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API Proxy providing authentication, access control using CouchDB as a data store


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Proxee is a proxy server that acts as a middle man between the outside world and your API service or services. It provides

  • authentication and key management - an api_key parameter must be supplied
  • method control - a list of each customer's allowed methods and their proxy destination
  • logging - access is logged and counts are aggregated in reports
  • https support - incoming and outgoing traffic can be optional over https
  • management api - for adding and removing customers and allowed api calls
  • built with Node.js
  • stores data in CouchDB (locally or hosted)
  • free to use, simple to setup and open source


  • provide a public facing API authentication/logging powered by an unprotected or unmetered API Proxee

  • provide versioned API calls for legacy back-end systems e.g. /v1 --> system A, /v2 ---> system B Proxee

  • run proxee behind a load balancer for added resilience Proxee

  • replace expensive a bought-in API management service with an in-house proxy


Proxee is a simple Node.js daemon which listens on a custom port. Its configuration is stored in CouchDB which contains a database of customers and the api calls each customer is allowed to access. Incoming requests are compared with the list of calls that are allowed: valid API calls are proxied to the call's 'remote_url'; invalid API calls and requests with invalid api_key parameters are rejected.

Database interactions are cached for speed, but as the Proxee daemon listens for changes in the CouchDB database, it automatically expires cache keys if the data changes on the server.

All proxied API calls are logged in a 'usagelogs' database, where CouchDB views provide aggregate counts by customer/date/method/path.

If the CouchDB installation is hosted externally (e.g. on Cloudant), then several Proxee servers can be installed behind a load-balancer to add resilience while sharing the same configuration.


  • proxee.js - the proxy itself
  • proxee_manager.js - a simple API service allowing customers and API calls to be added/removed from the database. This doesn't need to be running for the proxy to work. It is only needed to set up the customers and api calls.

Both daemons can be customised by defining environment variables

  • COUCHDB_URL - The url where CouchDB is hosted - Defaults to "http://localhost:5984"
  • PROXEE_HTTP_PORT - The port that proxee.js will listen on for HTTP traffic - Defaults to 5001
  • PROXEE_MANAGER_PORT - The port that proxee_manager_.js will listen on - Defaults to 5002
  • PROXEE_HTTPS_PORT - The port that proxee.js will listen on for HTTPS traffic - Defaults to null
  • PROXEE_HTTPS_KEY_PATH - The path to the https private key file in PEM format - Defaults to null
  • PROXEE_HTTPS_CERT_PATH - The path to the https certificate file in PEM format - Defaults to null
  • PROXEE_CUSTOMER_ID_FIELD - the field that the customer_id is insert into the remote url - Defaults to null


  export COUCHDB_URL=""
  export PROXEE_PORT=6001


The primary application is called "proxee.js". The first time proxee is downloaded, then 'npm' can install the dependcies:

  cd proxee
  npm install

Proxee can be then run as follows:

  node proxee.js

The application will setup any databases and/or views that it needs. Tools like Forever can be used to run Proxee in the background and restart it after crashes.


A second app is availble to run which provides a simpe API for creating customers, adding/removing keys. adding/removing api calls and reporting.

Running proxee_manager

  node proxee_manager.js 

which listens on port 5002 by default, exposing a simple RESTful API.

Creating customers

Using curl, call PUT /customer passing in

  • customer_id
  • name
  • api_key


curl -X PUT -d'customer_id=frank&name=Franks+factory+flooring&api_key=1234567890' ''

Adding another api_key to a customer

When first created, a customer will have one api_key. Others can be added to a customer by calling POST /customer/api_key passing in

  • customer_id
  • api_key


 curl -X POST -d'customer_id=frank&api_key=0987654321' ''

Removing an api_key from a customer

Using curl, call DELETE /customer/api_key passing in

  • customer_id
  • api_key


curl -X DELETE -d'customer_id=frank&api_key=0987654321' ''

Adding an apicall to a customer

Using curl, call PUT /customer/apicall pass in

  • customer_id - the id of the customer to add the call to
  • method - the HTTP method e.g. GET, POST, DELETE, or PUT.
  • path - the relative path that Proxee will look out for e.g. /v1/my/api/call
  • remote_url - the full url that Proxee will proxy the incoming request to
curl -X PUT -d'customer_id=frank&method=get&path=/v1/fetch/more/data&remote_url=' ''

Removing an apicall from a customer

Using curl, call DELETE /customer/apicall pass in

  • customer_id
  • method
  • path
curl -X DELETE -d'customer_id=frank&method=get&path=/v1/fetch/more/data' ''

Getting usage stats for a customer for today

Using curl, call GET /customer/stats/today passing in

  • customer_id
curl ''

Getting usage stats for a customer for this month, by day

Using curl, call GET /customer/stats/thismonth passing in

  • customer_id
curl ''

Getting started

  • download proxee - git clone
  • in the proxee directory, install dependencies - npm install
  • either install CouchDB locally, or set COUCHDB_URL environment variable to point to valid CouchDB server
  • run proxee.js
  • run proxee_manager.js
  • add a customer using proxee_manager's API
  • add an API call using proxee_manager's API

Data Model

Proxee stores its data in CouchDB in three databases


"customers" is list of all customer details and their API keys. A customer record may look like this:

   "_id": "my_customer_1",
   "_rev": "1-61b77dd18d0aea22125cbb6743dce481",
   "name": "My customer",
   "active": true,
   "date_added": "2014-12-01 12:22:11 +00:00",
   "api_keys": [

In the above example, this customer (id = my_customer_1) has two api_keys.


"apicalls" is a list of all the valid calls that permitted to be proxied. A record looks like this:

   "_id": "efa3da222b5c89a06f2bffcdab8145b5",
   "_rev": "1-41105f08c2f2bcafcdc0f2b0f0b87d6a",
   "customer_id": "my_customer_1",
   "method": "GET",
   "path": "/v1/fetch/some/data",
   "remote_url": ""

The above record pertains to customer "my_customer_1" expects a GET request on the path "/v1/fetch/some/data". If such a call arrives, then it will be proxied to "".


"usagelogs" simply stores usage statistics e.g.

   "_id": "fec70b6efb23c5d264d8a68f86009f80",
   "_rev": "1-967522093aa492ff3db3f7756c515e43",
   "method": "GET",
   "path": "/v1/fetch/some/data",
   "api_key": "isfasowqoiwfwfnwfuwbfwfw",
   "customer_id": "my_customer_1",
   "datetime": "2014-04-12 06:59:31 +00:00",
   "ts": 1397285971


How do ensure my API traffic is encypted?

  • buy a secure certificate. Ensure you have the private key and certificate as PEM files
  • configure the following environment variables
    • PROXEE_HTTPS_PORT - The port that proxee.js will listen on for HTTPS traffic - Defaults to null
    • PROXEE_HTTPS_KEY_PATH - The path to the https private key file in PEM format - Defaults to null
    • PROXEE_HTTPS_CERT_PATH - The path to the https certificate file in PEM format - Defaults to null
  • run proxee.js


  export PROXEE_HTTPS_KEY_PATH="/path/to/key.pem"
  export PROXEE_HTTPS_CERT_PATH="/path/to/cert.pem"
  node proxee.js

I want HTTP on port 80 and HTTPs on port 443. How do I do this?

Proxee is designed to be run as a user-space daemon and as such, cannot listen on privileged ports. As root, you can forward the privileged ports 80 & 443 using Iptables rules e.g. as root:

  iptables -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 5001
  iptables -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 5003
  /etc/init.d/iptables save


The test suite can be run with



API Proxy providing authentication, access control using CouchDB as a data store







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