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class: middle, center, title-slide

Large-scale Data Systems

Lecture 2: Basic distributed abstractions

Prof. Gilles Louppe


  • Define basic abstractions that capture the fundamental characteristics of distributed systems:
    • Process abstractions
    • Link abstractions
    • Timing abstractions
  • A distributed system model = a combination of the three categories of abstractions.

class: middle, center, black-slide


Why distributed abstractions?

Reliable distributed applications need underlying services stronger than transport protocols (e.g., TCP or UDP).[David Wheeler] .caption["All problems in computer science can be solved
by another level of indirection" - David Wheeler.]


The quote summarizes the whole approach we will use towards distributed systems.

class: middle

Distributed abstractions

  • Core of any distributed system is a set of distributed algorithms.
  • Implemented as a middleware between network (OS) and the application.


class: middle

Network protocols are not enough

.pull-right[Distributed abstractions]

  • Communication
    • Reliability guarantees (e.g. with TCP) are only offered for one-to-one communication (client-server).
    • How to do group communication?
  • High-level services
    • Sometimes one-to-many communication is not enough.
    • Need reliable higher-level services.
  • Strategy: build complex distributed systems in a bottom-up fashion, from simpler ones.

class: middle

Distributed computation

Distributed algorithms


  • A distributed algorithm is a distributed collection $\Pi = \{ p, q, r, ... \}$ of $N$ processes implemented by identical automata.
  • The automaton at a process regulates the way the process executes its computation steps.
  • Processes jointly implement the application.
    • Need for coordination.

Event-driven programming

  • Every process consists of modules or components.
    • Modules may exist in multiple instances.
    • Every instance has a unique identifier and is characterized by a set of properties.
  • Asynchronous events represent communication or control flow between components.
    • Each component is constructed as a state-machine whose transitions are triggered by the reception of events.
    • Events carry information (sender, message, etc)

class: middle

Reactive programming model


Effectively, a distributed algorithm is described by a set of event handlers.

class: middle



  • The execution of a distributed algorithm is a sequence of steps executed by its processes.
  • A process step consists in
    • receiving a message from another process,
    • executing a local computation,
    • sending a message to some process.
  • Local messages between components are treated as local computation.
  • We assume deterministic process steps (with respect to the message received and the local state prior to executing a step).

class: middle

Layered modular architecture


  • Components can be composed locally to build software stacks.
    • The top of the stack is the application layer.
    • The bottom of the stack the transport or network layer.
  • Distributed programming abstraction layers are typically in the middle.
  • We assume that every process executes the code triggered by events in a mutually exclusive way, without concurrently processing $\geq$ 2 events.


The figure considers the example of a broadcast abstraction.

  1. the broadcast is initiated by a Send event from the upper layer
  2. the component will implement broadcast by invoking one or more services below
  3. messages sent by the layers below are received by the component
  4. finally, messages are delivered to the application layer

class: middle

Example: Job handler



As for a supercomputer.

class: middle


class: middle


class: middle



Illustrate how modules can be composed together in stacks.

Here we will define a Transformation module to apply some arbitrary transformation to a job before its processing.

class: middle


class: middle


Liveness and safety

  • Implementing a distributed programming abstraction requires satisfying its correctness in all possible executions of the algorithm.
    • i.e., in all possible interleaving of steps.
  • Correctness of an abstraction is expressed in terms of liveness and safety properties.
    • Safety: properties that state that nothing bad ever happens.
      • A safety property is a property such that, whenever it is violated in some execution $E$ of an algorithm, there is a prefix $E'$ of $E$ such that the property will be violated in any extension of $E'$.
    • Liveness: properties that state something good eventually happens.
      • A liveness property is a property such that for any prefix $E'$ of $E$, there exists an extension of $E'$ for which the property is satisfied.
  • Any property can be expressed as the conjunction of safety property and a liveness property.


How do we define correctness? (before showing correctness)

class: middle

.grid[ .kol-2-3[

Example 1: Traffic lights at an intersection

  • Safety: only one direction should have a green light.
  • Liveness: every direction should eventually get a green light. ] .kol-1-3[ .center.width-90[] ] ]

class: middle

Example 2: TCP

  • Safety: messages are not duplicated and received in the order they were sent.
  • Liveness: messages are not lost.
    • i.e., messages are eventually delivered.


  • In our abstraction of a distributed system, we need to specify the assumptions needed for the algorithm to be correct.

  • A distributed system model includes assumptions on:

    • failure behavior of processes and channels
    • timing behavior of processes and channels

class: middle


.caption[Together, these assumptions define sets of solvable problems.]


<>W = eventually weak failure detector

class: middle

Process abstractions

Process failures

  • Processes may fail in four different ways:

    • Crash-stop
    • Omissions
    • Crash-recovery
    • Byzantine / arbitrary
  • Processes that do not fail in an execution are correct.

class: middle

Crash-stop failures

  • A process stops taking steps.
    • Not sending messages.
    • Not receiving messages.
  • We assume the crash-stop process abstraction by default.
    • Hence, do not recover.
    • [Q] Does this mean that processes are not allowed to recover?

class: middle

Omission failures

  • Process omits sending or receiving messages.
    • Send omission: A process omits to send a message it has to send according to its algorithm.
    • Receive omission: A process fails to receive a message that was sent to it.
  • Often, omission failures are due to buffer overflows.
  • With omission failures, a process deviates from its algorithm by dropping messages that should have been exchanged with other processes.

class: middle

Crash-recovery failures

  • A process might crash.
    • It stops taking steps, not receiving and sending messages.
  • It may recover after crashing.
    • The process emits a <Recovery> event upon recovery.
  • Access to stable storage:
    • May read/write (expensive) to permanent storage device.
    • Storage survives crashes.
    • E.g., save state to storage, crash, recover, read saved state, ...
  • A failure is different in the crash-recovery abstraction:
    • A process is faulty in an execution if

      • It crashes and never recovers, or
      • It crashes and recovers infinitely often.
    • Hence, a correct process may crash and recover.

class: middle

Byzantine failures

  • A process may behave arbitrarily.

    • Sending messages not specified by its algorithm.
    • Updating its state as not specified by its algorithm.
  • Might behave maliciously, attacking the system.

    • Several malicious nodes might collude.

class: middle

.center.width-70[] .caption[Fault-tolerance hierarchy]


Explain how failure modes are special cases of one another.

  • Crash-stop special case of omission:
    • Omission restricted to omitting everything after a certain event.
  • Crash-recovery and omission are the same:
    • Crashing, recovering and reading last state from storage
    • Just as same as omitting sending/receive while being crashed
    • But in crash-recovery, it might not be possible to restore all state
    • Therefore crash-recovery extends omission with amnesia
  • Crash-recovery special case of Byzantine
    • Since Byzantine allows anything

class: middle

Communication abstractions


  • Every process may logically communicate with every other process (a).
  • The physical implementation may differ (b-d).


Link failures

  • Fair-loss links

    • Channel delivers any message sent, with non-zero probability.
  • Stubborn links

    • Channel delivers any message sent infinitely many times.
    • Can be implemented using fair-loss links.
  • Perfect links (reliable)

    • Channel delivers any message sent exactly once.
    • Can be implemented using stubborn links.
    • By default, we assume the perfect links abstraction.

.exercise[What abstraction do UDP and TCP implement?]


  • TCP: perfect links
  • UDP: fair-loss links

class: middle

Stubborn links ($sl$)


.exercise[Which property is safety/liveness/neither?]


  • SL1. Stubborn delivery: liveness
  • SL2. No creation: safety

class: middle

Perfect links ($pl$)


.exercise[Which property is safety/liveness/neither?]


  • PL1. Reliable delivery: liveness
  • PL2. No duplication: safety
  • PL3. No creation: safety

class: middle


.exercise[How does TCP efficiently maintain its delivered log?]


  • With sequence numbers

class: middle

Correctness of $pl$

  • PL1. Reliable delivery
    • Guaranteed by the Stubborn link abstraction. (The Stubborn link will deliver the message an infinite number of times.)
  • PL2. No duplication
    • Guaranteed by the log mechanism.
  • PL3. No creation
    • Guaranteed by the Stubborn link abstraction.

class: middle

Timing abstractions

Timing assumptions

  • Timing assumptions correspond to the behavior of processes and links with respect to the passage of time. They relate to
    • different processing speeds of processes;
    • different speeds of messages (channels).
  • Three basic types of system:
    • Asynchronous system
    • Synchronous system
    • Partially synchronous system

Asynchronous systems

  • No timing assumptions on processes and links.
    • Processes do not have access to any sort of physical clock.
    • Processing time may vary arbitrarily.
    • No bound on transmission time.
  • But causality between events can still be determined.
    • How?

class: middle

Causal order

The happened-before relation $e_1 \to e_2$ denotes that $e_1$ may have caused $e_2$. It is true in the following cases:

  • FIFO order: $e_1$ and $e_2$ occurred at the same process $p$ and $e_1$ occurred before $e_2$;
  • Network order: $e_1$ corresponds to the transmission of $m$ at a process $p$ and $e_2$ corresponds to its reception at a process $q$;
  • Transitivity: if $e_1 \to e'$ and $e' \to e_2$, then $e_1 \to e_2$.

class: middle


class: middle

Similarity of executions

  • The view of $p$ in $E$, denoted $E|p$ is the subsequence of process steps in $E$ restricted to those of $p$
  • Two executions $E$ and $F$ are similar w.r.t. to $p$ if $E|p = F|p$.
  • Two executions $E$ and $F$ are similar if $E|p = F|p$ for all processes $p$.


Computation theorem

If two executions $E$ and $F$ have the same collection of events and their causal order is preserved, then $E$ and $F$ are similar executions. ]


Consequence: if causal order can be guaranteed then we dont need to make strong timing assumptions!

Can we check in a simple way if two events are causally related?

class: middle

Logical clocks

In an asynchronous distributed system, the passage of time can be measured with logical clocks:

  • Each process has a local logical clock $l_p$, initially set a $0$.
  • Whenever an event occurs locally at $p$ or when a process sends a message, $p$ increments its logical clock.
    • $l_p := l_p + 1$
  • When $p$ sends a message event $m$, it timestamps the message with its current logical time, $t(m) := l_p$.
  • When $p$ receives a message event $m$ with timestamp $t(m)$, $p$ updates its logical clock.
    • $l_p := \max(l_p, t(m))+1$

class: middle

.center.width-100[Example of logical clock]

class: middle

Clock consistency condition

Logical clocks capture cause-effect relations: $$e_1 \to e_2 \Rightarrow t(e_1) &lt; t(e_2)$$

  • If $e_1$ is the cause of $e_2$, then $t(e_1) &lt; t(e_2)$.
    • Can you prove it?
  • But not necessarily the opposite:
    • $t(e_1) &lt; t(e_2)$ does not imply $e_1 \to e_2$.
    • $e_1$ and $e_2$ may be logically concurrent.

class: middle

Vector clocks

Vector clocks fix this issue by making it possible to tell when two events cannot be causally related, i.e. when they are concurrent.

  • Each process $p$ maintains a vector $V_p$ of $N$ clocks, initially set at $V_p[i] = 0 , \forall i$.
  • Whenever an event occurs locally at $p$ or when a process sends a message, $p$ increments the $p$-th element of its vector clock.
    • $V_p[p] := V_p[p] + 1$
  • When $p$ sends a message event $m$, it piggybacks its vector clock as $V_m := V_p$.
  • When $p$ receives a message event $m$ with the vector clock $V_m$, $p$ updates its vector clock.
    • $V_p[p] := V_p[p] + 1$
    • $V_p[i] := \max(V_p[i], V_m[i])$, for $i \neq p$.

class: middle

.center.width-100[Example of logical clock]

class: middle

Comparing vector clocks

  • $V_p = V_q$
    • iff $\forall i , V_p[i] = V_q[i]$.
  • $V_p \leq V_q$
    • iff $\forall i , V_p[i] \leq V_q[i]$.
  • $V_p &lt; V_q$
    • iff $V_p \leq V_q$ AND $\exists j , V_p[j] &lt; V_q[j]$
  • $V_p$ and $V_q$ are logically concurrent.
    • iff NOT $V_p \leq V_q$ AND NOT $V_q \leq V_p$

Synchronous systems

Assumption of three properties:

  • Synchronous computation
    • Known upper bound on the process computation delay.
  • Synchronous communication
    • Known upper bound on message transmission delay.
  • Synchronous physical clocks
    • Processes have access to a local physical clock;
    • Known upper bound on clock drift and clock skew.

.exercise[Why studying synchronous systems? What services can be provided?]



  • Timed failure detection, e.g. using a heartbeat mechanism.
  • Measure of transit delays
  • Coordination based on time (e.g., manipulating a specific file during a window of time)
  • Worst-case response times.
  • Synchronized clocks, which can then be used to timestamp events in the whole system.
    • This is feasible up to some bounded offset $\delta$

Partially synchronous systems

A partially synchronous system is a system that is synchronous most of the time.

  • There are periods where the timing assumptions of a synchronous system do not hold.
  • But the distributed algorithm will have a long enough time window where everything behaves nicely, so that it can achieve its goal.

.exercise[Are there such systems?]


A system that is synchronous most of the time, but become asynchronous when messages are lost.

  • E.g., buffer overflow (omission) -> retransmissions -> unpredictable delays

Failure detection

  • It is tedious to model (partial) synchrony.
  • Timing assumptions are mostly needed to detect failures.
    • Heartbeats, timeouts, etc.
  • We define failure detector abstractions to encapsulate timing assumptions:
    • Black box giving suspicions regarding node failures;
    • Accuracy of suspicions depends on model strength.

class: middle

Implementation of failure detectors

A typical implementation is the following:

  • Periodically exchange hearbeat messages;
  • Timeout based on worst case message round trip;
  • If timeout, then suspect node;
  • If reception of a message from a suspected node, revise suspicion and increase timeout.

Perfect detector (${\mathcal P}$)

Assuming a crash-stop process abstraction, the perfect detector encapsulates the timing assumptions of a synchronous system.


.exercise[Which property is safety/liveness/neither?]


Degrees of completeness The degrees of completeness depend on the number of crashed process is suspected by a failure detector in a certain period.[5]

  • Strong completeness: "every faulty process is eventually permanently suspected by every non-faulty process."[6]
  • Weak completeness: "every faulty process is eventually permanently suspected by some non-faulty process."[6]

Degrees of accuracy The degrees of accuracy depend on the number of mistakes that a failure detector made in a certain period.[5]

  • Strong accuracy: "no process is suspected (by anybody) before it crashes."[6]
  • Weak accuracy: "some non-faulty process is never suspected."[6]
  • Eventual strong accuracy: "no non-faulty process is suspected after some time since the end of the initial period of chaos as the time at which the last crash occurs."[6]
  • Eventual weak accuracy: "after some initial period of confusion, some non-faulty process is never suspected."[6]

  • PFD1. Strong completeness: liveness
  • PFD2. Strong accuracy: safety

class: middle


class: middle


We assume a synchronous system:

  • The transmission delay is bounded by some known constant.
  • Local processing is negligible.
  • The timeout delay $\Delta$ is chosen to be large enough such that
    • every process has enough time to send a heartbeat message to all,
    • every heartbeat message has enough time to be delivered,
    • the correct destination processes have enough time to process the heartbeat and to send a reply,
    • the replies have enough time to reach the original sender and to be processed.

class: middle

  • PFD1. Strong completeness
    • A crashed process $p$ stops replying to heartbeat messages, and no process will deliver its messages. Every correct process will thus eventually detect the crash of $p$.
  • PFD2. Strong accuracy
    • The crash of $p$ is detected by some other process $q$ only if $q$ does not deliver a message from $p$ before the timeout period.
    • This happens only if $p$ has indeed crashed, because the algorithm makes sure $p$ must have sent a message otherwise and the synchrony assumptions imply that the message should have been delivered before the timeout period.

Eventually perfect detector ($\diamond {\mathcal P}$)

The eventually perfect detector encapsulates the timing assumptions of a partially synchronous system.


class: middle

.grid[ .kol-1-2.width-100[ ] .kol-1-2.width-100[ ] ]

.exercise[Show that this implementation is correct.]

Leader election ($le$)

  • Failure detection captures failure behavior.
    • Detects failed processes.
  • Leader election is an abstraction that also captures failure behavior.
    • Detects correct nodes.
    • But a single and same for all, called the leader.
  • If the current leader crashes, a new leader should be elected.

class: middle


class: middle


.exercise[- Show that this implementation is correct.

  • Is $le$ a failure detector?]

class: middle

Distributed system models

Distributed system models

We define a distributed system model as the combination of (i) a process abstraction, (ii) a link abstraction, and (iii) a failure detector abstraction.

  • Fail-stop (synchronous)
    • Crash-stop process abstraction
    • Perfect links
    • Perfect failure detector
  • Fail-silent (asynchronous)
    • Crash-stop process abstraction
    • Perfect links

class: middle

  • Fail-noisy (partially synchronous)
    • Crash-stop process abstraction
    • Perfect links
    • Eventually perfect failure detector
  • Fail-recovery
    • Crash-recovery process abstraction
    • Stubborn links

The fail-stop distributed system model substantially simplifies the design of distributed algorithms.

class: end-slide, center count: false

The end.


  • Alpern, Bowen, and Fred B. Schneider. "Recognizing safety and liveness." Distributed computing 2.3 (1987): 117-126.
  • Lamport, Leslie. "Time, clocks, and the ordering of events in a distributed system." Communications of the ACM 21.7 (1978): 558-565.
  • Fidge, Colin J. "Timestamps in message-passing systems that preserve the partial ordering." (1987): 56-66.