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Enforce key uniqueness in strict mode
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This is similar to PR #285 but somewhat more efficient
because it does not require a new map to be created
for every struct unmarshal.

Fixes #284.
  • Loading branch information
rogpeppe committed Jan 8, 2018
1 parent 0ee3698 commit 5edc3de
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Showing 4 changed files with 118 additions and 14 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .travis.yml
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ go:
- 1.4
- 1.5
- 1.6
- 1.7
- 1.8
- 1.9
- tip

25 changes: 22 additions & 3 deletions decode.go
Expand Up @@ -580,14 +580,22 @@ func (d *decoder) mapping(n *node, out reflect.Value) (good bool) {
e := reflect.New(et).Elem()
if d.unmarshal(n.children[i+1], e) {
out.SetMapIndex(k, e)
d.setMapIndex(n.children[i+1], out, k, e)
d.mapType = mapType
return true

func (d *decoder) setMapIndex(n *node, out, k, v reflect.Value) {
if d.strict && out.MapIndex(k) != zeroValue {
d.terrors = append(d.terrors, fmt.Sprintf("line %d: key %#v already set in map", n.line+1, k.Interface()))
out.SetMapIndex(k, v)

func (d *decoder) mappingSlice(n *node, out reflect.Value) (good bool) {
outt := out.Type()
if outt.Elem() != mapItemType {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -635,6 +643,10 @@ func (d *decoder) mappingStruct(n *node, out reflect.Value) (good bool) {
elemType = inlineMap.Type().Elem()

var doneFields []bool
if d.strict {
doneFields = make([]bool, len(sinfo.FieldsList))
for i := 0; i < l; i += 2 {
ni := n.children[i]
if isMerge(ni) {
Expand All @@ -645,6 +657,13 @@ func (d *decoder) mappingStruct(n *node, out reflect.Value) (good bool) {
if info, ok := sinfo.FieldsMap[name.String()]; ok {
if d.strict {
if doneFields[info.Id] {
d.terrors = append(d.terrors, fmt.Sprintf("line %d: field %s already set in type %s", ni.line+1, name.String(), out.Type()))
doneFields[info.Id] = true
var field reflect.Value
if info.Inline == nil {
field = out.Field(info.Num)
Expand All @@ -658,9 +677,9 @@ func (d *decoder) mappingStruct(n *node, out reflect.Value) (good bool) {
value := reflect.New(elemType).Elem()
d.unmarshal(n.children[i+1], value)
inlineMap.SetMapIndex(name, value)
d.setMapIndex(n.children[i+1], inlineMap, name, value)
} else if d.strict {
d.terrors = append(d.terrors, fmt.Sprintf("line %d: field %s not found in struct %s", ni.line+1, name.String(), out.Type()))
d.terrors = append(d.terrors, fmt.Sprintf("line %d: field %s not found in type %s", ni.line+1, name.String(), out.Type()))
return true
Expand Down
88 changes: 80 additions & 8 deletions decode_test.go
Expand Up @@ -1065,15 +1065,87 @@ func (s *S) TestUnmarshalSliceOnPreset(c *C) {
c.Assert(v.A, DeepEquals, []int{2})

var unmarshalStrictTests = []struct {
data string
value interface{}
error string
data: "a: 1\nc: 2\n",
value: struct{ A, B int }{A: 1},
error: `yaml: unmarshal errors:\n line 2: field c not found in type struct { A int; B int }`,
}, {
data: "a: 1\nb: 2\na: 3\n",
value: struct{ A, B int }{A: 3, B: 2},
error: `yaml: unmarshal errors:\n line 3: field a already set in type struct { A int; B int }`,
}, {
data: "c: 3\na: 1\nb: 2\nc: 4\n",
value: struct {
A int
inlineB `yaml:",inline"`
A: 1,
inlineB: inlineB{
B: 2,
inlineC: inlineC{
C: 4,
error: `yaml: unmarshal errors:\n line 4: field c already set in type struct { A int; yaml_test.inlineB "yaml:\\",inline\\"" }`,
}, {
data: "c: 0\na: 1\nb: 2\nc: 1\n",
value: struct {
A int
inlineB `yaml:",inline"`
A: 1,
inlineB: inlineB{
B: 2,
inlineC: inlineC{
C: 1,
error: `yaml: unmarshal errors:\n line 4: field c already set in type struct { A int; yaml_test.inlineB "yaml:\\",inline\\"" }`,
}, {
data: "c: 1\na: 1\nb: 2\nc: 3\n",
value: struct {
A int
M map[string]interface{} `yaml:",inline"`
A: 1,
M: map[string]interface{}{
"b": 2,
"c": 3,
error: `yaml: unmarshal errors:\n line 4: key "c" already set in map`,
}, {
data: "a: 1\n9: 2\nnull: 3\n9: 4",
value: map[interface{}]interface{}{
"a": 1,
nil: 3,
9: 4,
error: `yaml: unmarshal errors:\n line 4: key 9 already set in map`,

func (s *S) TestUnmarshalStrict(c *C) {
v := struct{ A, B int }{}

err := yaml.UnmarshalStrict([]byte("a: 1\nb: 2"), &v)
c.Check(err, IsNil)
err = yaml.Unmarshal([]byte("a: 1\nb: 2\nc: 3"), &v)
c.Check(err, IsNil)
err = yaml.UnmarshalStrict([]byte("a: 1\nb: 2\nc: 3"), &v)
c.Check(err, ErrorMatches, "yaml: unmarshal errors:\n line 3: field c not found in struct struct { A int; B int }")
for i, item := range unmarshalStrictTests {
c.Logf("test %d: %q", i,
// First test that normal Unmarshal unmarshals to the expected value.
t := reflect.ValueOf(item.value).Type()
value := reflect.New(t)
err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(, value.Interface())
c.Assert(err, Equals, nil)
c.Assert(value.Elem().Interface(), DeepEquals, item.value)

// Then test that UnmarshalStrict fails on the same thing.
t = reflect.ValueOf(item.value).Type()
value = reflect.New(t)
err = yaml.UnmarshalStrict([]byte(, value.Interface())
c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, item.error)

//var data []byte
Expand Down
16 changes: 13 additions & 3 deletions yaml.go
Expand Up @@ -82,7 +82,8 @@ func Unmarshal(in []byte, out interface{}) (err error) {

// UnmarshalStrict is like Unmarshal except that any fields that are found
// in the data that do not have corresponding struct members will result in
// in the data that do not have corresponding struct members, or mapping
// keys that are duplicates, will result in
// an error.
func UnmarshalStrict(in []byte, out interface{}) (err error) {
return unmarshal(in, out, true)
Expand All @@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ func NewDecoder(r io.Reader) *Decoder {

// SetStrict sets whether strict decoding behaviour is enabled when
// decoding items in the data. By default, decoding is not strict.
// decoding items in the data (see UnmarshalStrict). By default, decoding is not strict.
func (dec *Decoder) SetStrict(strict bool) {
dec.strict = strict
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -257,6 +258,9 @@ type fieldInfo struct {
Num int
OmitEmpty bool
Flow bool
// Id holds the unique field identifier, so we can cheaply
// check for field duplicates without maintaining an extra map.
Id int

// Inline holds the field index if the field is part of an inlined struct.
Inline []int
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -336,6 +340,7 @@ func getStructInfo(st reflect.Type) (*structInfo, error) {
} else {
finfo.Inline = append([]int{i}, finfo.Inline...)
finfo.Id = len(fieldsList)
fieldsMap[finfo.Key] = finfo
fieldsList = append(fieldsList, finfo)
Expand All @@ -357,11 +362,16 @@ func getStructInfo(st reflect.Type) (*structInfo, error) {
return nil, errors.New(msg)

info.Id = len(fieldsList)
fieldsList = append(fieldsList, info)
fieldsMap[info.Key] = info

sinfo = &structInfo{fieldsMap, fieldsList, inlineMap}
sinfo = &structInfo{
FieldsMap: fieldsMap,
FieldsList: fieldsList,
InlineMap: inlineMap,

structMap[st] = sinfo
Expand Down

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