#Spring MVC - Thymeleaf - Bootstrap - Twitter Flight In this project we want to show:
I. How to make a simple web application using Spring MVC, Thymeleaf and Bootstrap; this application will be responsive and will use only one ajax call See Blog Entry | See Application
II. How to change the previous application in order to be a SPA (single page application). For this part we will use Twitter Flight because it provides us a way to mantain our code nicely separated and easy to make changes to the different components. We will make this possible by using two ways:
- II.1 The response of the ajax request will return html fragments, and the javascript code only will replace the html content of the different zones. See Blog Entry | See Application
- II.2 The response of the ajax request will return json objects, and the javascript code will make the following See Blog Entry | See Application:
- Use the json object to populate the Mustache templates
- Generate the html fragments using Mustache
- Replace the html content of the different zones
##Application description The application will be simple and contain the following characteristics:
- Show products and its price history
- Show different brands
- Allow filtering by brands and names
- Allow pagination
You can see the application here
- The application uses gradle so you can execute it with the command:
gradle jettyRun
- Version of the main components
- Spring = 4.1.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT
- Thymeleaf = 2.1.3.RELEASE
- Jackson = 2.4.1
- Bootstrap = 3.1.1