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File metadata and controls

94 lines (86 loc) · 15.5 KB




  • Added gif module that is able to load animated gifs.
  • Ported the following classes from Goost with permission from the author Xrayez:
    • GridRect A Control for drawing infinite grids
    • Stopwatch Similar to Timer except it counts time between start and stop
    • LinkedList, ListNode allows you to create LinkedLists in Godot
    • DataContainer A Resource which can store any Variant and which can be saved as a .tres file. The icon changes depending on what type of data is being stored.
    • Map2D A generic 2D structure for storing data in a 2d coodinate system x, y or row/col etc
  • Added remove_children() to Node which removes all children
  • Added UPPER_SNAKE_CASE, kebab-case, UPPER-KEBAB-CASE to Node Name Casing in Project Settings.
  • Added Voxelman and Thread pool modules by Relintai. Still requires documentation.
  • Added tightness to AudioStreamPlayer3D which controls how tight the sound playing encloses the player. Based on an unmerged 4.0 pr found here.
  • Implemented Array.for_each(obj, "function") which calls a function for each element of the array. The function can be any name but must have only 1 parameter to pass each element to. This is slighty faster than a for loop with 1 function and much faster than using call() in a for loop. To break the loop have the function return false. Returning nothing or anything else other than false will continue execution.
  • New Rand singleton that allows generating completely random values from anywhere. Rand auto randomizes every time the engine starts and since it extends RandomNumberGenerator you can also call randomize() or set_seed() manually:
    • shuffle(Array) shuffles an Array
    • pop(Array) removes and returns a random element from a sequence
    • choice(Variant) picks a random value from an Array or Dictionary or random character from a string
    • choices(Array, count, weight, cummulative) picks count number of random values from sequence based on weights
    • color() generates a completely random color
    • decision(double) helps generates a random decisions based on a probability from 0.0 to 1.0 (0% to 100%)
    • roll(count, side) simulates a random dice roll using count and side and returns an Dictionary with sum and rolls.
    • roll_notation(dice_notation) similar to a roll except it uses dice notation such as 2d6, 2x(3d6!U). Als returns a Dictionary but contains additional information.
    • i(from, to) same as rand_range but shorter and slightly faster (defaults 0 -> 99)
    • f(from, to) same as randf_range but shorter (default 0.0 -> 1.0)
    • uuid() generates a random UUID v4 string 8-4-4-4-12 (also known a GUID).
  • Added autotile auto-transforms pr found here to Goblin. The proposal is here. The idea here is to allow specific transforms on autotiles so that when looking up a specific bitmask the autotile is esentially transformed dynamically, based on allowed transformations. Allows for less manual tile work in some situations and smaller texture file. The drawback is the tiles resulting from transforms are repetitive.
  • Added eval("expression") function in @GDScript which parses a string expression and outputs the result or null if couldn't parse. It does not take inputs like Expression but can be added since it actually uses Expression class in the backend. This is a common function in many interpeted languages.
  • Added SQLite Module by K. S. Ernest (iFire) Lee (fire). Is enabled by default in editor and server test builds but otherwise requires module_sqlite_enabled=yes to build manually.
  • Maximum number of culled lights, instances and reflection probes have been exposed to the Project Settings. This was implemented from this rejected PR. Is already implemented in Godot 4. There are still internal hard limits to minimum and maximum to prevent crashes but are much higher. The new settings are rendering/limits/culling/max_instance_cull, rendering/limits/culling/max_lights_culled, and rendering/limits/culling/max_reflection_probes_culled. Manually adjusting these values down should help game performance. I have tested with 1 million meshes and although it is slow, it has no side effects. Note that GLES2 will crash with more than 32k instances (this is a built in limitation of GLES2 renderer). GLES3 can render any number but it will become exponentially slower after about 64k instances. The octree used in Godot was meant to be fast for a few instances but slowls down significantly for too many instances. It would require too much core changes to make it more robust.
  • You can now unify Focus and Hover behavior for Buttons that have keyboard focus enabled. A Project Setting option under gui/theme/unify_button_focus_hover will turn this on and off. This brings back old behavior where there was only one focus shared by mouse and keyboard before focus was split off into mouse_hover and focus (keyboard only now). With this change hovering will force keyboard focus (if control can be keyboard focused). This can be further fine tuned later but works as is.
  • External editor presets under Editor Settings. This is based on an older PR found here.
  • Implemented a PackedScene.instance_add($node) and Class.new_add($node, params...) (experimental) to quickly add nodes into the scene. The node new_add requires parameter count to be precise otherwise will crash the game. This is because the new_add function signature is not properly detected. The ideas came from this rejected pr. Both functions return the added scene node.
  • Added MidiPlayer which plays .mid or .midi songs using .sf2 SoundFont audio samples. It loads all data as generic MidiFile but sets internal format to FORMAT_SF2 or FORMAT_MIDI depending on the file extension. Format check is based strictly on file extensions and only the specific formats are allowed by the MidiPlayer. MidiPlayer plays data from memory and requires an import. Functions to play individual notes, change instruments, change midi program and more are also exposed. Note that reverb and chorus have not been implemented.
  • Added a generic Visual category with Visual Time in Profiler which tracks rendering time. The timing is not very precise due to OpenGL/Vsync according to Reduz in this post. However, based on my tests, is still gives pretty good representation of overall visual rendering time and paired with other information (such as scripts) you can find which areas of the code are problematic.
  • Added MixinScript which is a new take on a very old feature of very early Godot Engine before it became open sourced. Was re-added here and removed again here. MixinScript is MultiScript re-implemented, rebranded and fixed by Xrayez for Goost Engine. I implemented this feature with permission and kept all naming intact for compatibility between Goblin and Goost. My version force calls _ready() and _enter_tree() which also makes onready functional for all Mixins.
  • New import "<path>" function for Shader Editor that allows importing external shader variables or functions in current shaders. For Visual Shader Editor use Global Expression node. Adapted from basic import shader by iFire and Lyuma. The import functionality seems to be able to pull the file from anywhere but res:// is recommended for exporting. The imported path is highlighted using default string color.
  • New ImageIndexed class allows working with pseudo-random indexed images and palettes. This was ported from Goost Engine and implemented by Xrayez. There is internal documentation as well more documentation on over on Goost Documentation page in the official project.
  • Tabs can now be moved to the bottom and have their own styles. Adapted from Godot 4.0 unmerged PR #44420


  • I updated the Windows .ico to fixed/uncompressed size in accordance to #5e5154e. See this project on scripts how to create and upadte the icon to avoid the rcedit and other issues. This may end up being integrated into the exporter.
  • Output panel now has a verbose toggle
  • ScriptEditor Run is now set to F4 by default and will now automatically open the Output panel and prints a message at the start of a run (so you can differentiate it from previous runs)
  • AssetLib is now cleared when changing repo
  • Goblin Output console now supports BBCode straight from print() functions. This allows for colorized text output, url, images and much more. Note that image tags do read from drive so use sparingly. Additionally URLs such as https:// or res:// or c++ source code now are clickable which will either open the file if internal resource or will ask the OS to open them if external. This was inspired by two not yet approved prs found here and here. BBCode is removed using RegEx from console output (it actually removes anything that matches [a-z0-9=#./] but only in the console).
  • JSON exports custom types based on this. All unsupported types will turn into their string equivalent for example Vector2(1,1) will be saved as "Vector2( 1, 1 )" which is parsed back into a Vector2(1,1). However, since JSON only has a number type, ints will still be converted to floats.
  • Imported 3D models opened as scenes are disabled from saving. From this pr.
  • Displays "use onready var" error message when using get_child() and get_parent() without onready. Adapted to 3.x from this pr
  • Control get_global_rect() now returns corect rect from this pr
  • Added blend_premul_alpha to 3D shader and material adapted from this PR
  • Visual Script nodes now move with comment node. Adapted from this pr
  • TSCN Text Scenes (tscn) are now converted to binary scn upon export. Optionally via "filesystem/on_save/compress_binary_resources". This did not work previously. Adapted from a pr found here.
  • Editor Plugin was changed to use CMD on Windows so it behaves similar to other operating systems. This means using external editors will now work properly on Windows. Originally this behavior was also in OS.execute() but I have removed it for now.
  • Fixed Signed Distance Field for Bitmap Fonts. This has been an open issue in Godot 3 since 2018 see this post. It has been fixed in Godot 4 but not in 3. Had to completely re-implement in GLES2 and GLES3 based on older Godot 2.1 code. Works in GLES2 and GLES3 but only for the specific controls: Button, Label, RichTextLabel, OptionButton, ItemList, ProgressBar, LineEdit, Tabs and any control that extends or implements those controls. Batching issues should also be fixed.
  • ViewportTexture now calls updating deferred removing all the missing Viewport spam
  • Layer buttons now have the option to remove the text label making them smaller. The option is found in Editor setting under interface/inspector/layer_labels
  • Clarified AudioEffectCapture and hseparation tab property docs
  • Editor boot splash background color is gray and default boot splash background color is black. Boot splash logo is now disabled by default (upstream 3.x Godot change). Can be enabled with boot_splash_logo=yes.
  • GDScript Plugins will now fallback to X11 if no Server plugins found. This may still fail like before if Server is not on Linux.
  • When selecting an option from OptionButton it now selects the correct index (rather than showing -1)
  • Inspector default small reload button is now a small star instead which is less intrusive than the original circular arrow button
  • FileDialog now hides the .import folder
  • Node names and File Dialogue file name will use snake_case by default rather than camelCase or CamelCase as it did previously. This lines up with the official intent for Godot to use snake_case everywhere by default (mentioned all over the documents).
  • The default environment will use Background Color instead of Procedural Sky which appears to cause crashes when starting the editor on systems that only support GLES2
  • The workflows have been altered:
    • Editor + template are now created for Linux X11, Windows, MacOS
    • All Linux builds automatically strip the debug symbols now
    • All builds (except iOS and JavaScript) use thinlto now
    • All builds use llvm
    • Mono test builds have been removed. Goblin will not provide mono builds. Mono should work is just too much trouble to focus both on regular and Mono. Goblin aims to stay lightweight and flexible focusing primarily on GDScript and GDNative. Other languages via GDNative should work fine.
    • All static checks have been removed as they were a nuissance
    • SQLite builds automatically on Linux server and headless and Editor builds
  • Editor's auto scaling option now suggests scaling relative to 96 dpi (which is usually the recommended safe dpi). May have issues with small size screens with very high dpi such as on mobile devices.
  • Script debugger now points to Goblin Engine source in the debugger (as the commit hashes for Goblin are different and original source and no longer lines up)
  • Expose Bullet smooth trimesh collision settings based on a pr found here. May cause lag.
  • GDscript default script template has been simplified.
  • Version naming is now Goblin v (Godot v) [Goblin patch]
  • GLES2/3, Batching and Async notifications have been moved to verbose
  • Almost all logos have been changed to Goblin specific branding


  • Removed rendundant thread sync draw_pending function. See this pr
  • Parameters [deps] and [params] from .import files are no longer saved in the exported project. They are never used by an exported project and use unecessary processing, memory and space in the .pck. Based on this pr.
  • Deprecated enabled_focus_mode has been completely removed from user facing code
  • Deprecated enums have been removed from MultiplayerAPI and from MultiplayerAPI docs so it no longer shows in user facing code.
  • About menu has been simplified and Godot donation and donors have been removed