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wauv - web audio visualiser

Audio visualisation project using the Web Audio and SoundCloud API. Visit the site at

Known issues

  • Some tracks won't play due to a broken access-control response header from the SoundCloud API. SoundCloud is aware of the issue and will hopefully solve it soon!


If you're a developer and feel like making your own visualisations we welcome you to fork the project and give it a go! All contributions are appreciated.

  1. Fork the project
  2. Create an animation class
  3. Include your animation class in the application
  4. Create a pull request

Create an animation class

Please use Speaker.js as a reference and guideline for constructing your own animation classes.

Your animation class should focus solely on one task; rendering graphics based on audio data. How you want to visualise the music is up to you! The audio is streamed from SoundCloud and turned into quantitative data through an audio analyser class; SoundCloudAudioAnalyser.js, API reference below.

Currently the following libraries are included and at your disposal:

  • three.js (3D rendering)
  • raphael.js (simplified svg rendering)
  • chroma.js (easy handling of colors and color scales)

If you want to add another library please let us know.


The following requirements have to be met for your animation class to work correctly:

  1. A constructor that takes two (or possibly one) arguments; audioSource and options (not required but recommended)
  2. Two public parameterless methods; draw and destroy
  3. The canvas or svg element that's going to be drawn on should be added to the DOM as soon as the class is instantiated

audioSource is an instance of SoundCloudAudioAnalyser that delivers audio frequency data to your animation class. Read more about SoundCloudAudioAnalyser and what data you'll have at your disposal below in the API reference.

options is an object containing properties that affect the behaviour of your animation. Keep in mind that you might want to have a private variable in you class containing default values for these options.

The draw method will be called roughly 60 times per second and tells your animation class that it's time to render a new frame. To access the current audio frequency data from your draw method use audioSource.getFrequencyDataBySize(n) which returns an array containing n number of frequency intervals with an amplitude value for each interval. n has to be a power of two! Now it's up to you to use the data and make some canvas or svg magic.

The destroy method will be called when the user choses to display another animation class. This method has to discard DOM elements and other stuff that your class has created. Avoid memory leaks!

To summarize:

function MyAnimation(audioSource, options) {
  // Everything in your animation class goes here
  var _init = function() {
    // Create canvas or svg and add to the DOM
    // Setup options with default values and do other initiation stuff
  this.draw = function() {
    // Do animation stuff
  this.destroy = function() {
    // Do clean-up stuff

The rest we leave to you. You may add as many private methods as you want to keep your code nice and tidy. You can make use of included libraries such as raphael.js and chroma.js to enhance your animations, but try to keep performance in mind. If you want to include a new library please contact us before doing so.

Include your animation class in the application

  1. Place your animation class in the js/animation folder
  2. Include it with a script tag in index.html
  3. Add a new object containing info about your class to the animations array in js/animations.js
  4. Done! Try it out by using the animation style view (ctrl + d)

API Reference

This is an API reference for SoundCloudAudioAnalyser.js which is used to quantify frequency data of the currently played track.


Returns array with quantified frequency data that can be used for animating. Every item in the array corresponds to an interval of frequencies (e.g. 20-100 Hz) and has a value between 0 and 255 (may vary, see frequencyMaxValue) which represents the avarage amplitude in that interval.

var data = audioSource.getFrequencyData();

for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
  // This will give you an amplitude value between 0 and 255


Same as getFrequencyData() but with custom size. The size has to be a power of two for now.

// This array will contain 8 items with amplitude values
var data = audioSource.getFrequencyDataBySize(8);


Read only. The highest possible value of item in frequency data. This is normally 255, but may be changed in the future to provide more accurate amplitude readings.

var maxValue = audioSource.frequencyMaxValue;
var data = audioSource.getFrequencyDataBySize(8);

for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
    // This will give you a amplitude value between 0 and 1 which you can use in your animations
    var amplitude = data[i] / maxValue;


The degree of smoothing over time that should be applied to values returned by getFrequencyData() and getFrequencyDataBySize(size). The value may range from 0 to 1 and the default value is 0.95. Higher values means smoother transitions between low and high amplitude values, vice-versa.

audioSource.smoothingTimeConstant = 0.95;


The FFT size to use when analysing audio, this could be seen as the sample rate of the frequency domain. The value has to be a power of two and at least 32. Default is 128. For more info see

audioSource.fftSize = 128;


Read only. The number of items in the array returned by getFrequencyData(). This is always fftSize divided by two.

var count = audioSource.frequencyBinCount;


Object containing info about the currently playing track. For more info see

var track = audioSource.currentTrack;

console.log('Now playing ' + track.title + ' by ' + track.user.username);

Contact us

Got questions or feedback? You can reach us at:


Audio visualisation application using the Web Audio and SoundCloud API






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