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0. Contents
 1. Creation and initialization of the database cluster
 2. Creation of the database and the user to work with it
 3. Backup and restore

1. Creation and initialization of the database cluster

All data has as propietary the UNIX user that runs the following
commands. The postgres server is also run by this user. An SQL
superuser of the cluster is created with the same name as the UNIX
user. He needs nothing else than his UNIX password to autenticate as a
DB user.

Only local connections are allowed with the following commands (and is
the default in PostgreSQL).

$ mkdir Private/guia
$ mkdir Private/guia/data

Cluster creation:

-D dir: where data is going to be stored.

$ /usr/lib/postgresql/9.1/bin/initdb -D Private/guia/data --locale=ca_ES.utf8 --encoding=UTF8

Server startup:

-o options: passes options to 'postgres'.

$ /usr/lib/postgresql/9.1/bin/pg_ctl start -D Private/guia/data -l Private/guia/data/pgserver.log -o '-h localhost -k /tmp -p 6543'
$ /usr/lib/postgresql/9.1/bin/pg_ctl status -D Private/guia/data

Server stop:

$ /usr/lib/postgresql/9.1/bin/pg_ctl stop -D Private/guia/data

This last command, by default, waits until the last client
disconnects. This behaviour can be changed.

2. Creation of the database and the user to work with it

The goal is to have a superuser that owns a database 'guia' and is
allowed to change the schema (this role is the one implicitly created
in the previous section) and another user 'guia' that can only change
the contents of the tables.

Things to keep in mind:

* By default, EXECUTE privilege is granted to PUBLIC for newly created

* You must own the table to use ALTER TABLE.

* You need the CREATE privilege in a database/schema (or own the
  database/schema) to create tables or other objects into it.

* pg_dump sets the following privileges, at the end: GRANT ALL ON

* For sequences, USAGE privilege allows the use of the currval and
  nextval functions.

For all this the strategy followed is to give ALL PRIVILEGES on all
tables and sequences to role 'guia'.

Create the user 'guia':

-RDS: no allowed to create roles, no allowed to create db, no superuser
-h /tmp: hostnoame or UNIX-domain socket.

$ /usr/lib/postgresql/9.1/bin/createuser -h /tmp -p 6543 -DRS guia

Create the DB 'guia', owned by the user that runs de cluster server:

$ /usr/lib/postgresql/9.1/bin/createdb -h /tmp -p 6543 guia

To connect to the database 'guia' with psql, we need to do:

As DB superuser:

$ psql -p 6543 -h /tmp guia

As user 'guia':

$ psql -p 6543 -h /tmp -U guia guia

Remove the database:

The server must be running, and this is not necessary if you are going
to remove the Private/guia/data anyway.

$ /usr/lib/postgresql/9.1/bin/dropdb -h /tmp -p 6543 guia

3. Backup and restore


-n public: only schema 'public' (not necessary).
--no-owner: no owner stored for objects, then psql will put as owner the one
  coinciding with the UNIX user (or the one passed with -U).
-c: Output commands to clean (drop) database objects prior to (the
  commands for) creating them.

$ pg_dump -p 6543 -h /tmp --schema-only -n public -c --no-owner guia > guia-schema.sql
$ pg_dump -p 6543 -h /tmp --data-only -n public --no-owner guia > guia-data.sql


--single-transaction: If something fails the database is not modified.
USERNAME: the name of the UNIX user

$ grep -v USERNAME guia-schema.sql | psql -p 6543 -h /tmp --single-transaction guia

Repeatedly execute the following, until only "duplicate key" errors

$ psql -p 6543 -h /tmp -U guia < guia-data.sql


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