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Vivek Gupta edited this page Oct 12, 2017 · 1 revision

Welcome to the transaction-machine-finite-state-machine wiki!


Full Fledge Transaction Management System(Useful for college kids to undersatand Finite State Machine coding). Anyone can use the code who wants a system which includes transactions. Will work as a base code template or can be extended to implement full-fledge transaction management system.

Following is the base template and example of a Transaction Management System. System is implemented using FINITE STATE MACHINE MODEL. Anyone wants to implement any other transaction management system like paypal, billdesk can use this. Just state needs to get changed, and after each state any one can process the stuff like DB management.

TO-DO: This system is in baby phase, unit test-cases need to write. Also has to make it thread safe also.

=======Example Transaction System==============

Implement a program that permits definition, creation and execution of finite state machine.

A state machine definition has the following • Finite set of states • One or more initial states • One or more terminal states • One or more events • State transitions for events (explained in detail below)

Here is an example of a cash counting state machine. The machine will allow a purchase if and only the user deposits 4 rupees.Note that the lines starting with “//” are comments for your understanding


//initial state 0S

//terminal states CANCELLED COMPLETED

//events 1R 2R CANCEL BUY

// state transitions

(0S, 1R) 1S (0S, 2R) 2S (1S, 1R) 2S (1S, 2R) 3S (2S, 1R) 3S (2S, 2R) 4S (3S, 1R) 4S (*, CANCEL) CANCELLED (4S, COMPLETE) COMPLETED

The above input results in a state machine as follows

The next set of inputs/outputs show the creation and manipulation of a state machine i.e. an instance of the previously defined state machine is created and manipulated. Here’s a sample interaction. Lines starting with ‘>’ are inputs to the program, while lines starting with ‘<’ are outputs from the program

0S <0S 1R <1S 2R <3S 1R <4S BUY

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