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Yaniv Shemesh edited this page Aug 5, 2015 · 14 revisions

Circuit documentation

Comparison with other systems


Improvements suggestions ideas


  • When constructing a circuit cluster it would be nice not to need to specify the entire Circuit URL of the first host to the other hosts and have a default (in case not specified otherwise) to join the first host only based on his IP address (assuming the tcp port is either specified or the same as current host). This way the command line syntax for the first host and for joining other hosts should be identical.
  • Additional further enhancement could be to add an option to brute auto-discover the circuit hosts with NMAP similar approach on a given single tcp port, in particular useful for VPC in EC2 (not supporting multicast).
  • It would be nice to have in Docker-Hub a Circuit running as a Docker container. When running a cluster of hosts for PaaS which are purly based on Containers the objective is to try and not to install anything on the host (that is also an issue with Mesosphere and Kubernetes not officially supporting it yet), this result in easier updating of the hosts and better isolation.