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The cluster-state-service consumes events from a stream of all changes to containers and instances across your Amazon ECS clusters, persists the events in a local data store, and provides APIs (e.g., search, filter, list, etc.) that enable you to query the state of your cluster so you can respond to changes in real-time. The cluster-state-service utilizes etcd as the data store to track your Amazon ECS cluster state locally, and it also manages any drift in state by periodically reconciling state with Amazon ECS.


The cluster-state-service API operations:

  • Lists and describes container instances and tasks
  • Filters container instances and tasks by status or cluster
  • Listens to streaming container instance and task state changes

Building cluster-state-service

The cluster-state-service depends on golang and go-swagger. Install and configure golang. For more information about installing go-swagger, see the go-swagger documentation.

$ git clone blox/blox
$ cd blox/blox/cluster-state-service
$ make get-deps
$ make

# Find the cluster-state-service binary in 'out' folder
$ ls out/
LICENSE                 cluster-state-service


We provide an AWS CloudFormation template to set up the necessary prerequisites for the cluster-state-service. After the prerequisites are ready, you can launch the cluster-state-service via the Docker compose file, if you prefer. For more information, see the Blox Deployment Guide.

To launch the cluster-state-service manually, use the following steps.


In order to use the cluster-state-service, you need to set up an Amazon SQS queue, configure CloudWatch Events, and add the queue as a target for ECS events.

The cluster-state-service also depends on etcd to store the cluster state locally. To set up etcd manually, see the etcd documentation.

Quick Start - Launching the cluster-state-service

The cluster-state-service is provided as a Docker image for your convenience. You can launch it with the following code. Use appropriate values for AWS_REGION, etcd IP, and port and queue names.

docker run -e AWS_REGION=us-west-2 \
    AWS_PROFILE=default \
    -v ~/.aws:/.aws \
    -v /tmp/css-logs:/var/output/logs \
    goguardian/cluster-state-service:0.3.0 \
    --etcd-endpoint $ETCD_IP:$ETCD_PORT \
    --queue_name $SQS_QUEUE_NAME

You can also override the logger configuration like the log file and log level.

docker run -e AWS_REGION=us-west-2 \
AWS_PROFILE=default \
    CSS_LOG_FILE=/var/output/logs/css.log \
    CSS_LOG_LEVEL=info \
    -v ~/.aws:/.aws \
    -v /tmp/css-logs:/var/output/logs \
    goguardian/cluster-state-service:0.3.0 \
    --etcd-endpoint $ETCD_IP:$ETCD_PORT \
    --queue event_stream

API endpoint

After you launch the cluster-state-service, you can interact with and use the REST API by using the endpoint at port 3000. Identify the cluster-state-service container IP address and connect to port 3000. For more information about the API definitions, see the swagger specification.