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This cybersecurity project is a walkthrough for conducting an internal security audit.

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Risk Management Lab - Conducting a Security Audit and Risk Assessment Reporting


The Risk Management Lab project aims to mitigate risks and prevent security incidents for a fictional company called Botium Toys. Conducting these risk management exercises, such as security audits and risk assessment reporting, supports overall business resilience, regulatory compliance, and heightened security awareness in an increasingly uncertain cyber landscape and fast-paced organizational environment. Security audits help ensure that security checks are performed to monitor threats, risks, or vulnerabilities that can affect an organization’s business continuity and critical assets. In this risk assessment exercise, I evaluate the security controls and regulatory compliance of Botium Toys to improve its security posture as an organization. This hands-on project helps deepen the understanding of security auditing, risk assessment, and defense-in-depth strategies.

Skills Learned

  • Conducting a comprehensive security audit and risk assessment to evaluate an organization's current security posture.
  • Assessing security controls and best practices such as separation of duties, least privilege, and intrusion detection systems (IDS).
  • Assessing regulatory compliance frameworks like PCI DSS, GDPR, and SOC 1/SOC 2 to ensure alignment with industry standards.
  • Developing and documenting security policies, procedures, and processes to protect sensitive data and enhance organizational resilience.
  • Utilizing tools and methodologies such as the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) to structure and guide security audit activities.



This scenario is based on a fictional company:

Botium Toys is a small U.S. business that develops and sells toys. The business has a single physical location, which serves as their main office, a storefront, and warehouse for their products. However, Botium Toy’s online presence has grown, attracting customers in the U.S. and abroad. As a result, their information technology (IT) department is under increasing pressure to support their online market worldwide.

The manager of the IT department has decided that an internal IT audit needs to be conducted. She expresses concerns about not having a solidified plan of action to ensure business continuity and compliance, as the business grows. She believes an internal audit can help better secure the company’s infrastructure and help them identify and mitigate potential risks, threats, or vulnerabilities to critical assets. The manager is also interested in ensuring that they comply with regulations related to internally processing and accepting online payments and conducting business in the European Union (E.U.).

The IT manager starts by implementing the National Institute of Standards and Technology Cybersecurity Framework (NIST CSF), establishing an audit scope and goals, listing assets currently managed by the IT department, and completing a risk assessment. The goal of the audit is to provide an overview of the risks and/or fines that the company might experience due to the current state of their security posture.

Your task is to review the IT manager’s scope, goals, and risk assessment report. Then, perform an internal audit by completing a controls and compliance checklist.

Botium Toys: Scope, goals, and risk assessment report

Scope and goals of the audit

Scope: The scope of this audit is defined as the entire security program at Botium Toys. This includes their assets like employee equipment and devices, their internal network, and their systems. You will need to review the assets Botium Toys has and the controls and compliance practices they have in place.

Goals: Assess existing assets and complete the controls and compliance checklist to determine which controls and compliance best practices that need to be implemented to improve Botium Toys’ security posture.

Current assets

Assets managed by the IT Department include:

  • On-premises equipment for in-office business needs
  • Employee equipment: end-user devices (desktops/laptops, smartphones), remote workstations, headsets, cables, keyboards, mice, docking stations, surveillance cameras, etc.
  • Storefront products available for retail sale on site and online; stored in the company’s adjoining warehouse
  • Management of systems, software, and services: accounting, telecommunication, database, security, ecommerce, and inventory management
  • Internet access
  • Internal network
  • Data retention and storage
  • Legacy system maintenance: end-of-life systems that require human monitoring

Risk assessment

Risk description

Currently, there is inadequate management of assets. Additionally, Botium Toys does not have all of the proper controls in place and may not be fully compliant with U.S. and international regulations and standards.

Control best practices

The first of the five functions of the NIST CSF is Identify. Botium Toys will need to dedicate resources to identify assets so they can appropriately manage them. Additionally, they will need to classify existing assets and determine the impact of the loss of existing assets, including systems, on business continuity.

Risk score

On a scale of 1 to 10, the risk score is 8, which is fairly high. This is due to a lack of controls and adherence to compliance best practices.

Additional comments

The potential impact from the loss of an asset is rated as medium, because the IT department does not know which assets would be at risk. The risk to assets or fines from governing bodies is high because Botium Toys does not have all of the necessary controls in place and is not fully adhering to best practices related to compliance regulations that keep critical data private/secure. Review the following bullet points for specific details:

  • Currently, all Botium Toys employees have access to internally stored data and may be able to access cardholder data and customers’ PII/SPII.
  • Encryption is not currently used to ensure confidentiality of customers’ credit card information that is accepted, processed, transmitted, and stored locally in the company’s internal database.
  • Access controls pertaining to least privilege and separation of duties have not been implemented.
  • The IT department has ensured availability and integrated controls to ensure data integrity.
  • The IT department has a firewall that blocks traffic based on an appropriately defined set of security rules.
  • Antivirus software is installed and monitored regularly by the IT department.
  • The IT department has not installed an intrusion detection system (IDS).
  • There are no disaster recovery plans currently in place, and the company does not have backups of critical data.
  • The IT department has established a plan to notify E.U. customers within 72 hours if there is a security breach. Additionally, privacy policies, procedures, and processes have been developed and are enforced among IT department members/other employees, to properly document and maintain data.
  • Although a password policy exists, its requirements are nominal and not in line with current minimum password complexity requirements (e.g., at least eight characters, a combination of letters and at least one number; special characters).
  • There is no centralized password management system that enforces the password policy’s minimum requirements, which sometimes affects productivity when employees/vendors submit a ticket to the IT department to recover or reset a password.
  • While legacy systems are monitored and maintained, there is no regular schedule in place for these tasks and intervention methods are unclear.
  • The store’s physical location, which includes Botium Toys’ main offices, store front, and warehouse of products, has sufficient locks, up-to-date closed-circuit television (CCTV) surveillance, as well as functioning fire detection and prevention systems.


My Security Audit

Security Controls checklist

Here is my assessment of whether Botium Toys has actively implemented the following critical security controls.

Control Yes No Explanation
Separation of duties 🗹 Implementing this is necessary to minimize fraud and unauthorized access to sensitive data, as the CEO currently handles both daily operations and payroll management.
Password policies 🗹 The current minimal password requirements for employees make it easier for threat actors to gain access to secure data or other assets through employee work devices or the internal network.
Least Privilege 🗹 All employees have unrestricted access to customer data; access needs to be limited to reduce the risk of data breaches.
Intrusion detection system (IDS) 🗹 The IT department needs an IDS to detect potential intrusions by threat actors.
Antivirus Software 🗹 The IT department has installed and regularly monitors antivirus software.
Data Recovery Plans 🗹 There are no disaster recovery plans in place, which are essential for maintaining business continuity.
Backups 🗹 The IT department needs to ensure backups of critical data are available to maintain business continuity in the event of a breach.
Password Management System 🗹 Currently, there is no password management system; implementing one would enhance productivity for both the IT department and other employees by resolving password-related issues more efficiently.
Firewalls 🗹 The existing firewall is effectively blocking traffic according to a well-defined set of security rules.
Manual monitoring, maintenance, and intervention for legacy systems 🗹 Although legacy systems are in use, there is no regular schedule for their monitoring and maintenance, and procedures for intervention are unclear, which could leave these systems vulnerable to breaches.
Closed-circuit television (CCTV) surveillance 🗹 CCTV is installed and operational at the store’s physical location.
Locks (offices, storefront, and warehouse) 🗹 The physical location, including the main offices, storefront, and warehouse, is adequately secured with locks.
Fire detection/prevention (fire alarm, sprinkler system, etc.) 🗹 Botium Toys’ physical location is equipped with a functioning fire detection and prevention system.


Compliance checklist

Here is my evaluation of whether Botium Toys meets established regulatory compliance standards.

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)

Best Practice Yes No Explanation
Credit card information is accepted, processed, transmitted, and stored internally in a secure environment. 🗹 Credit card information is not encrypted, and all employees have access to internal data, including customers’ credit card information.
Implement data encryption procedures to better secure credit card transaction touchpoints and data. 🗹 Encryption is not used, compromising the confidentiality of customers’ financial information.
Only authorized users have access to customers’ credit card information. 🗹 At present, all employees can access the company’s internal data.
Adopt secure password management policies. 🗹 Current password policies are minimal, and there is no password management system in place.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Best Practice Yes No Explanation
Ensure data is properly classified and inventoried. 🗹 While current assets are inventoried, they are not classified.
There is a plan in place to notify E.U. customers within 72 hours if their data is compromised/there is a breach. 🗹 A plan is in place to notify E.U. customers within 72 hours in case of a data breach.
E.U. customers’ data is kept private/secured. 🗹 Encryption is not used, which compromises the confidentiality of customers’ financial information.
Enforce privacy policies, procedures, and processes to properly document and maintain data. 🗹 Privacy policies, procedures, and processes are established and enforced among IT team members and other employees as required.

System and Organization Controls (SOC 1, SOC 2)

Best Practice Yes No Explanation
Data is available to individuals authorized to access it. 🗹 Data is accessible to all employees, but access needs to be restricted to authorized personnel only.
Sensitive data (PII/SPII) is confidential/private. 🗹 Encryption is not utilized, putting the confidentiality of PII/SPII at risk.
User access policies are established. 🗹 Controls for Least Privilege and Separation of Duties are lacking; all employees have access to internal data.
Data integrity ensures the data is consistent, complete, accurate, and has been validated. 🗹 Measures are in place to ensure data integrity.


Here are my recommendations for the IT Manager of Botium Toys.


Based on a thorough review of Botium Toys' current security controls and compliance checklist, it is clear that there are several areas where improvements are needed to enhance the company’s security posture. Below are the specific recommendations for addressing these gaps:

1. Implement Separation of Duties

  • Current Situation: The CEO manages both day-to-day operations and payroll, creating a potential risk for fraud and unauthorized access to critical data.
  • Recommendation: Divide these responsibilities among different individuals to reduce the risk of fraud and enhance data security. Consider using role-based access control (RBAC) software such as Okta or Microsoft Azure AD to help implement and manage the separation of duties.

2. Strengthen Password Policies

  • Current Situation: Employee password requirements are minimal.
  • Recommendation: Enforce stronger password policies that require complex passwords and regular updates to mitigate the risk of unauthorized access. Implement password policy enforcement using tools like Microsoft Azure AD or LastPass.

3. Adopt the Principle of Least Privilege

  • Current Situation: All employees have access to customer data.
  • Recommendation: Restrict access to customer data to only those employees who need it to perform their job functions. This will significantly reduce the risk of data breaches. Botium Toys can deploy access management solutions such as CyberArk to enforce least privilege access.

4. Install an Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

  • Current Situation: There is no IDS in place.
  • Recommendation: Implement an IDS to help identify and respond to potential intrusions in real-time, thereby enhancing the security monitoring capabilities of the IT department. Consider deploying IDS tools like Suricata or Snort for real-time intrusion detection.

5. Develop and Implement Disaster Recovery Plans

  • Current Situation: No disaster recovery plans are currently in place.
  • Recommendation: Create and regularly update disaster recovery plans to ensure business continuity in the event of a cyber-attack or other disaster. Use disaster recovery solutions like Veeam Backup & Replication to develop and manage comprehensive recovery plans.

6. Establish Regular Data Backups

  • Current Situation: Critical data backups are not performed.
  • Recommendation: Schedule regular backups of all critical data and ensure these backups are stored securely. This will help in quick recovery from data breaches or losses.
  • Tools/Technologies: Implement backup solutions like Acronis Cyber Backup to ensure regular and secure data backups.

7. Deploy a Password Management System

  • Current Situation: No password management system is currently in place.
  • Recommendation: Implement a password management system to improve password security and management efficiency across the organization. Using an enterprise password management tool like LastPass Enterprise can help.

8. Regular Maintenance and Monitoring of Legacy Systems

  • Current Situation: Legacy systems are used but lack regular maintenance schedules.
  • Recommendation: Establish a regular maintenance schedule and clear intervention procedures for legacy systems to prevent potential security vulnerabilities. The company can employ monitoring solutions like Nagios to manage and schedule maintenance for legacy systems.

9. Implement Data Encryption

  • Current Situation: Encryption is not used for sensitive information.
  • Recommendation: Use encryption to secure sensitive data, especially customer and payment information, to ensure confidentiality and compliance with regulatory standards. I recommend employing encryption solutions like BitLocker for data encryption.

10. Enhance Compliance with Regulatory Standards

  • Current Situation: There are gaps in compliance with PCI DSS, GDPR, and SOC requirements.
  • Recommendation: Implement controls such as least privilege, separation of duties, and encryption. Properly classify and inventory assets to identify additional controls needed to protect sensitive information. Using compliance management tools like OneTrust or LogicGate can streamline and manage compliance efforts.

By addressing these recommendations and leveraging the suggested well-known tools and technologies, Botium Toys can significantly improve its security posture, ensuring better protection of its critical assets and compliance with relevant regulations. These actions will not only help in mitigating risks but also enhance the overall resilience and reliability of the company's operations in an increasingly challenging cyber environment.


This cybersecurity project is a walkthrough for conducting an internal security audit.






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