInstance = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context);
        return sSecureInstance;

    int test1; // This field won't be included

    String test2; // This field will be included.

    @Pref(key = "notTest3")
    long test3; // This field will be included with a custom key.

// Automatically add all fields from this class to EasyPrefs.
// Make an in inner static class in EasyPrefs to group these fields.
public class MorePrefs {

    int intField;
    final String stringFieldWithDefaultValue = "default string value";
    final long longFieldWithDefaultValue = 3;

    // Don't add this field to clear() or clearAll() methods
    // Add a comment above its getter and setter
    // When invoking put, autoset the value to true.
    @Pref(clear = false, comment = "Proba 4", autoset = "true")
    boolean dontClearAddCommentAutoSetToTrue;
    Set<String> nonNullStringSet;
    @Pref(nullable = true)
    Set<String> nullableStringSet;

    String nonNullString;
    @Pref(nullable = true)
    String nullableString;
    // Expose these two methods in EasyPrefs so that you can have a centralized prefs manager.
    public static void putThisPref(Context context, int pref) {
        EasyPrefs.putPreferencesField(context, "thisPref", pref);

    public static int getThisPref(Context context) {
        return EasyPrefs.getPreferencesField(context, "thisPref", 1);

    // Classes that don't go into SharedPreferences by default can be added to it
    // via mapper classes, which transform the custom class into one of the
    // SharedPreferences-friendly types.
    @Pref(function = JsonObjectString.class, rawDefaultValue = "(String) null")
    JsonObject jsonTest;

    public static class JsonObjectString implements PrefFunction<JsonObject, String> {

        public String put(JsonObject jsonObject) {
            if (jsonObject == null) {
                return null;
            return jsonObject.toString();

        public JsonObject get(String s) {
            if (s == null) {
                return null;
            return new Gson().fromJson(s, JsonObject.class);
} (generated automatically when making the project)

package net.globulus.easyprefs;

import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashSet;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;

 * Generated class by @EasyPrefs . Do not modify this code!
public class EasyPrefs {

  private EasyPrefs() {

  public static SharedPreferences getPrefs(Context context) {
    return net.globulus.easyprefssample.SharedPrefs.getSecureInstance(context);

  // Basic storage methods

  public static void removePreferencesField(Context context, String key) {
    SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getPrefs(context).edit();

  public static void putPreferencesField(Context context, String key, int value) {
    SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getPrefs(context).edit();
    editor.putInt(key, value);

  public static int getPreferencesField(Context context, String key, int defaultValue) {
    return getPrefs(context).getInt(key, defaultValue);

  public static void putPreferencesField(Context context, String key, long value) {
    SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getPrefs(context).edit();
    editor.putLong(key, value);

  public static long getPreferencesField(Context context, String key, long defaultValue) {
    return getPrefs(context).getLong(key, defaultValue);

  public static void putPreferencesField(Context context, String key, float value) {
    SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getPrefs(context).edit();
    editor.putFloat(key, value);

  public static float getPreferencesField(Context context, String key, float defaultValue) {
    return getPrefs(context).getFloat(key, defaultValue);

  public static void putPreferencesField(Context context, String key, boolean value) {
    SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getPrefs(context).edit();
    editor.putBoolean(key, value);

  public static boolean getPreferencesField(Context context, String key, boolean defaultValue) {
    return getPrefs(context).getBoolean(key, defaultValue);

  public static void putPreferencesField(Context context, String key, String value) {
    SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getPrefs(context).edit();
    editor.putString(key, value);

  public static String getPreferencesField(Context context, String key, String defaultValue) {
    return getPrefs(context).getString(key, defaultValue);

  public static void putPreferencesField(Context context, String key, Set<String> value) {
    SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getPrefs(context).edit();
    editor.putStringSet(key, value);

  public static Set<String> getPreferencesField(Context context, String key, Set<String> defaultValue) {
    return getPrefs(context).getStringSet(key, defaultValue);

  public static void addToPreferencesField(Context context, String key, String value) {
    Set<String> set = getPreferencesField(context, key, new HashSet<String>());
    putPreferencesField(context, key, set);

  public static void removeFromPreferencesField(Context context, String key, String value) {
    Set<String> set = getPreferencesField(context, key, new HashSet<String>());
    putPreferencesField(context, key, set);

  // Generated methods

  public static class MorePrefs {

    public static int getIntField(Context context) {
      return getPreferencesField(context, "intField", 0);

    public static void putIntField(Context context, int value) {
      putPreferencesField(context, "intField", value);

    public static String getStringFieldWithDefaultValue(Context context) {
      return getPreferencesField(context, "stringFieldWithDefaultValue", "default string value");

    public static void putStringFieldWithDefaultValue(Context context, String value) {
      putPreferencesField(context, "stringFieldWithDefaultValue", value);

    public static long getLongFieldWithDefaultValue(Context context) {
      return getPreferencesField(context, "longFieldWithDefaultValue", 3);

    public static void putLongFieldWithDefaultValue(Context context, long value) {
      putPreferencesField(context, "longFieldWithDefaultValue", value);

    public static Set<String> getNonNullStringSet(Context context) {
      return getPreferencesField(context, "nonNullStringSet", new HashSet<String>());

    public static void putNonNullStringSet(Context context, Set<String> value) {
      putPreferencesField(context, "nonNullStringSet", value);

    public static void addToNonNullStringSet(Context context, String value) {
      addToPreferencesField(context, "nonNullStringSet", value);

    public static void removeFromNonNullStringSet(Context context, String value) {
      removeFromPreferencesField(context, "nonNullStringSet", value);

    public static Set<String> getNullableStringSet(Context context) {
      return getPreferencesField(context, "nullableStringSet", (java.util.Set<java.lang.String>) null);

    public static void putNullableStringSet(Context context, Set<String> value) {
      putPreferencesField(context, "nullableStringSet", value);

    public static void addToNullableStringSet(Context context, String value) {
      addToPreferencesField(context, "nullableStringSet", value);

    public static void removeFromNullableStringSet(Context context, String value) {
      removeFromPreferencesField(context, "nullableStringSet", value);
    public static String getNonNullString(Context context) {
      return getPreferencesField(context, "nonNullString", "");

    public static void putNonNullString(Context context, String value) {
      putPreferencesField(context, "nonNullString", value);

    public static String getNullableString(Context context) {
      return getPreferencesField(context, "nullableString", (java.lang.String) null);

    public static void putNullableString(Context context, String value) {
      putPreferencesField(context, "nullableString", value);

    // Proba 4

    public static boolean getDontClearAddCommentAutoSetToTrue(Context context) {
      return getPreferencesField(context, "dontClearAddCommentAutoSetToTrue", false);

    public static void putDontClearAddCommentAutoSetToTrue(Context context) {
      putPreferencesField(context, "dontClearAddCommentAutoSetToTrue", true);

    // END Proba 4

    public static getJsonTest(Context context) {
      net.globulus.easyprefssample.MorePrefs.JsonObjectString mapper = new net.globulus.easyprefssample.MorePrefs.JsonObjectString();
      return mapper.get(getPreferencesField(context, "jsonTest", (String) null));

    public static void putJsonTest(Context context, value) {
      net.globulus.easyprefssample.MorePrefs.JsonObjectString mapper = new net.globulus.easyprefssample.MorePrefs.JsonObjectString();
      putPreferencesField(context, "jsonTest", mapper.put(value));

    public static void clear(Context context) {
      SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getPrefs(context).edit();

  public static String getTest2(Context context) {
    return getPreferencesField(context, "test2", "");

  public static void putTest2(Context context, String value) {
    putPreferencesField(context, "test2", value);

  public static long getTest3(Context context) {
    return getPreferencesField(context, "notTest3", 0L);

  public static void putTest3(Context context, long value) {
    putPreferencesField(context, "notTest3", value);

  public static void putThisPref(Context context0, int int1) {
    net.globulus.easyprefssample.MorePrefs.putThisPref(context0, int1);

  public static int getThisPref(Context context0) {
    return net.globulus.easyprefssample.MorePrefs.getThisPref(context0);

  public static void clear(Context context) {
    SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getPrefs(context).edit();

  public static void clearAll(Context context) {