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A python module to record video of overtaking events to allow vehicle type identification for OpenBikeSensor overtaking events.

Building the device

This software should work with a Pi Zero W or Pi Zero 2 with raspberry pi camera independently from the case it's mounted in.

The idea is to run this on a raspberry pi zero case which can be somehow mounted on the bicycle. An example case for such a mounting with a list of components used can be found here, compiled STL files to match it are available with logos and without

Installation of obs-picamera

The software is meant to run on a raspberry pi zero. I suggest installing it with Raspberry Pi os. As prerequisites the following packages are required:

sudo apt install python-picamera2 python3-pip

The package can then be installed as usual via pip.

pip install --user obs-picamera # add --upgrade if you want to upgrade

Using obs-picamera

You can run the program by calling (pip install --user has installed the binary in your ~/.local/bin/)


When it finds an OpenBikeSensor via bluetooth enabled, it will pair with it and whenever it receives an overtaking event

  • Events for one OpenBikeSensor Track are stored in a directory with the track-id as the directory name.
  • For each event a short h264 video file is saved, the filename matching the system time of the OpenBikeSensor.
  • Next to the video file a .json file with the Data from the overtaking event is placed. Its content is self-explanatory. The distance already has the handlebar width deducted.

I suggest starting obs_picamera automatically at boot - for instance via crontab entry and switching the pi on while still in the home WIFI (which will enable it to pick up a sensible time). Or one may create a phone wifi for it to pick up the time and date


  • Clone this repository
  • Requirements:
  • Create a virtual environment and install the dependencies
poetry install
  • Activate the virtual environment
poetry shell




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