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Isaac the smart CLI with AWS Bedrock integrated.



A smart CLI that has AWS Bedrock and AWS Textract integrated. It can perform several functions that gives power to terminal users.

   Isaac -  CLI that can help you on various tasks

   Isaac [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

   init, i     Initialize Isaac
   document,d  Get text out of a document, file or an image
   image, img   Make an image with a prompt
   chat, c     Chat with Isaac
   prompt, p   Make a simple prompt, prompt should be enclosed in quotes
   help, h     Shows a list of commands or help for one command


The installation of Isaac is really simple:

git clone
cd isaac
make install

Make sure that go 1.21 is installed, as well as Make. The command make install creates the binary and moves it into $HOME/bin make sure this directory exists and is in your PATH export PATH=$PATH:/home/bin.

If you prefer to have Isaac in other directory such as /usr/local/bin

make prod
mv isaac /usr/local/bin


Special commands in chat mode:

  • command: User can input what it wnats to do and Isaac will return a posssible command to use as well as ask for confirmation.
  • image: Input this command followed by a prompt, an image.png will be created in the current working directory.
  • file: load a text file and ask for a summary or review general written code.
  • save: save the prompts in a file, default name prompts.jsonl.
  • document Get text out of an image or pdf file, you can make a prompt to review, summarize or other query about the extracted text.
  • uploadS3: Upload prompts file to an s3 specified in init file.
isaac chat

@Isaac →  Check the running process in linux    

To check the running processes in Linux, you can use the "top" command. This command provides a real-time view of the running processes and their resource usage, such as CPU,
memory, and disk I/O. You can also use the "ps" command to list the currently running processes. Additionally, you can use the "htop" command, which is a more advanced and
interactive version of top.

@Isaac → command: check the running process in linux
Execute command? ps aux Only yes is accepted: yes

52 pts/2    00:00:00 sh
17 pts/2    00:00:00 isaac
23 pts/2    00:00:00 ps

@Isaac → kubernetes: check for pods in default namespace

kubectl get pods -n default


This command will list all of the pods in the`default`namespace. The`-n`flag allows you to specify a specific namespace, and the`get pods`command lists all of the pods in that namespace.

@Isaac → file:Makefile make a summary of this makefile
File does exist

The provided Makefile consists of a set of targets, each representing a specific action. The targets are organized into sections, denoted by labels like "dev", "prod", "install", and "compile".

Targets starting with ".PHONY" are recognized as phony targets. Phony targets are used to indicate that a command or actions should be taken, rather than actually performing a specific task.

Targets starting with "dev" are used to compile and build the "isaac" program. The "go build" command is used to compile the source code and build an executable binary, which is then placed in "~/bin/isaac".

Targets starting with "prod" are used to compile and build the "isaac" program with additional options, specifically the "-ldflags" option, which is used to specify additional flags for the linker. The resulting binary is then placed in "~/bin/isaac".

Targets starting with "install" are used to perform the installation and deployment of the "isaac" program. The "install" target first performs the "prod" target, and then performs the "move" target, which moves the compiled binary

@Isaac → document:mycv.pdf Tell me how could I make my cv better 
Text from file: mycv.pdf

@Isaac →  sys.exit

Prompt mode

Make a single prompt and get the response directly in the terminal.

isaac prompt "write a 3 line paragraph about AWS and how can it help my customers"

AWS is a comprehensive suite of cloud computing services that can help my customers reduce costs, improve efficiency, and scale their businesses. 
With AWS, my customers can access a wide range of computing, storage, and networking resources, allowing them to focus on their core businesses rather than on infrastructure management. 
AWS also offers a wide range of tools and features to help my customers manage their infrastructure, including identity and access management, security, and automation.

Have isaac generate an image with a single prompt

isaac img "Make an image for a guy working in a computer with his linux terminal opened and writing some command"
Image generated and saved as 1710736420.png


You can also extract text from documents in prompt mode.

isaac document linkedinProfile.png
Text from file:  linkedinProfile.png
... Text from file ...
... Summary from aws bedrock ...