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gae-init-auth is the easiest way to start new applications on Google App Engine using Flask, Bootstrap and tons of other cool features.

Read more in the docs, where you can find a complete feature list, a detailed tutorial on how to build a phonebook application and more.

Running the Development Environment

$ cd /path/to/project-name
$ ./ -s

To test it visit http://localhost:8080/ in your browser.

To watch for changes of your *.less & *.coffee files and compile them automatically to *.css & *.js execute in another bash:

$ ./ -w

For a complete list of commands:

$ ./run -h

Grunt is used only for watching for changes and live reloading the page. Install grunt command line interface as a global package:

$ npm install -g grunt-cli

and then from the root execute with no arguments:

$ grunt

Deploying on Google App Engine

Before deploying make sure that the app.yaml and are up to date and you ran the script to minify all the static files:

$ ./ -m
$ update main

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