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gnumarcelo committed May 22, 2009
1 parent db9737d commit e2b3654
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Showing 16 changed files with 886 additions and 225 deletions.
41 changes: 36 additions & 5 deletions README.rdoc
@@ -1,16 +1,47 @@

= campaigning
= Campaigning

This RubyGem provides access to the CampaignMonitor API( using SOAP.

== Dependencies
This gem requires the following gems

== Pre-requisites
An account with Campaign Monitor and the API Key (

== Resources

=== Dependencies

This gem requires the following gems:

Soap4r (1.5.8)

Jeweler (

=== Installing

sudo gem install gnumarcelo-campaigning -s

== How to play

Just set a constant named *CAMPAIGN_MONITOR_API_KEY* with your Campaign monitor API key and start to play like the examples below:

Sample use of the Client class:

#Here is how to get a list of all clients...
clients = Campaigning::Client.get_all_clients

#Here is how to create a brand new subscriber list for an Client
client = Campaigning::Client.find_by_name("Client One Company")
list = Campaigning::List.create(
:client_id => client.clientID,
:title => "List of people from Brazil",
:comfirm_opt_in => false

For further examples please check at the *sample* directory.

== Copyright

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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions Rakefile
Expand Up @@ -53,5 +53,7 @@ do |rdoc|
rdoc.title = "campaigning #{version}"
rdoc.options << "--inline-source"

4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions campaigning.gemspec
Expand Up @@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ do |s| = %q{campaigning}
s.version = "0.6.0"
s.version = "0.7.0"

s.required_rubygems_version =">= 0") if s.respond_to? :required_rubygems_version=
s.authors = ["Marcelo Menezes"] = %q{2009-05-07} = %q{2009-05-15} = %q{}
s.extra_rdoc_files = [
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42 changes: 17 additions & 25 deletions lib/campaigning/campaigning.rb
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require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + '/helpers/helpers.rb'

module Campaigning
class Base
include Helpers
attr_reader :api_key

def initialize(options = {})
options = {
:debug => false
@api_key = options[:api_key]
@soap = Campaigning::SOAPDriver.instance.get_driver
setup_debug_mode options[:debug]
#Gets the server system time for your time zone.
#This is handy for when you are syncing your {Campaign Monitor}[] lists with some other in-house list,
#allowing you accurately determine the time on our server when you carry out the synchronization.
def self.system_date
response = Campaigning::SOAPDriver.instance.get_driver.getSystemDate(:apiKey => CAMPAIGN_MONITOR_API_KEY)
dateTime = Helpers.handle_request response.user_GetSystemDateResult

def clients
response = @soap.getClients(:apiKey => @api_key)
clients = handle_request response.user_GetClientsResult
clients.collect {|client|,}

def system_date
handle_request @soap.getSystemDate(:apiKey => @api_key).user_GetSystemDateResult

#This method returns an Array of Strings representing all the available timezones.
def self.time_zones
Helpers.handle_request Campaigning::SOAPDriver.instance.get_driver.getTimezones(:apiKey => CAMPAIGN_MONITOR_API_KEY).user_GetTimezonesResult

def time_zones
handle_request @soap.getTimezones(:apiKey => @api_key).user_GetTimezonesResult
#This method returns an Array of Strings representing all the available countries.
def self.countries
response = Campaigning::SOAPDriver.instance.get_driver.getCountries(:apiKey => CAMPAIGN_MONITOR_API_KEY)
dateTime = Helpers.handle_request response.user_GetCountriesResult

def setup_debug_mode(dev)
#This method turns on and off the API debug mode, which will display at the console all SOAP requests made to the API server.
def self.setup_debug_mode(dev)
Campaigning::SOAPDriver.instance.setup_debug_mode dev

31 changes: 18 additions & 13 deletions lib/campaigning/helpers/helpers.rb
@@ -1,14 +1,19 @@
module Helpers

def handle_request(response)
Helpers.handle_request response
module Campaigning
module Helpers
#Method responsable to handle all response from the API server and raising an exception when
#the API returns an error code (different from 0 (zero) ).
def handle_request(response)
Helpers.handle_request response

#Method responsable to handle all response from the API server and raising an exception when
#the API returns an error code (different from 0 (zero) ).
def Helpers.handle_request(response)
if (response.class == Campaigning::Result && response.code != 0)
raise response.code.to_s + " - " + response.message

def Helpers.handle_request(response)
if (response.class == Campaigning::Result && response.code != 0)
raise response.code.to_s + " - " + response.message


6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions lib/campaigning/soap/soap_driver.rb
Expand Up @@ -2,14 +2,20 @@
require 'singleton'

module Campaigning
#A SOAPDriver is a singleton object responsable to supply a way to interact with the SOAP::RPC::Driver object.
class SOAPDriver #It could be a module
include Singleton
DefaultEndpointUrl = ""

#Return a unique Campaigning::SOAP::ApiSoap instance for the whole API client, which provides access to
#all the Campaign Monitor API methods.
def get_driver
@driver ||=

#This method turns the API debug mode to _on_ and _off_.
#When method called with _true_ argument, it will switch to _on_ mode, the API will display at the console all
#SOAP requests made to the API server.
def setup_debug_mode(dev)
dev = STDERR if dev == true
@driver.wiredump_dev = dev
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107 changes: 106 additions & 1 deletion lib/campaigning/types/campaign.rb
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,29 @@ def initialize(campaignID = nil, subject = nil, sentDate = nil, totalRecipients
@soap = Campaigning::SOAPDriver.instance.get_driver

#Creates a campaign for an existing client. This campaign will be imported and ready to send to the subscribers in
#the specified lists and segments.
#The campaign must have both HTML and plain text content, imported from the internet. Styling for the HTML content
#will be automatically brought inline.
#Available _params_ argument are:
# * :clientID - The ID of the Client you want to create a campaign
# * :campaignName - The name of the new campaign. This must be unique across all draft campaigns for the client.
# * :campaignSubject - The subject of the new campaign.
# * :fromName - The name to appear in the From field in the recipients email client when they receive the new campaign.
# * :fromEmail - The email address that the new campaign will come from.
# * :replyTo - The email address that any replies to the new campaign will be sent to.
# * :htmlUrl - The URL of the HTML content for the new campaign. If no unsubscribe link is found then one will be added automatically. Styling in
# the campaign will be automatically brought inline. If your URL has querystring values, you will need to encode them.
# * :textUrl - The URL of the Text content for the new campaign. If no unsubscribe link is found then one will be added automatically.
# * :subscriberListIDs - An array of lists to send the campaign to. See for more details.
# * :listSegments - An array of Segment Names and their appropriate List ID s to send the campaign to.
#*Success*: Upon a successful call, this method will return a Campaigning::Campaign object which was recently created.
#*Error*: An Exception containing the cause of the error will be raised.
def self.create(params)
response = Campaigning::SOAPDriver.instance.get_driver.createCampaign(
Expand All @@ -39,36 +62,118 @@ def self.create(params) campaign_id

#Gets a list of all subscribers who bounced for a given campaign, and the type of bounce (H=Hard Bounce, S=Soft Bounce).
#*Success*: Upon a successful call, this method will return a collection of <code>SubscriberBounce</code> objects, each of
#which consists of the subscribers <code>:emailAddress</code>, the <code>listID</code> they belong to, and the <code>bounceType</code>
#of bounce they experienced, whether hard or soft.
#*Error*: An Exception containing the cause of the error will be raised.
def bounces
response = @soap.getCampaignBounces(:apiKey => CAMPAIGN_MONITOR_API_KEY, :campaignID => @campaignID )
handle_request response.campaign_GetBouncesResult

#Returns an array of Campaigning::List objects that a given campaign was sent to.
#*Success*: Upon a successful call, this method will return a collection of Campaigning::List object.
#*Error*: An Exception containing the cause of the error will be raised.
def lists
response = @soap.getCampaignLists(:apiKey => CAMPAIGN_MONITOR_API_KEY, :campaignID => @campaignID )
handle_request response.campaign_GetListsResult
lists = handle_request response.campaign_GetListsResult
puts "LISTAS!!!!!!!!!!" + lists.inspect
lists.collect do |list|,

#Gets a list of all subscribers who opened a given campaign, and the number of times they opened the campaign.
#*Success*: Upon a successful call, this method will return a collection of <code>SubscriberOpen</code> objects, each of
#which consists of the subscribers <code>:emailAddress</code>, the <code>listID</code> they belong to, and the <code>numberOfOpens</code>
#representing the number of times they opened the given campaign.
#*Error*: An Exception containing the cause of the error will be raised.
def opens
response = @soap.getCampaignOpens(:apiKey => CAMPAIGN_MONITOR_API_KEY, :campaignID => @campaignID )
handle_request response.campaign_GetOpensResult

#Gets a list of all subscribers who clicked a link for a given campaign, the ID of the list they belong to,
#the links they clicked, and the number of times they clicked the link.
#Example of usage:
# campaign_obj.subscriber_clicks.each do |subscriber|
# puts "Subscriber: #{subscriber.emailAddress}"
# subscriber.clickedLinks.each do |clicked|
# puts "Clicked link: #{} - Number of clicks: #{clicked.clicks}"
# end
# end
#*Success*: Upon a successful call, this method will return a collection of <code>SubscriberClick</code> objects, each of which consists of
#the subscribers <code>emailAddress</code>, the <code>listID</code> representing list they belong to, and the <code>clickedLinks</code>array
#representing the links they have clicked and the number of times they clicked each link.
#*Error*: An Exception containing the cause of the error will be raised.
def subscriber_clicks
response = @soap.getSubscriberClicks(:apiKey => CAMPAIGN_MONITOR_API_KEY, :campaignID => @campaignID )
handle_request response.campaign_GetSubscriberClicksResult

#Gets a statistical summary, including number of recipients and open count, for a given campaign.
#*Success*: Upon a successful call, this method will return summary statistical values about this particular campaign
#including the number of recipients, the number of total opens, the number of link clicks, the number of recipients
#who unsubscribed and the number who bounced.
#*Error*: An Exception containing the cause of the error will be raised.
def summary
response = @soap.getCampaignSummary(:apiKey => CAMPAIGN_MONITOR_API_KEY, :campaignID => @campaignID )
handle_request response.campaign_GetSummaryResult

#Gets a list of all subscribers who unsubscribed for a given campaign.
#*Success*: Upon a successful call, this method will return a collection of SubscriberUnsubscribe objects, each of which consists
#of the <code>emailAddress</code> representing subscribers email address and the <code>listID</code> representing the list they belong to.
#*Error*: An Exception containing the cause of the error will be raised.
def unsubscribes
response = @soap.getCampaignUnsubscribes(:apiKey => CAMPAIGN_MONITOR_API_KEY, :campaignID => @campaignID )
handle_request response.campaign_GetUnsubscribesResult

#Schedules an existing campaign for sending.
#The campaign must be imported with defined recipients. For campaigns with more than 5 recipients the user must have
#sufficient credits or their credit card details saved within the application for the campaign to be sent via the API.
#For campaigns with 5 recipients or less the user must have enough test campaigns remaining in their API account.
#For further information about credits for campaigns please check at:
#Available _params_ argument are:
# * :confirmation_email - The email address that the confirmation email that the campaign has been sent will go to.
# * :send_date - The date the campaign should be scheduled to be sent. To send a campaign immediately pass in "Immediately".
# This date should be in the users timezone and formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
#Upon a successful call, this method will return a Result object with the newly create Campaign's ID as the Code.
#*Error*: An Exception containing the cause of the error will be raised.
def send(params)
response = @soap.sendCampaign(
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