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Ad Lister Project

Congratulations! You've just gotten your first web development job. Ad Lister LLC had originally hired an Elbonian subcontractor to build their Craigslist clone but the project was never finished. Now they've hired you and another junior developer or two (your classmates) to come in and finish the project.

You'll need all of the topics you've learned so far in class including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. You will be working on this project in teams of two to three.

Project Goals

  1. Gain experience in building a well-designed, vanilla PHP site using an Model, View, Controller (MVC) paradigm.
  2. Learn how to use Git in a team environment.
  3. Test your resourcefulness in solving problems.

Schematic Diagram of Model, View, Controller (MVC) paradigm:

Project Tasks Outline

  • Clone the repo and familiarize yourself with the existing code
  • Get the site up and running
  • Figure out the database structure
  • Build out the views
  • Build out the backend for ads
  • Implement user authentication

The first two tasks will need to be performed in order, but after that it is up to your team how you want to proceed.

Clone the existing site

Get together with your team mates and create an organization on Github to work from. Once the organization is made and all the group members are added, you should fork this repo to your organization, then clone this repository down to your machine.

git clone<your-organization>/ ~/vagrant-lamp/sites/

It looks like the Elbonians have already set up most of the files you'll need. Explore the files that are already there and look at what still needs to be completed. Some items in the file tree below are existing in the cloned repository and some can be copied from previous class exercises.
├── bootstrap.php
├── controllers
│   └── PageController.php
├── database
│   ├── db_connect.php
│   ├── migrations
│   │   └── user_migration.php
│   └── seeds
│       └── user_seeder.php
├── env.template.php
├── models
│   ├── Model.php
│   └── User.php
├── mvc-diagram.png
├── public
│   ├── css
│   │   └── main.css
│   └── index.php
├── utils
│   ├── Auth.php
│   ├── Input.php
│   └── helper_functions.php
├── views
│   ├── 404.php
│   ├── ads
│   │   ├── create.php
│   │   ├── edit.php
│   │   ├── index.php
│   │   └── show.php
│   ├── home.php
│   ├── partials
│   │   ├── common_js.php
│   │   ├── head.php
│   │   └── navbar.php
│   └── users
│       ├── account.php
│       ├── edit.php
│       ├── login.php
│       └── signup.php
└── wireframes.pdf

12 directories, 29 files

The, wireframes.pdf, and mvc-diiagram.png files are provided just for instruction, and are not part of the project.

Get the site up and running

After cloning the code, you'll need to setup your development environment for this project. Make sure you setup both a site and a database for the project.

When you first visit the site, you'll notice some errors. Your next task is to figure out what is causing those errors and fix them. Part of this task will be to configure your application to talk to your database. The Elbonians were kind enough to leave us a env.template.php file that describes what configuration needs to be present. The application tries to load the configuration from a .env.php file (you'll notice this file is untracked in git because it contains sensitve information, like datbase credentials), so make a copy of env.template.php named .env.php and fill it in with your configuration.

After you fix the existing errors, you should see a 404 page. Next, you should take a look in the page controller and define a route for your home page. Look at the existing code to see how you can do this.

From here, you should be able to define more routes that include their relevant views.

Figure out the datbase structure

Good news! The Elbonians built a database migration for your users table. Think about how you'll map out the rest of the database. You will need to create an an ads table (and possibly other tables). Make sure the ads table and the users table are related.

Sketch out a UML-style map of the database, tables, and models before you begin coding.

Create the database tables with php migration files. Take a look at the existing user migration to see how to go about this.

Remember to use prepared statements!

Buildout the views

  1. Build views for your site according to the wireframes provided. Once complete, break down the template into a header, footer, navbar, etc and populate the PHP files in the views/partials directory accordingly.
  2. Begin adding content to the public/index.php file and include your partial views to make your PHP site look like your HTML mockup. Make sure to put any site resources (JS, images, and CSS) in the appropriate locations.
  3. Continue building out your site with HTML so that you have views for viewing all the ads, viewing an individual ad, creating an ad, and editing an ad. You should also build out similiar views for users.
  4. At this point, you should hard-code sample data and use php to display them in the HTML (eventually this data will be coming from the datbase, and won't be hardcoded). For example, in the ads.index.php file, you should have a listing of 3-5 hard-coded sample ads.
  5. Add links between the php files in public directory so that you can navigate from page to page.

Create the backend for Ads


You will need to create a Model for ads. To do this, you should extend the existing Model class. Your Ad model will be a class that inherits from the Model that provides much of the reusable functionality.

You should test out the ad model by creating a seeder for ads, similiar to the existing seeder for users. You could also create a small php script to run from the command line to test this functionality.


Now you will need a way for the data from the database to make its way into the view. Your controller should respond to various routes for ads and pass the relevant information to the corresponding view.

Build out the following routes for your application:

Request Method Route Description
GET /ads View all the ads
GET /ads?id={n} View an individual ad (where {n} is the database id of the ad)
GET /ads/create View the form for creating an ad
GET /ads/edit?id={n} View the form for editing an individual ad
POST /ads/create Create an ad
POST /ads/edit?id={n} update an existing ad

Implement User Login

Create a route for /login and allow users to login to the application. Make sure your application meets the following requirements:

  1. Only authenticated users can create ads.
  2. Newly created ads are tied to the user that created them.
  3. Ads can only be edited by the user that created them.

You should be able to use your Auth helper class created in previous exercises along with the provided User model to help with these tasks.

Where to go from here...

So many places! If you have time, try one of the following (or invent your own!):

  • Implement image upload for ads (there is an existing helper function for this)
  • Allow a user to edit their profile, update their password, etc.
  • Allow users to delete ads that they have created.
  • Implement a user dashboard view where they will have quick access to all their ads.
  • Research and use composer to pull in a third party libraries for things like email (SwiftMailer), generating fake data (Faker), or any other feature you may want.
  • Send emails on important events like user signup.
  • Allow users to mark their "favorite" ads and make these show up on the dashboard.
  • Implement a "flagging" feature where users can mark ads as inappropriate.
  • Implement an admin user that can moderate ads and remove them.
  • Implement a user feedback system.
  • Implement a forgot-password feature.
  • One nice feature for a user of the Ad Lister app would be to create some ads in a CSV and then do a bulk upload.
  • Be creative, and most of all have fun!


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