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internal/typeparams/example: start adding a guide to generics for tools
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This CL begins adding a guide for the new APIs introduced with Go 1.18
to support writing tools that understand generic Go code.

For now I've added a summary of the new APIs, an initial example, and
some discussion of the typeparams package. Subsequent CLs will add more
examples, and polish.

Updates golang/go#50447

Change-Id: I4ed8d7a2f43e748374d14f3f515673d69ab2d5a0
Trust: Robert Findley <>
Run-TryBot: Robert Findley <>
Trust: Dominik Honnef <>
gopls-CI: kokoro <>
TryBot-Result: Gopher Robot <>
Reviewed-by: Suzy Mueller <>
  • Loading branch information
findleyr committed Jan 22, 2022
1 parent 3c751cd commit 84f205d
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Showing 4 changed files with 692 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions internal/typeparams/common.go
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
// the StructuralTerms API computes a minimal representation of the structural
// restrictions on a type parameter. In the future, this API may be available
// from go/types.
// See the example/ for a more detailed guide on how to update tools
// to support generics.
package typeparams

import (
Expand Down
328 changes: 328 additions & 0 deletions internal/typeparams/example/
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
<!-- Autogenerated by weave; DO NOT EDIT -->
<!-- To regenerate the readme, run: -->
<!-- go run -->

# Updating tools to support type parameters.

This guide is maintained by Rob Findley (``).

**status**: this document is currently a work-in-progress. See
[golang/go#50447]( for more details.

1. [Introduction](#introduction)
1. [Summary of new language features and their APIs](#summary-of-new-language-features-and-their-apis)
1. [Examples](#examples)
1. [Generic types](#generic-types)
1. [Constraint Interfaces](#constraint-interfaces)
1. [Instantiation](#instantiation)
1. [Updating tools while building at older Go versions](#updating-tools-while-building-at-older-go-versions)
1. [Further help](#further-help)

# Introduction

With Go 1.18, Go now supports generic programming via type parameters. This
document is intended to serve as a guide for tool authors that want to update
their tools to support the new language constructs introduced for generic Go.

This guide assumes some knowledge of the language changes to support generics.
See the following references for more information:

- The [original proposal]( for type parameters.
- The [addendum for type sets](
- The [latest language specfication]( (still in-progress as of 2021-01-11).
- The proposals for new APIs in
[go/token and go/ast](, and in

It also assumes existing knowledge of `go/ast` and `go/types`. If you're just
getting started,
[x/example/gotypes]( is
a great introduction (and was the inspiration for this guide).

# Summary of new language features and their APIs

While generic Go programming is a large change to the language, at a high level
it introduces only a few new concepts. Specifically, we can break down our
discussion into the following three broad categories. In each category, the
relevant new APIs are listed (some constructors and getters/setters may be
elided where they are trivial).

**Generic types**. Types and functions may be _generic_, meaning their
declaration has a non-empty _type parameter list_: as in `type List[T any]
...` or `func f[T1, T2 any]() { ... }`. Type parameter lists define placeholder
types (_type parameters_), scoped to the declaration, which may be substituted
by any type satisfying their corresponding _constraint interface_ to
_instantiate_ a new type or function.

Generic types may have methods, which declare `receiver type parameters` via
their receiver type expression: `func (r T[P1, ..., PN]) method(...) (...)

_New APIs_:
- The field `ast.TypeSpec.TypeParams` holds the type parameter list syntax for
type declarations.
- The field `ast.FuncType.TypeParams` holds the type parameter list syntax for
function declarations.
- The type `types.TypeParam` is a `types.Type` representing a type parameter.
On this type, the `Constraint` and `SetConstraint` methods allow
getting/setting the constraint, the `Index` method returns the index of the
type parameter in the type parameter list that declares it, and the `Obj`
method returns the object declared in the declaration scope for the type
parameter (a `types.TypeName`).
- The type `types.TypeParamList` holds a list of type parameters.
- The method `types.Named.TypeParams` returns the type parameters for a type
- The method `types.Named.SetTypeParams` sets type parameters on a defined
- The function `types.NewSignatureType` creates a new (possibly generic)
signature type.
- The method `types.Signature.RecvTypeParams` returns the receiver type
parameters for a method.
- The method `types.Signature.TypeParams` returns the type parameters for
a function.

**Constraint Interfaces**: type parameter constraints are interfaces, expressed
via an interface type expression. Interfaces that are only used in constraint
position are permitted new embedded elements composed of tilde expressions
(`~T`) and unions (`A | B | ~C`). The new builtin interface type `comparable`
is implemented by types for which `==` and `!=` are valid. As a special case,
the `interface` keyword may be omitted from constraint expressions if it may be
implied (in which case we say the interface is _implicit_).

_New APIs_:
- The constant `token.TILDE` is used to represent tilde expressions as an
- Union expressions are represented as an `ast.BinaryExpr` using `|`. This
means that `ast.BinaryExpr` may now be both a type and value expression.
- The method `types.Interface.IsImplicit` reports whether the `interface`
keyword was elided from this interface.
- The method `types.Interface.MarkImplicit` marks an interface as being
- The method `types.Interface.IsComparable` reports whether every type in an
interface's type set is comparable.
- The method `types.Interface.IsMethodSet` reports whether an interface is
defined entirely by its methods (has no _specific types_).
- The type `types.Union` is a type that represents an embedded union
expression in an interface. May only appear as an embedded element in
- The type `types.Term` represents a (possibly tilde) term of a union.

**Instantiation**: generic types and functions may be _instantiated_ to create
non-generic types and functions by providing _type arguments_ (`var x T[int]`).
Function type arguments may be _inferred_ via function arguments, or via
type parameter constraints.

_New APIs_:
- The type `ast.IndexListExpr` holds index expressions with multiple indices,
as occurs in instantiation expressions with multiple type arguments, or in
receivers with multiple type parameters.
- The function `types.Instantiate` instantiates a generic type with type arguments.
- The type `types.Context` is an opaque instantiation context that may be
shared to reduce duplicate instances.
- The field `types.Config.Context` holds a shared `Context` to use for
instantiation while type-checking.
- The type `types.TypeList` holds a list of types.
- The type `types.ArgumentError` holds an error associated with a specific
argument index. Used to represent instantiation errors.
- The field `types.Info.Instances` maps instantiated identifiers to information
about the resulting type instance.
- The type `types.Instance` holds information about a type or function
- The method `types.Named.TypeArgs` reports the type arguments used to
instantiate a named type.

# Examples

The following examples demonstrate the new APIs above, and discuss their
properties. All examples are runnable, contained in subdirectories of the
directory holding this README.

## Generic types

### Type parameter lists

Suppose we want to understand the generic library below, which defines a generic
`Pair`, a constraint interface `Constraint`, and a generic function `MakePair`.

package main
type Constraint interface {
Value() interface{}
type Pair[L, R any] struct {
left L
right R
func MakePair[L, R Constraint](l L, r R) Pair[L, R] {
return Pair[L, R]{l, r}

We can use the new `TypeParams` fields in `ast.TypeSpec` and `ast.FuncType` to
access the syntax of the type parameter list. From there, we can access type
parameter types in at least three ways:
- by looking up type parameter definitions in `types.Info`
- by calling `TypeParams()` on `types.Named` or `types.Signature`
- by looking up type parameter objects in the declaration scope. Note that
there now may be a scope associated with an `ast.TypeSpec` node.

func PrintTypeParams(fset *token.FileSet, file *ast.File) error {
conf := types.Config{Importer: importer.Default()}
info := &types.Info{
Scopes: make(map[ast.Node]*types.Scope),
Defs: make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Object),
_, err := conf.Check("hello", fset, []*ast.File{file}, info)
if err != nil {
return err
// For convenience, we can use ast.Inspect to find the nodes we want to
// investigate.
ast.Inspect(file, func(n ast.Node) bool {
var name *ast.Ident // the name of the generic object, or nil
var tparamSyntax *ast.FieldList // the list of type parameter fields
var tparamTypes *types.TypeParamList // the list of type parameter types
var scopeNode ast.Node // the node associated with the declaration scope
switch n := n.(type) {
case *ast.TypeSpec:
name = n.Name
tparamSyntax = n.TypeParams
tparamTypes = info.Defs[name].Type().(*types.Named).TypeParams()
name = n.Name
scopeNode = n
case *ast.FuncDecl:
name = n.Name
tparamSyntax = n.Type.TypeParams
tparamTypes = info.Defs[name].Type().(*types.Signature).TypeParams()
scopeNode = n.Type
if name == nil {
return true // not a generic object
// Option 1: find type parameters by looking at their declaring field list.
if tparamSyntax != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s has a type parameter field list with %d fields\n", name.Name, tparamSyntax.NumFields())
for _, field := range tparamSyntax.List {
for _, name := range field.Names {
tparam := info.Defs[name]
fmt.Printf(" field %s defines an object %q\n", name.Name, tparam)
} else {
fmt.Printf("%s does not have a type parameter list\n", name.Name)
// Option 2: find type parameters via the TypeParams() method on the
// generic type.
fmt.Printf("%s has %d type parameters:\n", name.Name, tparamTypes.Len())
for i := 0; i < tparamTypes.Len(); i++ {
tparam := tparamTypes.At(i)
fmt.Printf(" %s has constraint %s\n", tparam, tparam.Constraint())
// Option 3: find type parameters by looking in the declaration scope.
scope, ok := info.Scopes[scopeNode]
if ok {
fmt.Printf("%s has a scope with %d objects:\n", name.Name, scope.Len())
for _, name := range scope.Names() {
fmt.Printf(" %s is a %T\n", name, scope.Lookup(name))
} else {
fmt.Printf("%s does not have a scope\n", name.Name)
return true
return nil

This program produces the following output. Note that not every type spec has
a scope.

> go run
Constraint does not have a type parameter list
Constraint has 0 type parameters:
Constraint does not have a scope
Pair has a type parameter field list with 2 fields
field L defines an object "type parameter L any"
field R defines an object "type parameter R any"
Pair has 2 type parameters:
L has constraint any
R has constraint any
Pair has a scope with 2 objects:
L is a *types.TypeName
R is a *types.TypeName
MakePair has a type parameter field list with 2 fields
field L defines an object "type parameter L hello.Constraint"
field R defines an object "type parameter R hello.Constraint"
MakePair has 2 type parameters:
L has constraint hello.Constraint
R has constraint hello.Constraint
MakePair has a scope with 4 objects:
L is a *types.TypeName
R is a *types.TypeName
l is a *types.Var
r is a *types.Var

### Methods on generic types


## Constraint Interfaces

### New interface elements


### Implicit interfaces


### Type sets


## Instantiation

### Finding instantiated types


### Creating new instantiated types


### Using a shared context


# Updating tools while building at older Go versions

In the examples above, we can see how a lot of the new APIs integrate with
existing usage of `go/ast` or `go/types`. However, most tools still need to
build at older Go versions, and handling the new language constructs in-line
will break builds at older Go versions.

For this purpose, the `x/exp/typeparams` package provides functions and types
that proxy the new APIs (with stub implementations at older Go versions).
**NOTE**: does not yet exist -- see
[golang/go#50447]( for more information.

# Further help

If you're working on updating a tool to support generics, and need help, please
feel free to reach out for help in any of the following ways:
- Via the [golang-tools]( mailing list.
- Directly to me via email (``).
- For bugs, you can [file an issue](

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