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delve: support linux-arm64 native debug(#118)
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* delve now can be built to arm64-arch and running on linux-arm64 OS.
* arm64 general-purpose registers have completed.
* arm64 disasm has completed.

Co-authored-by: tykcd996 <>
Co-authored-by: hengwu0 <>
  • Loading branch information
2 people authored and derekparker committed Nov 27, 2019
1 parent be98a85 commit 2a68058
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Showing 29 changed files with 12,222 additions and 390 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion go.mod
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ require ( v0.0.0-20170417173400-9e4c21054fa1 // indirect v1.3.0 // indirect v0.0.0-20190702223751-32f345186213 v0.0.0-20171004143515-077ac972c2e4 v0.0.0-20190927153633-4e8777c89be4 v0.0.0-20180614174826-fd5f17ee7299 // indirect v0.0.0-20190626221950-04f50cda93cb v0.0.0-20181120060634-fc4f04983f62
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions go.sum
100644 → 100755
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Expand Up @@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ v1.3.0 h1:TivCn/peBQ7UY8ooIcPgZFpTNSz0Q2U6UrFlUfqbe0 v1.3.0/go.mod h1:M5WIy9Dh21IEIfnGCwXGc5bZfKNJtfHm1UVUgZn+9EI= v0.0.0-20190702223751-32f345186213 h1:lkYv5AKwvvduv5XWP6szk/bvvgO6aDeUujhZQXIFTes= v0.0.0-20190702223751-32f345186213/go.mod h1:c1/X6cHgvdXj6pUlmWKMkuqRnW4K8x2vwt6JAaaircg= v0.0.0-20171004143515-077ac972c2e4 h1:TP7YcWHbnFq4v8/3wM2JwgM0SRRtsYJ7Z6Oj0arz2bs= v0.0.0-20171004143515-077ac972c2e4/go.mod h1:cYlCBUl1MsqxdiKgmc4uh7TxZfWSFLOGSRR090WDxt8= v0.0.0-20190927153633-4e8777c89be4 h1:QlVATYS7JBoZMVaf+cNjb90WD/beKVHnIxFKT4QaHVI= v0.0.0-20190927153633-4e8777c89be4/go.mod h1:flIaEI6LNU6xOCD5PaJvn9wGP0agmIOqjrtsKGRguv4= v0.0.0-20180614174826-fd5f17ee7299 h1:zxP+xTjjk4kD+M5IFPweL7/4851FUhYkzbDqbzkN1JE= v0.0.0-20180614174826-fd5f17ee7299/go.mod h1:6SG95UA2DQfeDnfUPMdvaQW0Q7yPrPDi9nlGo2tz2b4= v0.0.0-20180906233101-161cd47e91fd h1:nTDtHvHSdCn1m6ITfMRqtOd/9+7a3s8RBNOZ3eYZzJA=
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299 changes: 299 additions & 0 deletions pkg/proc/amd64_arch.go
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@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
package proc

import (


// AMD64 represents the AMD64 CPU architecture.
type AMD64 struct {
gStructOffset uint64
goos string

// crosscall2fn is the DIE of crosscall2, a function used by the go runtime
// to call C functions. This function in go 1.9 (and previous versions) had
// a bad frame descriptor which needs to be fixed to generate good stack
// traces.
crosscall2fn *Function

// sigreturnfn is the DIE of runtime.sigreturn, the return trampoline for
// the signal handler. See comment in FixFrameUnwindContext for a
// description of why this is needed.
sigreturnfn *Function

const (
amd64DwarfIPRegNum uint64 = 16
amd64DwarfSPRegNum uint64 = 7
amd64DwarfBPRegNum uint64 = 6

var amd64BreakInstruction = []byte{0xCC}

// AMD64Arch returns an initialized AMD64
// struct.
func AMD64Arch(goos string) *AMD64 {
return &AMD64{
goos: goos,

// PtrSize returns the size of a pointer
// on this architecture.
func (a *AMD64) PtrSize() int {
return 8

// MinInstructionLength returns the min lenth
// of the instruction
func (a *AMD64) MinInstructionLength() int {
return 1

// BreakpointInstruction returns the Breakpoint
// instruction for this architecture.
func (a *AMD64) BreakpointInstruction() []byte {
return amd64BreakInstruction

// BreakpointSize returns the size of the
// breakpoint instruction on this architecture.
func (a *AMD64) BreakpointSize() int {
return len(amd64BreakInstruction)

// DerefTLS returns true if the value of regs.TLS()+GStructOffset() is a
// pointer to the G struct
func (a *AMD64) DerefTLS() bool {
return a.goos == "windows"

// FixFrameUnwindContext adds default architecture rules to fctxt or returns
// the default frame unwind context if fctxt is nil.
func (a *AMD64) FixFrameUnwindContext(fctxt *frame.FrameContext, pc uint64, bi *BinaryInfo) *frame.FrameContext {
if a.sigreturnfn == nil {
a.sigreturnfn = bi.LookupFunc["runtime.sigreturn"]

if fctxt == nil || (a.sigreturnfn != nil && pc >= a.sigreturnfn.Entry && pc < a.sigreturnfn.End) {
// When there's no frame descriptor entry use BP (the frame pointer) instead
// - return register is [bp + a.PtrSize()] (i.e. [cfa-a.PtrSize()])
// - cfa is bp + a.PtrSize()*2
// - bp is [bp] (i.e. [cfa-a.PtrSize()*2])
// - sp is cfa

// When the signal handler runs it will move the execution to the signal
// handling stack (installed using the sigaltstack system call).
// This isn't a proper stack switch: the pointer to g in TLS will still
// refer to whatever g was executing on that thread before the signal was
// received.
// Since go did not execute a stack switch the previous value of sp, pc
// and bp is not saved inside g.sched, as it normally would.
// The only way to recover is to either read sp/pc from the signal context
// parameter (the ucontext_t* parameter) or to unconditionally follow the
// frame pointer when we get to runtime.sigreturn (which is what we do
// here).

return &frame.FrameContext{
RetAddrReg: amd64DwarfIPRegNum,
Regs: map[uint64]frame.DWRule{
amd64DwarfIPRegNum: frame.DWRule{
Rule: frame.RuleOffset,
Offset: int64(-a.PtrSize()),
amd64DwarfBPRegNum: frame.DWRule{
Rule: frame.RuleOffset,
Offset: int64(-2 * a.PtrSize()),
amd64DwarfSPRegNum: frame.DWRule{
Rule: frame.RuleValOffset,
Offset: 0,
CFA: frame.DWRule{
Rule: frame.RuleCFA,
Reg: amd64DwarfBPRegNum,
Offset: int64(2 * a.PtrSize()),

if a.crosscall2fn == nil {
a.crosscall2fn = bi.LookupFunc["crosscall2"]

if a.crosscall2fn != nil && pc >= a.crosscall2fn.Entry && pc < a.crosscall2fn.End {
rule := fctxt.CFA
if rule.Offset == crosscall2SPOffsetBad {
switch a.goos {
case "windows":
rule.Offset += crosscall2SPOffsetWindows
rule.Offset += crosscall2SPOffsetNonWindows
fctxt.CFA = rule

// We assume that RBP is the frame pointer and we want to keep it updated,
// so that we can use it to unwind the stack even when we encounter frames
// without descriptor entries.
// If there isn't a rule already we emit one.
if fctxt.Regs[amd64DwarfBPRegNum].Rule == frame.RuleUndefined {
fctxt.Regs[amd64DwarfBPRegNum] = frame.DWRule{
Rule: frame.RuleFramePointer,
Reg: amd64DwarfBPRegNum,
Offset: 0,

return fctxt

// RegSize returns the size (in bytes) of register regnum.
// The mapping between hardware registers and DWARF registers is specified
// in the System V ABI AMD64 Architecture Processor Supplement page 57,
// figure 3.36
func (a *AMD64) RegSize(regnum uint64) int {
// XMM registers
if regnum > amd64DwarfIPRegNum && regnum <= 32 {
return 16
// x87 registers
if regnum >= 33 && regnum <= 40 {
return 10
return 8

// The mapping between hardware registers and DWARF registers is specified
// in the System V ABI AMD64 Architecture Processor Supplement page 57,
// figure 3.36

var amd64DwarfToHardware = map[int]x86asm.Reg{
0: x86asm.RAX,
1: x86asm.RDX,
2: x86asm.RCX,
3: x86asm.RBX,
4: x86asm.RSI,
5: x86asm.RDI,
8: x86asm.R8,
9: x86asm.R9,
10: x86asm.R10,
11: x86asm.R11,
12: x86asm.R12,
13: x86asm.R13,
14: x86asm.R14,
15: x86asm.R15,

var amd64DwarfToName = map[int]string{
17: "XMM0",
18: "XMM1",
19: "XMM2",
20: "XMM3",
21: "XMM4",
22: "XMM5",
23: "XMM6",
24: "XMM7",
25: "XMM8",
26: "XMM9",
27: "XMM10",
28: "XMM11",
29: "XMM12",
30: "XMM13",
31: "XMM14",
32: "XMM15",
33: "ST(0)",
34: "ST(1)",
35: "ST(2)",
36: "ST(3)",
37: "ST(4)",
38: "ST(5)",
39: "ST(6)",
40: "ST(7)",
49: "Eflags",
50: "Es",
51: "Cs",
52: "Ss",
53: "Ds",
54: "Fs",
55: "Gs",
58: "Fs_base",
59: "Gs_base",
64: "MXCSR",
65: "CW",
66: "SW",

func maxAmd64DwarfRegister() int {
max := int(amd64DwarfIPRegNum)
for i := range amd64DwarfToHardware {
if i > max {
max = i
for i := range amd64DwarfToName {
if i > max {
max = i
return max

// RegistersToDwarfRegisters converts hardware registers to the format used
// by the DWARF expression interpreter.
func (a *AMD64) RegistersToDwarfRegisters(staticBase uint64, regs Registers) op.DwarfRegisters {
dregs := make([]*op.DwarfRegister, maxAmd64DwarfRegister()+1)

dregs[amd64DwarfIPRegNum] = op.DwarfRegisterFromUint64(regs.PC())
dregs[amd64DwarfSPRegNum] = op.DwarfRegisterFromUint64(regs.SP())
dregs[amd64DwarfBPRegNum] = op.DwarfRegisterFromUint64(regs.BP())

for dwarfReg, asmReg := range amd64DwarfToHardware {
v, err := regs.Get(int(asmReg))
if err == nil {
dregs[dwarfReg] = op.DwarfRegisterFromUint64(v)

for _, reg := range regs.Slice(true) {
for dwarfReg, regName := range amd64DwarfToName {
if regName == reg.Name {
dregs[dwarfReg] = op.DwarfRegisterFromBytes(reg.Bytes)

return op.DwarfRegisters{
StaticBase: staticBase,
Regs: dregs,
ByteOrder: binary.LittleEndian,
PCRegNum: amd64DwarfIPRegNum,
SPRegNum: amd64DwarfSPRegNum,
BPRegNum: amd64DwarfBPRegNum,

// AddrAndStackRegsToDwarfRegisters returns DWARF registers from the passed in
// PC, SP, and BP registers in the format used by the DWARF expression interpreter.
func (a *AMD64) AddrAndStackRegsToDwarfRegisters(staticBase, pc, sp, bp uint64) op.DwarfRegisters {
dregs := make([]*op.DwarfRegister, amd64DwarfIPRegNum+1)
dregs[amd64DwarfIPRegNum] = op.DwarfRegisterFromUint64(pc)
dregs[amd64DwarfSPRegNum] = op.DwarfRegisterFromUint64(sp)
dregs[amd64DwarfBPRegNum] = op.DwarfRegisterFromUint64(bp)

return op.DwarfRegisters{
StaticBase: staticBase,
Regs: dregs,
ByteOrder: binary.LittleEndian,
PCRegNum: amd64DwarfIPRegNum,
SPRegNum: amd64DwarfSPRegNum,
BPRegNum: amd64DwarfBPRegNum,

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