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An enhanced video player for modern browsers with a consistent UI and extra features!


<x-video> works as a drop-in replacement for the <video> tag. Before:

<video src="video.webm" autoplay loop></video>


<x-video src="video.webm" autoplay loop></x-video>

Everything works like the original video element:

  • <video> tag attributes (controls, autoplay...).
  • The video element attributes (videoWidth, muted...).
  • The video element methods (canPlayType(), pause()...).
  • The video element events (play, pause...).

Working in a no JavaScript environment

If you want to make sure the player will work on browsers with no JavaScript support, just add a <video> tag with the needed attributes inside your <x-video>:

  <video src="video.webm" autoplay loop></video>

x-video will run normally, but will fallback to the native player if JavaScript is not available.

Extra features

Chapter navigation

If you add a chapter track to a video, buttons to navigate to the next/previous chapters are added:

<x-video src="video.webm">
  <track kind="chapters" src="vtt/chapters.vtt" srclang="en" default>

At least one <track> tag must have a kind="chapters" and default attributes with a src pointing to a valid vtt file.

When one of these 2 buttons is clicked, the element fires a chapterchange event.

Note: the web server must support the Range HTTP header to use this feature.


To play several videos successively, add multiple <video> tags inside a <x-video> container:

<x-video controls autoplay>
  <video src="video-1.webm"></video>
  <video src="video-2.webm"></video>
  <video src="video-3.webm"></video>

The videos will be played one after another. Only the attributes of the first one will be preserved, the attributes from the subsequent elements will be ignored.

A videochange event is fired when a new element from the playlist is loaded. By default, the new video is only loaded, but not played. To play it, add a autoplay attribute to <x-video> or listen to the videochange event to trigger the playback in JavaScript:

xVideo.addEventListener('videochange', function() {;



To play the video located at a certain index in the playlist, you can do:

  <video src="video-1.webm"></video>
  <video src="video-2.webm"></video>
  <video src="video-3.webm"></video>
var xVideo = document.querySelector('x-video');
xVideo.playByIndex(2); // Play the 3rd video in the list.


Use playChapter() method to play a specific chapter in the current video:

  <video src="video.webm">
    <track kind="chapters" src="vtt/chapters.vtt" srclang="en" default>
var xVideo = document.querySelector('x-video');
xVideo.playChapter(2); // Start playback from the 3rd chapter.


An enhanced video player for modern browsers with a consistent UI and extra features!






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