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Post data validator class

Build Status

This class generate the jquery validator code, and can be used to recheck the rules on PHP, server side, after the submission.

Dev status:

Looks OK, being integrated in other projects.

Getting Started

Declarations are sames as as Jquery-validation.

Tested with PHP 5.6 , 7.0, 7.1, 7.2 Does not work with 5.4.


Call jquery and the plugin jquery-validate on your page header.

PHP, Open a new object:

$rulesChecker = new Post_Rule_Manager();

Add a contrainst on a field:

$rulesChecker-> add_constraint('FieldName', 'validation_method', parameters, 'string error sentence')
  • Field_name: The name and the input 's id
  • Validation_method: List is given below
  • Parameter: Explained below
  • Sentence: What is indicated for the user.

Get Jquery validate Code:

In a javascript script on the header, in the usual $().ready( ... put the result of get_jquery_validate_code($formId) method. like this:

      $().ready(function() {
            <?php echo ($rulesChecker->get_jquery_validate_code('FormId')); ?>

Check the data send by user, server side


Will return true if submitted data pass the tests. False if not.

Validation methods and parameters:

  • required: The field is mandatory. Set parameter to null.
  • minlength: The minimal length. Parameter is an integer.
  • maxlength: the awnser's maximal length. Parameter is an integer.
  • rangelength: A range. parameter is a non associative array. First item is an integer, the minimal. Second item is an integer too, the maximal wanted.
  • min: Awnser expected is numeric. parameter is an integer.
  • max: idem
  • range: Awnser expected is numeric. Parameter is a non associative array containing two integers. First one is the min, second one the max.
  • step: Awnser expected is numeric and must be divisible by the step parameter. Parameter is an integer.
  • email: Check if awnser is a valid email. Set parameter to null.
  • url: Check if awnser is a valid URL. Set parameter to null.
  • dateIso: Check if awnser is a valid Date with YYYY-MM-dd format. Set parameter to null.
  • number: check if awnser is a valid Number (can, be float with a dot). Set parameter to null.
  • digit: Check if answer only contains digits. Set parameter to null.
  • equalTo: the awnser value must be the same as an other. Parameter is a string, the input name and id we will compare the value.
  • in : Answer must be an element of a given list. Parameter is the list, a non associative array of strings.


An old PHP style form with this class that can be tested there: test PostDataValidator

//Load the classes
require("../autoload.php"); //change it

//declare yor form rules:
$rulesChecker = new Post_Rule_Manager();
    -> add_constraint('sgbd', 'required', null, 'Le champs type base de données est requis')
    -> add_constraint('sgbd', 'in', array('mysql','pgsql'),  'Le type de base de donnée peut etre seulement mysql ou pgsql')
    -> add_constraint('host', 'required',null,'Le champs hôte est requis')
    -> add_constraint('dbname','required',null,'Le nom de la base de données est requis')
    -> add_constraint('login','required',null,'Le login est requis')
    -> add_constraint('local_user_display_name','minlength',2,'Le nom de l\'utilisateur doit contenir au moins 2 caractères')
    -> add_constraint('local_user_password','minlength',6,'6 caracteres sont requis our le mot de passe')
    -> add_constraint('local_user_password', 'equalTo', 'local_user_password_repeat','La confirmation du mot de passe n\'est pas identique.');


    //the form as been submitted.
    //check values on the server

        //doesnot pass server check
        echo "something wrong...\n";
        //if you want to know what rule returned false, 
        //use last_check_log property:
        echo $rulesChecker->last_check_log;
        //If there is an error here while the data has already been verified 
        //on the client side by jquery Validator:
        // there is a big bug on the site, 
        // or an attempt to hack. 
        //Better to stop the script.
        echo "I's OK";
        //do submit code
        // ...
// The form:
        <!-- You have to install JQUERY , change src to your own jquery url -->
        <script src="/js/jquery-3.3.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <!-- You have to install JQUERY  validate plugin too-->
        <script src="/js/jquery.validate.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
        $().ready(function() {
                //Call the method to generate the jquery validator 's plugin snippet
                echo ($rulesChecker->get_jquery_validate_code('FormId')); 
        <!-- A classic HTML form  -->
        <!-- just notice that "name" and "id" on input elements have the same value -->
        <h1>Installation de l'application</h1>
        <form method="POST" action="/index.php" id="FormId">
            <input type="hidden" name="action" value="initConfigure"/>
            <h2>Base de donnée:</h2>
                <label>Type de base:</label>
                <select name="sgbd" id="sgdb">
                    <option value="mysql">MySQL</option>
                    <option value="pgsql">PostgreeSQL</option>
            <p><label>Hote:</label><input type="text" name="host" value="localhost" id="host"></p>
            <p><label>Database:</label><input type="text" name="dbname" id="dbname"/></p>
            <p><label>login:</label><input type="login" name="login" id="login"/></p>
            <p><label>Mot de passe:</label><input type="password" name="password" id="password"/></p>
            <h2>Compte administrateur local:</h2>
            <p><label>Nom à afficher</label><input type="text" name="local_user_display_name" value="SYSTEM" id="local_user_display_name"/></p>
            <p><label>identifiant de connexion:</label><input type="text" name="local_user_loggin" id="local_user_loggin"/></p>
            <p><label>Son mot de passe:</label><input type="password" name="local_user_password" id="local_user_password"/></p>
            <p><label>Confirmez le mot de passe:</label><input type="password" name="local_user_password_repeat" id ="local_user_password_repeat"/>
        <p><input type="submit" name="submit"/></p>

Running the tests

Install phpunit and launch the script.

To do

  • Implement option tu put rules on optionals fields
  • Implement a method to add others rules (and document it)


Submit pull requests. ;) . To talk, use githubs' issues or Twitter



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


PHP classes to validate (or not) POST Data







No releases published
