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Repository of a MovieDb application, where you can search for movies and add them to your favourite list. It uses React Native, Redux and TypeScript.


git clone <dirName>

cd <dirName>

npm i

cd ios && pod install && cd..

Run locally in development mode

  • iOS: react-native run-ios

  • Android: react-native run-android

Android APK

Mobile developer challenge

The Movie DB is a movie information services, that delivers an open API allowing users to search for movies, view movie posters, get movie ratings and much more. We would like you to create a movie catalog as a iOS and Android application by taking advantage of one of these APIs. We expect this task to take up to 5 hours. We have provided you with a starter project, but feel free to use your own. Requirements As a user, I would like to be able to: ● Search for a movie. ● View movie metadata (title, genre) ● Add a movie to a favourites list Technical requirements: ● Use React-Native , ES6 and Typescript ● At least one visible animation ● Application should be usable on iOS and Android Design requirements: ● Express your creativity ● Keep UX in mind Bonus: ● Use Redux or similar ● Type ahead search ● Pagination ● Ability to watch movie trailers. ● Unit tests ● Create an apk for the created Android application Delivery The best way to send your work is to send us a link to a GitHub (or equivalent) repository. We expect the repository to contain: ● All the source code and the commit history ● All the necessary build and run scripts ● A file explaining how to build and run the application. Motivations behind technical choices (e.g. library used) if relevant.

For any question, please get in touch with your recruiter directly we will make sure you have everything you need. The Movie DB API documentation can be found here:

You can either create your own API Key or use the following: API KEY(v3) : cc0f3deac833d283a230b440f5e7d753 API Read Access Token(v4) : eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJjYzBmM2RlYWM4MzNkMjgzY TIzMGI0NDBmNWU3ZDc1MyIsInN1YiI6IjViZGMyYWUxOTI1MTQxNzg0NTAwOWNiZ CIsInNjb3BlcyI6WyJhcGlfcmVhZCJdLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoxfQ.ewTwC-AaaK0FpRy6kshST sSz5TElxsFFcA3Gh8bT99s


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