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About   |   Features   |   How to Edit site.json

🎯 About

Linkshrub is a simple link listing project for organizations or personal identities. You can just fork or download the project and edit the site.json to create your own linkshrub.

✨ Features

✔️ Featured links
✔️ Space for social media links
✔️ View for desktop and mobile

🚀 How to Edit site.json

The list of all variables and what they mean:

  • name: Your or your organization's name
  • logo: Your photo or your organization's logo. If you gonna add it as a static file, you should add it to the public folder and write the path like this: "/logo.png", or you can add it as a link like this: ""
  • islogoalink: Set true if you will add your logo as a link, and set false if you gonna add your logo as a static image to the project.
  • imageislogo: Set true if you added a logo, and set false if it's a photo of you or the team etc.
  • cropimagetosquare: Set true if you want to crop your image to square(1:1), and set false if you want to keep the original image.
  • description: Your or your organization's description
  • gradientcolors: Edit the gradient colors of the background using hex codes. Leave as "", if you want to use the default gradient.
  • cardcolor: Edit the color of the card using hex codes. Leave as "", if you want to use the default color.
  • cardtextcolor: Edit the text color of the card using hex codes. Leave as "", if you want to use the default color.
  • socials: Edit linkedin, instagram, github, and twitter links. Others will de added soon.
  • links: Edit the links you want to show on the site. You can add as many as you want. DO NOT FORGET! The first link you gonna add will be the featured link on the site.

Made by Gökser Pirik


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