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File metadata and controls

143 lines (104 loc) · 4.67 KB


:pygsd.hoomd provides high-level access to HOOMD schema GSD files.

View the page source to find unformatted example code that can be easily copied.

Define a snapshot


s = gsd.hoomd.Snapshot() s.particles.N = 4 s.particles.types = ['A', 'B'] s.particles.typeid = [0,0,1,1] s.particles.position = [[0,0,0],[1,1,1], [-1,-1,-1], [1,-1,-1]] = [3, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0]

:pygsd.hoomd represents the state of a single frame with an instance of the class :pygsd.hoomd.Snapshot. Instantiate this class to create a system configuration. All fields default to None and are only written into the file if not None and do not match the data in the first frame, or defaults specified in the schema.

Create a hoomd gsd file

python'test.gsd', mode='wb')

Append frames to a gsd file


def create_frame(i):

s = gsd.hoomd.Snapshot() s.configuration.step = i s.particles.N = 4+i s.particles.position = numpy.random.random(size=(4+i,3)) return s

t ='test.gsd', mode='wb') t.extend( (create_frame(i) for i in range(10)) ) t.append( create_frame(10) ) len(t)

Use to open a GSD file with the high level interface :pygsd.hoomd.HOOMDTrajectory. It behaves like a python :pylist, with :pygsd.hoomd.HOOMDTrajectory.append and :pygsd.hoomd.HOOMDTrajectory.extend methods.


:pygsd.hoomd.HOOMDTrajectory currently doesn't support files opened in append mode.


When using :pygsd.hoomd.HOOMDTrajectory.extend, pass in a generator or generator expression to avoid storing the entire trajectory in RAM before writing it out.

Randomly index frames


t ='test.gsd', mode='rb') snap = t[5] snap.configuration.step snap.particles.N snap.particles.position

:pygsd.hoomd.HOOMDTrajectory supports random indexing of frames in the file. Indexing into a trajectory returns a :pygsd.hoomd.Snapshot.

Slicing and selection

Use the slicing operator to select individual frames or a subset of a trajectory.


t ='test.gsd', mode='rb')

for s in t[5:-2]:

print(s.configuration.step, end=' ')

every_2nd_frame = t[::2] # create a view of a trajectory subset for s in every_2nd_frame[:4]: print(s.configuration.step, end=' ')

Slicing a trajectory creates a trajectory view, which can then be queried for length or sliced again. Selecting individual frames from a view works exactly like selecting individual frames from the original trajectory object.

Pure python reader


f = gsd.pygsd.GSDFile(open('test.gsd', 'rb')) t = gsd.hoomd.HOOMDTrajectory(f); t[3].particles.position

You can use GSD without needing to compile C code to read GSD files using :pygsd.pygsd.GSDFile in combination with :pygsd.hoomd.HOOMDTrajectory. It only supports the rb mode and does not read files as fast as the C implementation. It takes in a python file-like object, so it can be used with in-memory IO classes, and grid file classes that access data over the internet.

Access state data


with'test2.gsd', mode='wb') as t:

s = gsd.hoomd.Snapshot() s.particles.types = ['A', 'B'] s.state['hpmc/convex_polygon/N'] = [3, 4] s.state['hpmc/convex_polygon/vertices'] = [[-1, -1], [1, -1], [1, 1], [-2, -2], [2, -2], [2, 2], [-2, 2]] t.append(s)

State data is stored in the state dictionary as numpy arrays. Place data into this dictionary directly without the 'state/' prefix and gsd will include it in the output. Shape vertices are stored in a packed format. In this example, type 'A' has 3 vertices (the first 3 in the list) and type 'B' has 4 (the next 4).


with'test2.gsd', mode='rb') as t:

s = t[0] print(s.state['hpmc/convex_polygon/N']) print(s.state['hpmc/convex_polygon/vertices'])

Access read state data in the same way.