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glodb edited this page Sep 25, 2023 · 2 revisions

DBFusion is a comprehensive GoLang library designed to create a centralized platform that seamlessly integrates with both SQL and NoSQL databases. Its primary feature is the ability to add a cache layer to any database. While the library currently supports Redis as its internal caching mechanism, developers can integrate their preferred cache systems by implementing the Cache Interface within the caches module. DBFusion strives to be a developer-friendly ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) and has been thoroughly tested with MongoDB and MySQL. It is not intended to replace existing SQL or NoSQL drivers but rather to provide an intuitive and user-friendly alternative.


  • Enhanced Cache Support: DBFusion offers built-in cache support with cache hooks.
  • Hooks: Pre and post-operation hooks for customization.
  • Table Name Hooks: Define or extract table names from the structure.
  • Pagination Support: Built-in pagination and aggregate pagination for MongoDB.
  • Chaining API: Fluent API for constructing complex database queries.


To incorporate DBFusion into your Go project, use the following import statement:

import ""