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File metadata and controls

237 lines (182 loc) · 8.32 KB

File layer

Version: 2.0

General simulation data (GSD) file layer design and rationale. These use cases and design specifications define the low level GSD file format.

Differences from the 1.0 specification are noted.


  • capabilities
    • efficiently store many frames of data from simulation runs
    • high performance file read and write
    • support arbitrary chunks of data in each frame (position, orientation, type, etc...)
    • variable number of named chunks in each frame
    • variable size of chunks in each frame
    • each chunk identifies data type
    • common use cases: NxM arrays in double, float, int, char types.
    • generic use case: binary blob of N bytes
    • can be integrated into other tools
    • append frames to an existing file with a monotonically increasing frame number
    • resilient to job kills
  • queries
    • number of frames
    • is named chunk present in frame i
    • type and size of named chunk in frame i
    • read data for named chunk in frame i
    • read only a portion of a chunk
    • list chunk names in the file
  • writes
    • write data to named chunk in the current frame
    • end frame and commit to disk

These capabilities enable a simple and rich higher level schema for storing particle and other types of data. The schema determine which named chunks exist in a given file and what they mean.

Non use-cases

These capabilities are use-cases that GSD does not support, by design.

  1. Modify data in the file: GSD is designed to capture simulation data.
  2. Add chunks to frames in the middle of a file: See (1).
  3. Transparent conversion between float and double: Callers must take care of this.
  4. Transparent compression: this gets in the way of parallel I/O. Disk space is cheap.


The file layer is implemented in C (not C++) with no dependencies to enable trivial installation and incorporation into existing projects. A single header and C file completely implement the entire file layer. Python based projects that need only read access can use :py:mod:`gsd.pygsd`, a pure Python gsd reader implementation.

A Python interface to the file layer allows reference implementations and convenience methods for schemas. Most non-technical users of GSD will probably use these reference implementations directly in their scripts.

The low level C library is wrapped with cython. A Python file will provide simple installation on as many systems as possible. Cython c++ output is checked in to the repository so users do not even need cython as a dependency.



  • Files as large as the underlying filesystem allows (up to 64-bit address limits)
  • Data chunk names of arbitrary length (v1.0 limits chunk names to 63 bytes)
  • Reference up to 65535 different chunk names within a file
  • Application and schema names up to 63 characters
  • Store as many frames as can fit in a file up to file size limits
  • Data chunks up to (64-bit) x (32-bit) elements

The limits on only 16-bit name indices and 32-bit column indices are to keep the size of each index entry as small as possible to avoid wasting space in the file index. The primary use cases in mind for column indices are Nx3 and Nx4 arrays for position and quaternion values. Schemas that wish to store larger truly n-dimensional arrays can store their dimensionality in metadata in another chunk and store as an Nx1 index entry. Or use a file format more suited to N-dimensional arrays such as HDF5.

File format

There are four types of data blocks in a GSD file.

  1. Header block
    • Overall header for the entire file, contains the magic cookie, a format version, the name of the generating application, the schema name, and its version. Some bytes in the header are reserved for future use. Header size: 256 bytes. The header block also includes a pointer to the index, the number of allocated entries, the number of allocated entries in the index, a pointer to the name list, and the size of the name list block.
    • The header is the first 256 bytes in the file.
  2. Index block
    • Index the frame data, size information, location, name id, etc...
    • The index contains space for any number of index_entry structs
    • The first index in the list with a location of 0 marks the end of the list.
    • When the index fills up, a new index block is allocated at the end of the file with more space and all current index entries are rewritten there.
    • Index entry size: 32 bytes
  3. Name list
    • List of string names used by index entries.
    • v1.0 files: Each name is a 64-byte character string.
    • v2.0 files: Names may have any length and are separated by 0 terminators.
    • The first name that starts with the 0 byte marks the end of the list
    • The header stores the total size of the name list block.
  4. Data chunk
    • Raw binary data stored for the named frame data blocks.

Header index, and name blocks are stored in memory as C structs (or arrays of C structs) and written to disk in whole chunks.

Header block

This is the header block:

struct gsd_header
    uint64_t magic;
    uint64_t index_location;
    uint64_t index_allocated_entries;
    uint64_t namelist_location;
    uint64_t namelist_allocated_entries;
    uint32_t schema_version;
    uint32_t gsd_version;
    char application[64];
    char schema[64];
    char reserved[80];
  • magic is the magic number identifying this as a GSD file (0x65DF65DF65DF65DF).
  • gsd_version is the version number of the gsd file layer (0xaaaabbbb => aaaa.bbbb).
  • application is the name of the generating application.
  • schema is the name of the schema for data in this gsd file.
  • schema_version is the version of the schema (0xaaaabbbb => aaaa.bbbb).
  • index_location is the file location f the index block.
  • index_allocated_entries is the number of 64-byte segments available in the namelist block.
  • namelist_location is the file location of the namelist block.
  • namelist_allocated_entries is the number of entries allocated in the namelist block.
  • reserved are bytes saved for future use.

This structure is ordered so that all known compilers at the time of writing produced a tightly packed 256-byte header. Some compilers may required non-standard packing attributes or pragmas to enforce this.

Index block

An Index block is made of a number of line items that store a pointer to a single data chunk:

struct gsd_index_entry
    uint64_t frame;
    uint64_t N;
    int64_t location;
    uint32_t M;
    uint16_t *id*;
    uint8_t type;
    uint8_t flags;
  • frame is the index of the frame this chunk belongs to
  • N and M define the dimensions of the data matrix (NxM in C ordering with M as the fast index).
  • location is the location of the data chunk in the file
  • id is the index of the name of this entry in the namelist.
  • type is the type of the data (char, int, float, double) indicated by index values
  • flags is reserved for future use.

Many gsd_index_entry_t structs are combined into one index block. They are stored densely packed and in the same order as the corresponding data chunks are written to the file.

This structure is ordered so that all known compilers at the time of writing produced a tightly packed 32-byte entry. Some compilers may required non-standard packing attributes or pragmas to enforce this.

In v1.0 files, the frame index must monotonically increase from one index entry to the next. The GSD API ensures this.

In v2.0 files, the entire index block is stored sorted first by frame, then by id.

Namelist block

In v2.0 files, the namelist block stores a list of strings separated by 0 terminators.

In v1.0 files, the namelist block stores a list of 0-terminated strings in 64-byte segments.

The first string that starts with 0 marks the end of the list.

Data block

A data block stores raw data bytes on the disk. For a given index entry entry, the data starts at location entry.location and is the next entry.N * entry.M * gsd_sizeof_type(entry.type) bytes.