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🍎🎧 Apple Music authorization workflow

⚠️ Warnings

This documentation is for educational purposes only. Do not attempt to violate the Apple Media Services Terms and Conditions and the Apple Developer Program License Agreement.

This documentation is made by understing how the library work, it was not tested with various cases. If you have any problems, feel free to open an issue.

πŸ” Overview

This is a repo that describes how MusicKit JS authorization works.

❗️ Required

To use the Apple Music authoriztion workflow, you need :

  • A developper token for Apple Music. You can learn more here

πŸ”§ Steps

Understanding the authorization url

Here's an exemple of an authorization URL :

The base URL is with 4 parameters

Name Value Decription
a eyJ0aGlyZFBhcnR5SWNvblVSTCI6Imh0... Base64 encoded ThirdPartyInfo() (i will explain it later)
referrer URL of the window base URL
app music Probably the app who need the authorization, but in our case it's always music
p subscribe ? but always the same

Generate the Third Party Info

Third party info is a JSON generated by MusicKit to send data to the authorization page. It contains :

  • thirdPartyIconURL : The icon URL of the app
  • thirdPartyName : The app name used in the authorization page
  • thirdPartyToken : The developper token

Our JSON look like this :

  "thirdPartyIconURL": "https://...",
  "thirdPartyName": "YOUR APP NAME",
  "thirdPartyToken": "ey..."

Then we need to stringify this JSON. I recommend you to write these as a function, we will call it later.

Javascript exemple :

const devToken = 'ey...'
let iconUrl = 'https://...'
let appName = 'YOUR APP NAME'

function getThirdPartyInfo() {
    return JSON.stringify({
        thirdPartyIconURL: iconUrl,
        thirdPartyName: appName,
        thirdPartyToken: devToken

Generate the authorization URL

The first things we need is to get third party info and encode it as base 64.

let thirdPartyInfo = getThirdPartyInfo()
let b64thirdPartyInfo = btoa(thirdPartyInfo)

Then we have to generate the url search params.

let params = {
    a: b64thirdPartyInfo,
    referrer: window.location.href,
    app: 'music',
    p: 'subscribe',

And then generate the url.

const base_url = ''
let params = new URLSearchParams(params).toString()
return base_url + params

Open an authentication window

To test your URL, you can paste it in your browser but, you can see the referrer is never used. The Authorization flow * need to be opened from a parent to get the token*.

You can open a new window with Save the new window to a variable, next we have to set an event listener.

//The size used is the default from MusicKit
let authWindow =, 'apple-music-service-view', 'height=650,menubar=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,status=no,toolbar=no,width=650')

Add event listener

Next we have to add a listener on message. If you don't, you can't see the authorization form from Apple Music.

window.addEventListener('message', (event) => { //Add the event listener
    if (event.source === authWindow) { //Check if the message is from our auth window
        console.log(event)//log the event

Each message from the authorization window contains data. It contains id, jsonrpc, method, and sometimes params.

Here's the avaible method from the MusicKit v3 :

    methods: {
        authorize(e, n, p) {
            validateToken(e) ? d({restricted: n && "1" === n, userToken: e, cid: p}) : y(0);
        decline() {
            y(1); //y is the returned value
        switchUserId() {
        thirdPartyInfo: () => n._thirdPartyInfo(n.developerToken, _object_spread$J({}, n.deeplinkParameters, e)), 
        unavailable() {


So the first event appear is the thirdPartyInfo method. These methods only return the string of our getThirdPartyInfo(). The response is made like this :

{"id": 0, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": "{...}"}

The id and jsonrpc are the same as the data from message, and result is the return of getThirdPartyInfo().

if ( === 'thirdPartyInfo') {
  authWindow.postMessage({id:, jsonrpc:, result: getThirdPartyInfo()}, '*')


This event is called when the authorization is unavailable. You don't need to do anything, the window will close itself.


This event is unkown ! Please contribute to this documentation if you know what it does.


This event is called when the authorization is declined. You don't need to do anything, the window will close itself.


This event is called when the window is closed. You don't need to respond anything.


This event is called when the authorization is accepted. You can get the user token from the parameters of event.

index description
0 Returned token from authorization
1 named restricted by MusicKit, if value is 1 it's true
2 named cip by MusicKit but it's unkown

You can get the user token like this :

if ( === 'authorize') {
  let userToken =[0]

πŸ‘€ Learn more about MusicKit JS

MusicKit docs is avaible at this link. If you plan to use advanced features, you can add it to your project with this tag.

<script src="musickit.js" data-web-components async></script>

The code is minified, but you can use tool like unminify to unminify it.

πŸ“„ Contributing

If you have any questions or want to contribute to this documentation, feel free to open an issue or a pull request.


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